We Were The One Who Broke Your Happy Married Life

"Are you speaking the truth?" Da-Jung opened her eyes wide in surprise. She covered her mouth as tears started falling down from her eyes. This was the most happiest news she had ever heard.

Today, she had come to the studio to practice after quite a few days. She was also glad that Woo-Jin wasn't around and it was only her and Jinha, maybe if Woo-Jin had been around, things would have been awkward.

Nevertheless, she was very much happy to know that her father had woken up from his coma. He was absolutely fine and he was asking her to come.

Oh god! How much Da-Jung had waited for this day to come?! She was really happy; so happy that she started crying tears of joy and hugged Jinha.

She told Jinha the news and he too was happy as her. Telling that he would say something when Woo-Jin arrives, Jinha allowed Da-Jung to go and she hurriedly reached the hospital.

While waiting outside the door, Da-Jung took deep breaths and wiped the tears which were coming non-stop. She couldn't show her father that she was crying. She had to be a strong girl!

She took deep breaths, wiped her tears and put on a big smile on her face.

But no matter what she tried, as soon as she opened the door and her eyes met with her father's, Da-Jung covered her mouth with her hand and cried. She rushed after him and hugged him.

"Dad! You are finally awake. I missed you so much!" She kissed his forehead and her dad also cried along with her.

After shedding tears for some time, Da-Jung and her dad calmed down and she sat close to her father, hugging him. "Woo-Jin did not come?"

Da-Jung looked at her father surprisingly and then at her mother. She signalled her mother asking what her father was asking about and her mother shrugged her shoulders as if saying she didn't know either.

"What… what do you mean, Dad?"

Her dad looked up at her and observed his daughter's beautiful face. It was tired and he felt terrible that he left his daughter in such a state.

The thing was, he had a dream; a dream that his daughter had gotten back with Woo-Jin and that they were happy than ever. His daughter had become one of the best artists in the entire country and Woo-Jin was the one who had helped his daughter. And they were also going to start a family.

Maybe, this dream was the reason that Da-Jung's dad decided to wake up only to see his daughter's beautiful face and smile and to see her achieve her dream.

Yet, it seems that he woke up a little too early. His daughter wasn't at all famous and she and Woo-Jin hadn't gotten along.

"Even if you guys are divorced, he should have come to see me, shouldn't he? I was in a coma for four years and he…"

Da-Jung took a deep sigh and held her father's hand. Rubbing his knuckles by her thumb, she smiled and answered "He would have come if he knew that you woke up. I didn't say neither I wanted to, Dad." Da-Jung rubbed her nose, she was sniffling.

Her dad removed his hand from his daughter's hold and slowly clasped his hands together in a prayer position.

"Dad? What are you…"

Da-Jung was unbelievably shocked to see her father asking for forgiveness. He just woke up and the first thing he did was ask for forgiveness.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry, Da-Jung. Your mother and I… we both ruined your happy life. You would have been happy with Yang Woo-Jin but we didn't wanted you to be with him…."

As her dad began to ask for forgiveness, Da-Jung interjected him, trying to stop him from speaking further. It already hurt her that her father woke up after such long time and it hurt more to see her father asking for forgiveness.

"Dad, please stop! Mom, please say Dad to stop. I don't want him to do something like this. Please tell him to stop." Since she couldn't make her father stop from asking for forgiveness, Da-Jung approached her mother asking her to stop her father.

Instead of her mother telling her father to stop, she told Da-Jung to stop and listen to what her father had to say.

"Dad, just don't do this. Don't beg your hands like this. I'm your daughter and I have no anger towards you. I'm happy you woke up, Dad! Just don't…"

"You and Woo-Jin… both are naïve, very naïve."

Her Dad looked at her with eyes full of pity and narrated all that what he did to Woo-Jin to make him stop from going towards their only daughter.

There were just two reasons for Da-Jung's parents' to not accept her marriage. First; Yang Woo-Jin was from a poor background and he had nothing other than a small house to offer to their daughter.

Second; Da-Jung's parents' were getting all the restaurant funds and every single thing from their partner only on the condition that they would get their daughter married to their son. So, they didn't wanted Da-Jung to marry another guy because they had to make their daughter marry their business partner's son, otherwise, their deal would be cut and they would suffer humongous loss.

But when Da-Jung got married to Woo-Jin, the business partner who was providing all sorts of funds started to back off from their business and Da-Jung's father was suffering a loss. To maintain that loss, he had to take some money. And he also promised his partner that he would get his daughter married to them.

Da-Jung's parents' tried many things to break their daughter's marriage but nothing was successful. The more days passed, the more the partner was backing off and the more her father was taking money to keep his restaurant open.

However, when Da-Jung and Woo-Jin finally agreed to have a divorce, Da-Jung's father rushed to the partner's house only to get declined later on.

There, her father was declined and took an enormous stress, here… the daughter signed the papers and was now divorced with Woo-Jin.

When he returned to check up on his family, the thought of breaking his daughter's happy married life only for the sake of keeping up with the restaurant made him regret his decisions.

He regretted the spiteful words he used towards his daughter's lover and couldn't have an eye contact with his daughter ever since then. The thought of seeing his daughter die before him made him so angry that he wished that he was the one who was hurt in her stead.

And he ended up in coma for four years.

Even though, he was in coma, when he woke up, he realised that his daughter still wasn't happy. She had debts to pay, fees to pay, a job to do and a harsh life to live. And after seeing the tired look on his daughter's face, Da-Jung's father couldn't do anything other than ask for forgiveness.
