Phil Coulson who acted cool in capturing big bad Ivan by pushing a button was sent to New Mexico. He went from one hammer to another. A hammer that no one can lift or move is found at the bottom of a crater in New Mexico.
SHIELD created a perimeter around the hammer. They wanted to study something so mysterious which can only be considered alien at this point. There they met Thor, Dr. Jane Foster and Dr. Erik Selvig. SHIELD is getting nowhere with their investigations and the Destroyer arrives.
It was at this time that Fury and Natasha used the ring artifact to teleport back to the dome. They arrived at the tree and waited. Soldier One arrived and tossed a pouch to Fury. Before Soldier One was able to disappear into the dome, Natasha asked for help.
Soldier One said that they deserve the items in the pouch and that is the extent of what they deserve. The clan is not obligated to help Natasha in any way. Soldier One turned around to leave but something Fury said made him stop. Fury said that earth is being attacked by powerful aliens and he didn't like feeling powerless. He swore to protect the people and he cannot do anything to the aliens.
Soldier One who is being controlled by Arthur went back to the dome. Arthur himself came out wearing his best wizard robe, a staff, gloves and mask. Then he waved and teleported with Natasha and Fury. They arrived just after Thor left to confront Loki. Arthur swiped the destroyer and teleported Fury, Natasha, Clint, Coulson and Melinda May to Starks Villa.
Arthur explained the rarity and capability of the metal the Destroyer is made of. He then waved and presented a ton of vibranium. Arthur said that trade with Wakanda was good and he obtained some extra vibranium. He divided the destroyer into three equal parts and took one portion. He gave the other portion to Fury. The last one will go to Iron Man. He did the same with vibranium. With both powerful metals, Tony Stark can upgrade his armor and arc reactor. Fury can create powerful weapons for the strongest members of SHIELD.
Then Arthur teleported to other planets. When the ravagers visited earth to take Peter Quill, he mind-controlled several of them and gave it a few artifacts. The mission Arthur gave is to leave the ravagers when they visit any planet, they would secretly leave an artifact there. Arthur never visited any of the planets because he fears that his spells could easily be countered by highly advanced civilizations.
This time because Fury acted out of character and asked for help, Arthur felt something was wrong. And he started to implement some of his backups. He teleported to several planets and stole many spaceships. He brought it back to Starks villa without caring if it destroys the garden or a few rooms.
He then started explaining about Asgard, its scope of power and Thanos. After that, he said that they can study the spaceships and create an army. Tony Stark looked at Fury. Its useless to create a fleet of spaceships if half the soldiers would stab them in the back. It���s time to clean up SHIELD.
It looks like the wizard agreed with what Tony Stark and Nick Fury are thinking because he stopped and told them to seek the X-men and ask for help. Hearing that, Nick Fury looked at Natasha. Its time to talk to Logan.
Tony Stark agreed to share all his research results. For secrecy they agreed to leave everything in the Stark villa. Fury flew in a Quinjet to Texas. He wants to know the real reason why Arthur Black helped Logan instead of capturing him for experimentation.
Fury found Arthur Black down in one of the many underground storage. He checked some of the wines and was shocked to discover that some of them are more than a hundred years old. Walking to the middle of the room, he saw Arthur busy choosing wine.
"This is an impressive collection Arthur." Fury spoke with a tinge of envy. There is enough wine to drown him for years and each one looks to be a hundred-year-old wine
"This is the legacy of the black family. We just kept on making wine over the years. The idea is to start selling them when the company falls. But we were blessed with many loyal employees and the company kept existing for many decades." Although Arthur answered Fury, his eyes never left the wines in the table.
"If you are choosing a gift for me." Fury looked at Arthur and the wines on the table, "You don't have to. Billions of secret funds and tons of gold. That was more than enough for me. I don't need anything else."
Arthur turned around, "This is for Natasha. I plan to give her a few bottles so that they have something nice to drink when she goes out with Chris."
Fury did not want to continue this discussion and asked Arthur about Logan. "Why didn't you capture him? You had the super soldier serum. You could have produced better results if you studied his blood seriously."
Fury ranted a bit and simply asked what he really wanted to know, "What made you back off?"
Arthur put down the wine bottles and approached Fury. "Logan is part of the X-men. Their leader is professor Charles Xavier, the strongest known psychic. He has the habit of meddling in anything related to mutants. When pushed to a corner, he can easily erase your memories. His technician, Beast isn't a pushover either and can easily hack the government."
Fury observed Arthur as he tried to digest what he said. The Wizard asked them to meet with the X-men. It is probably to seek help with the powerful psychic. If they have its backing then finding out spies would be easy. This would not be easy but for the sake of getting ready against any alien invasion, they would have to remove the cancerous Hydra within SHIELD.
"Catch." Arthur threw a wine bottle which Fury easily caught. Then he went back to choosing wine while Fury returned to the Quinjet and found that a micro SD card was taped into the wine bottle. A notepad file with an address pointing to an abandoned building is all that could be seen in the memory card.
An hour later, Natasha, Clint, Coulson and Melinda May met Fury at the abandoned building. Their task is to find out the reason why Arthur would point them here. They easily searched every nook and cranny of the building but found nothing. Then Natasha found a false wall which everyone eagerly destroyed. There were sealed notebooks, newspaper clippings and a couple of runes inside.
All the information stored in there said proved thing, the existence of an individual that can teleport, and cast spells. He is not very powerful that he can decimate a city easily but he cannot be captured or beaten without large sacrifices. His spells allow him toy with anyone and any country which he has done over the past century. Retired General Arthur Black dug any rumor about unique events. People that were treated as wackos for speaking of ghosts and other impossible stuff. He even has war reports of soldiers who are supposed to be injured, walking back to the base without an injury.
The last thing that Fury and the rest found when they demolished the last fake wall in the basement is a report made by dozens of fortune tellers. When combined, it says that a young visitor from another world fears becoming stronger. In his tribe, there are two ways to become stronger. The old way which is years of hard work and the other is to pretend to be a god and take power from the masses.
He is trapped in this world because the means he used to travel is damaged. It will take a few centuries to fix it. During his idle time, what will he do? How will he treat humans who have so little lifespan? Will he choose to become a god?
They did not find any mention of the individual who can become a god. Nor any information on where he lives. But the presence of the runes which was said are gifts he would often leave to people he likes are enough proof to point that the wizard they met and the one in Arthurs investigations are one and the same.
This is what Arthur wants to ask Fury and the other heroes of this time. What would be the right choice? Can he live as a god like the Asgardians? Instead of guarding 9 realms, guarding only one planet.
Phil Coulson and Melinda May began recording everything and placing them carefully in bags. This information is beyond top secret. It can only be handled by them. The current cooperation between Tony Stark and SHIELD plus the X-men means that they have to share this information with them. Fury began planning how he can lead the others into building a worldwide defense network and an army that would be capable of intimidating any alien armada.
Fury set up a meeting with the X-men. He invited Tony Starks to the meeting in one of SHIELDs base where the Tesseract is located. The Tesseract being a cube with infinite power would be of great help to their cause and Fury decides to finally share this information with everyone.