Chapter 16 – Loki Arrives

Loki arrived with the Sceptre and managed to mind control Dr. Selvig and Hawkeye. Loki easily stole the Tesseract. Just when he was about to mind-control Tony Shark, Professor X arrived to prevent that from happening. The rest of the X-men attacks and forces Loki to retreat.

Fury told them everything and they formed a team to destroy Hydra so that SHIELD can properly respond to Loki's attacks. X-men and Tony Stark would help clean SHIELD of its cancer. The professor controlled every Hydra member to give themselves up and provide evidence of their involvement. Fury has no time to follow the process and simply locked them up and took over all of Hydras bases.

When Loki returns to use the Tesseract to open a portal to let the Chitauri attack, they were greeted by the Avengers, X-men and a fleet of spaceships piloted by hundreds of super soldiers. They strength and reflexes allowed them to easily kill the Chitauri.

The fight is one-sided as no matter how many the Chitauri sends, earths protectors can easily handle them. A hundred Iron Man armors fly in formation and start to target every ship that they see. JARVIS has been upgraded by Stark specifically for this fight. The coordination of these Iron Man armors is perfect because they are all being controlled by JARVIS.

The super soldiers were piloting personal ships. These ships were produced with the combined capabilities of Stark Industries, Black Industries and SHIELD facilities. The ship is only as big as a car, powered by 5 arc reactors and have an amazing weapons system. They floated on top of the buildings and aimed their firepower at the portal.

SHIELD personnel coordinated with the police and they evacuated every civilian in the area. Some mutants and vigilantes cooperated to check every floor of the damaged buildings. JARVIS provided cover for them by placing a few Iron Man armor near each building.

While everyone was busy fending of an alien armada, Nick Fury is tracking down and disposing of terrorists that may take advantage of the chaos. Using the panic to enter other facilities. He obtained information on a few Hydra bases with tons of weaponry stored. He took all weapons and resources. They would be used to repel the next alien invasion.

Bill reminded Tony and Fury to try and capture a few ships. They would need the technology. It would be best if they can use those ships to become part of earths fleet.

The Iron Man army each used electricity to disable the pilot and bring the ship to a SHIELD base, where SHIELD personnel would start to enter the ship and capture every Chitari inside. they powered down the ship and waited for the next gift that Iron Man would bring.

After the fighting stops, the Wizard appears and took the Tesseract and the Sceptre. He told Dr. Selvig and Natasha that these two objects are to powerful to be left in the hands of humans. He plans to hold them for a while and also study them.

Arthur knew that the best way to fend off Thanos is to use the infinity stones. He made a staff using the metal and placed six sockets at the top. After destroying the cube, he placed the space stone inside one socket. Then he destroyed the Sceptre and placed the mind stone into another socket. Both of these stones produced powerful heroes. The Tesseract created Captain Marvel and the mind stone created Wanda. Because Arthur took the Sceptre, Wanda will not receive her power.

After the Chitauri's failed invasion, a man named Toomes is hired to clear the city but Tony's company takes over the operation and left Toomes without a job. Koro remembered this one because of the spider-man movie. He made it a point to search all of the people who lost their job because of Stark Industries and hires them for the Black Industries. For any areas of the city destroyed by aliens, the clearing of it is left for Stark Industries. While any destruction to the city caused by the avengers or other super powered humans, the Black Industries takes charge of clearing it.

Arthur made sure that Chris Black meets Toomes and his crew. He has met all of the Avengers and he wanted to meet the side characters. When he met Toomes who would have become the Vulture if he let things progress just like the movies, he realized that Toomes is a leader and a soldier. Not at the level of Captain America but as good as Phil Coulson. He decides to give them an opportunity.

One of Fury's projects is to send agents in different worlds to gather information. A few would become bounty hunters and have the avengers as backup. The goal is to visit worlds and find which ones would be ok with trading with earth. As for those that don't want to join SHIELD or work outside the solar system, they were hired locally.

Chris Black made sure that he pays them handsomely. He also instituted a few company perks. One is the watcher's initiative. Any employee of Black Industry can join and get their own high-tech watch. If they see any crime, all they have to do is to press a button in the watch and an alert will be sent to SAI (Superior Artificial Intelligence, same as JARVIS, but made by Black Industries). SAI would then coordinate with police and SHIELD to capture the criminals. Then a team of lawyers of Black Industries would make sure to get the maximum time for the offender.

The minute the wizard took the stones, SHIELD was visited by Doctor Strange. A couple of seconds after Doctor Strange arrived, a portal opened by Blink brought the X-man. The wall on the west side opened to let Iron Man enter with the X-jet floating in place with its guns pointed at Doctor Strange.

"Cute." Doctor Strange said, loud enough for all of them to hear. "But you should never provoke a master of the mystic arts." The threat that Doctor Strange didn't look real until hundreds of portals opened all over the place. Even if the backup of Doctor Strange did not enter the portals, one could see that he is in command of an army. The heavy atmosphere continued until fury told his agents to stand down. Iron Man, Professor X and the X-men followed suit and the portals closed.

"Pray tell, why did you visit us, wizard?" Fury did not trust this group of wizards. They have just dealt with the Chitauri invasion. They only come out after the war was over. Besides who can say that they have nothing to do with the wizard who stole the Sceptre and Tesseract.

Doctor Strange explained about the infinity stones. When everyone realized that the wizard took two of the most powerful infinity stones, they all agreed to try and take it back. Fury ferried Blink and Doctor Strange to the dome, next to the tree.

Blink created a portal to let the X-men, Iron man and the other super soldiers through. Doctor Fury opened a portal to let his fellow wizards through.

Iron Man walked to the dome and began scanning. Professor X marveled at the dome. It can block his power. He asked blink to open a portal but blink said that she could not feel anything inside the dome and she cannot access it.

Just as they were busy discussing about the dome, a hundred golems made of vibranium appeared. They encircled everyone. The situation became tense. Everyone powered up, waiting for the fight. But the golems never took any fighting pose and just stood there. Then the golems all faced in one direction. The dome opened and Chris Black, in his original look as Koro, appeared in front of everyone. He is still wearing his combat wizard robe, many artifacts and his right hand is holding the staff with the two infinity stones located at the top.