Chapter 21 – Roasting Everyone

Chapter 21 – Roasting Everyone


Koro thought about what his master said and went back to the tower. He ignored everyone and meditated for some time. He sent a few golems to take all the wines in his underground storage in Texas. Just like his master, he developed a fondness for wine and would often stop meditating to take a sip.

Fury, Natasha, Tony Stark and Doctor Strange visited a few times to see what Koro is doing. The first few years he would talk with them for a few minutes and give them access to his armory. Fury developed a fondness for runes and would take a couple of sacks. Shouldn't have given him those storage beads.

Doctor Strange would check if the infinity stones aren't being used for creating powerful golems or any weapon. As for Tony Stark, he would spar with the golems, win and attack the tower. The defenses of the tower would activate and whoop his ass. While nursing his beaten body, he would order Ultron to take a few boxes of wine and leave. He would return soon to take more. Wine made by wizards are beneficial to the body. Well, even if that is not true. Who would say no to wine?

Koro felt Milly stirring up. He doesn't know why but he instinctively felt Milly asking for energy. He used the stones in his possession but it was not enough. Doctor Strange agreed to lend the Time stone as long as he gets to observe. Natasha wanted Koro to answer three questions in exchange for borrowing an infinity stone.

Natasha wanted to understand the wizard by knowing more about him. He holds three infinity stones and is currently the biggest threat to the universe. If he does not drink every chance he got then maybe she could have trusted him but the three musketeers would always meet to drink.

Fury loves being a spy as much as he loves drinking. Although Tony would give every stolen bottle to his parents, he would enter the tower carrying pizza boxes and start the party. Koro would then come down and drink with the other two while deep in thought.

Five infinity stones were unable to wake up Milly. Koro would need the sixth stone. He is just afraid that taking the sixth stone would bring a powerful enemy. He can still wait. Maybe he can try taking energy from another dimension just like what the ancient one did.

Koro stayed inside his tower and everyone respected his decision. They visit him daily and try to engage him in a spar, drinking party or conversation. Besides those activities, he would still find time to meditate and experiment on what can fully awaken Milly.

The universe enjoyed a fucked-up version of peace. Any trouble or war would find visitors whose power equals that of the famous Captain Marvel. The famous Captain Marvel, lover of all things green, would often bring her fellow star powered monsters to keep the peace by thrashing any group they deem as the bad guy.

There was this archer they called snail behind his back. That is because he can fly faster than lightspeed but he loves using a bow and arrow to fight.

There is this bald guy who likes wearing dark eyeglasses to cover his eyes. Like Captain Marvel and the other group of star warriors, their whole-body glows when they fight. But this old guy likes to ride on ships and use normal space guns. Nobody really understood why he avoids transforming into his most powerful state until a Kree battleship destroyed the middle-aged guys ship. He was forced to assume his star powered state and his whole body glowed. There is no problem with that as all the other star fighters' glow. But in his case, his almost bald head shined brighter than a solar flare.

What remains of his hair glows and adds to the light. People often wondered if he can shine a light through a black hole. He heard others speak that black hole joke at one point in time. After that incident, he took over two planets. The first one he renamed as 'Raft' and the other he renamed as Alcatraz.

The worst of all is the occasional visit of the living abyss. Her red hair shines a beautiful glow while she swings a staff capable of destroying a planet in one hit. She was known to visit bars and hit anyone wearing an eye patch, a full body armor and a robe.

While all these weird policing happens in the universe, Nebula managed to trick Gamora into revealing where the soul stone is located. She never got her closure in this universe. Thanos died before he could appreciate her and recognize her as his daughter. Gamora was busy on her adventures with Peter Quill. That's why they never became close.

In Vormir she learned from the Red Skull that a sacrifice is needed to take the soul stone. She looked at the unconscious Gamora and realizes that she cannot sacrifice her. She decides to jump. Gamora wakes to find the soul stone in her hand. She is devastated and attacks Red Skull. Unfortunately, Red Skulls death did not bring any feeling of consolation to Gamora. She heads to Peter Quill.

The first few months she did not inform Peter Quill of her anguish. Groot and Draxx both noticed Gamora's change. Peter Quill did not notice anything different about Gamora. The soul stone was actually reacting to her emotions. It guided her to Peter Quill. At first, she did not know why. But Peter Quill in one of his ramblings asked if there is a way to harness the power of all six infinity stones to revive someone.

They infiltrate earth and checks their chances of getting the other stones. Peter Quill visibly shrinks upon seeing the living abyss in person. Most people would fall head over heels at Natasha Romanov upon seeing her. He was unfortunate to meet her when she is still angry at the three rarely sober individuals.

Gamora tries to look for anyone with a grudge to the three drunkards. She found Rhodes drinking himself to death. He was known as the back-stabbing fiend who was unable to stab.

Gamora teams up with him and they made a plan to blow up the sun. In their discussion, Doctor Strange would prevent the sun's explosion by using the time stone. They can then grab it and wing it. Rhodes was only interested in lashing out so he tried to trick Gamora that the entire plan should not be said, in case others were able to discover and prevent it.

The half-baked plan worked and the sun explodes, sacrificing the rest of the guardians. Gamora somehow survives but the soul stone remains in the hands of Rhodes. Koro takes all of the stones and fixes things. Then he teleports to Jupiter and uses the stones to destroy the stones while channeling enough power to wake up Milly.

After the stones were destroyed, the universe followed and everything went dark.

Koro woke up a couple of seconds later. He found a dimensional crack in space where a random soul went through. The soul flew straight to earth which miraculously was restored. Koro followed the soul and found it diving into the body of one James "Jimmy" Howlett.

Real Chapter Title

Chapter 21 - Reset

Next Chapter

Chapter 22 – No Fangs, Just Claws

This is a fanfiction of one who loves wolverine.

One random guy from earth becomes wolverine. Koro's job is to deal with him.
