A new age

"Okay so are you two done now?" Casiana asked with her arms crossed and one of her eyebrow is raised.

"I am not finish yet, my Casiana," Antonio and then Antonio turned his gaze to her granddaughter.

"Okay, so Athena, I should tell you that, what if, I tell you the stories I wrote were true?" He asked and then Athena got shocked and amazed.

"Really? They came true?" Athena asked as if she is a kid.

"Maybe, maybe it can, I mean this world is evolving so it can be, time is awesome and uncanny so maybe it can be true, don't you think?" Antonio asked and Casiana on the other side is smiling, she saw memories of the two, she saw the two not by their current ages by their ages as Athena as a kid an Antonio as an adult and it was so beautiful that she wished it is a reality than a memory she just created.