A new age II

The three stared at each other after hearing the words that invaded their eardrums.

'Is this even real?' They asked themselves, this can't be possible.... A Phoenix, a live Phoenix that is talking, how is these even possible, Antonio said it is a story but, how can it be that possible.

Casiana took a deep breath and gathered all her courage and went to the door. She slowly reached the doorknob and twisted it which spits out a woman, cloaked with black, her skin is all white and clean white, she heard the cloaked woman's whisper, she said in her low voice that paints danger and honesty, "Finally we meet."

She took off the cloak of her cap and a smile then painted in her lips that stilled Casiana, "You must reminded, that this already happened, and this time you need to win."

Confusion then painted on Casiana's face because of the words that the unknown woman suddenly spilled out.