Chapter 14

*Louise's point of view*

Looking at Alex from the corner of my eyes, I couldn't help but be in wonder of how god damn gorgeous he was, his Jawline so fine I had to resist the urge of kissing along it. It was like God literally spent his time carving him out and the rest of us were stuck with the leftovers.

His phone started ringing, curious, I turned in my seat so I could see what was going on, only to be met with a knowing smirk. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment at being caught drooling over  him. I could only thank my stars that I wasn't blessed with the porcelain complexion like the rest of my family otherwise, I would be in a constant state of being a breathing tomato.

Suddenly I was hit with a very strong whiff of Cedarwood and a tantalizing musky smell. Barely restraining myself from inhaling the sent like a vacuum, I twisted my head to see where the scent was coming from only to come face to face with Alex. The sudden proximity between us left my head spinning and instinctively I attempted to shuffle back only for my hand to miss judge the chair seat and instead lean on air, causing for my not very graceful tumble out the seat.

'I know that the law isn't as harsh here as it is back in Britain about seatbelts but you really should consider wearing one, I think you'll find it very handy,' Alex chuckled as I glared at him while also trying to get up. I didn't now how I had managed to fall down the gap between my chair and the drivers because it was honestly tiny, however, I did know that I was not going to be getting out anytime soon.

'You going to get up anytime soon?' Alex asked me raising an eyebrow at me after a few minutes passed and I still hadn't got back up, 'DOnt tell me you are stuck.'

'Pfft! What? no way, I just find it a lot more comfortable  down here and warmer,' I bluffed as I tried and failed miserably to keep eye contact.

'Oh  My God, your really stuck aren't you?' he said as he threw his head back, full blown laughing out loud. His laughter did funny things to my belly, but I didn't want to look too into it right now, 'It's that beautifully round ass of yours I tell you.'

Glaring at him I growled, 'Are you going to help me or not?'

Seeming to try and hold his laughter in, he leaned towards me, he stretched out his hands towards me but before I could grab it to pull myself up, he snatched his hand away.

'What you thought I was helping you up?' he laughed smirking at me, 'No way, this is way too funny, no, I just grabbed my laptop case.'

With that, he opened his laptop and blanked me out.

Groaning, I resigned myself to staying on the ground the rest of the journey.


*Alex's point of view*

Ignoring Louise had to be one of the hardest things I had ever done, my eyes kept on straying towards her long bare legs that brushed against mines as she occasionally struggled in getting up.

The Journey was longer than I remembered, but then again, everything seemed to go agonizingly slow when Louise was so close yet so far away. Glancing up at her face, I found her to be sleeping. quietly chuckling myself I put my laptop to the side before grabbing her hand and gently tugging her free yet she didn't even stir. Only she could bore herself into a deep slumber.

Gently sitting her up, I strapped her seatbelt in before allowing her to rest her head on my shoulder. Taking out my phone, I took a very quick picture to keep with me before I lifting m y laptop and working again.

A few hours later, my driver informed me that we had reached our destination. Quietly instructing him to unload our luggage, I attempted to wake Louise. 

Keyword: Attempted.

'Hey, Louise, its time to get up,' i said i gently shook her. i could see her cute little mouth form a scowl, before grunting and snuggling into my side.

'Baby, you need to get up, were here,' i said loudly as I attempted to tickle her awake. I got rewarded with a hard slap to the face before she somehow managed to burrow deeper into my side. I wasn't complaining about our position but my cheek her like a bitch. Letting out a resigned sign, I repositioned myself in order for me to be able to lift her up bridal style, signalling for my driver to follow me into the building.

'Sir, welcome back,'  My housekeeper, Gretna greeted me warmly. I smiled back at her, she was like a warmer version of my mother , 'Oh , qui est la belle endormie ? elle est juste absaloutly parfaitement adorbale.'

'Yes, she is , isn't she.' i replied back as I felt Louise begin to squirm in my arms, 'She's my personal assistant for now.'

'For now? So you plan on being more,' she said through her very thick french accent.

before I could reply, Sleeping beauty herself decided to wake-up.

'Where are we?' she asked in that sexy morning after voice, her eyes still groggy from sleep and her hair shooting out in all directions.

'Were at out apartment,' I replied as I began to follow Gretna who had silently signalled to do so, 'Gretna is just showing us our rooms.'

'You can put me down now you know,' She said embarrassment evident on her features, 'God know I weigh a ton.'

'Nah, I like having you in my arms, I smirked as I reached her door before gently kicking it open and striding her inside, 'Besides, that makes up for missing weight training.'

Putting her down, I planted a quick kiss on her forehead while she was too groggy to react before I retreated towards the door.

'By the way, you slap like a girl,' i called over my shoulders before I closed the door behind me.