Dear ex-best friend

Dear ex-best friend

We used to laugh and play

telling each other we'd never go away

It was all fun and games

until this friendship bursted into flames

It was perfect in my eyes

But then you started lies

"Their a freak" you said with such passion and anger

And now to me your nothing more than a stranger

Dear ex-best friend

You left for another group with nothing to say

I try to keep in contact you say "maybe a different day"

These words repeated every time

When finally I found to realize they were all lies

I didn't want to let go

Telling myself "they just don't know"

I didn't realize how much you made me

Until the words you said erased me

I had to rebuild myself from the ground up

I started to realize how our friendship was so corrupt

It was ready to blow

Without you time slowed

Dear ex-best friend your words really showed

Dear ex-best friend

We went back old as time

When we were singing nursery rhymes

There was another person who did as well

Going back to birth now we're twelve

This person and I had tension

Fighting over your love and affection

In the end you chose their side

Then our friendship was a down slide

You've joined a new group and so have I

I'm happy for you I will not cry

Dear ex-best friend

Thank you for all you've done

You've helped me grow since tag in the sun

I will never let you go and hold you close to heart

I will forever be grateful for you doing your part

Through highs and lows we were together

Now I will watch you grow I no longer hold your tether

We've gone through life passing test upon test

Dear ex-best friend I wish you the best