Dear Mental Illness...

Dear Mental Illness

I hope you know what you've done

How you make so many afraid and run

I hope you understand how many lives you've ruined

You've taken jobs and are a complete nuisance

You think you're powerful, with your darkness and shadows

But really your a coward, can't fight your own battles

You terrorize people and act all regal

The devil should step back because you're the root of all evil

People die at your feet and you do nothing to stop it

You just sit back and watch as people riot

Dear Mental Illness

I see you some night and you seem so tempting

But deep down I know that you're just pretending

You lure people in with your cons and charms

The you kill people with your hands and they fall right back to your arms

A child perceived to have taken their life just last week

But I know it was you, it's just all pain that you seek

You tell me to go with, that nobody would care

You're starting to convince me and that's what makes me scared

You consume me in every inch of my life

Your words cut deeper as you sharpen your knife

Dear Mental Illness

I dug my way out, climbing to the top

You try and pull me back down but I'm not gonna stop

I tried and I tried to get out of your grasp

And now it finally happened I won't forget my past

The wounds and scars will mark me forever

But I leave you behind, I hope to see you never

Never again do I half to hear your calls

Never again will I be so appalled

You can no longer reach me because I'm long gone

Sayonara Mental Illness I'm not your pawn