The Moutain

You stand taller than the rest

Truly doing your best

You've withstood everything the worlds thrown

But as everyone around seems to be fine you feel alone

You got older and people found you

But it seemed their intentions weren't true

They digged into your skin

All the while keeping a grin

Every gem stolen one by one

And it seemed the world weighed more than a ton

You felt you might collapse

It seemed everything was just out of grasp

People didn't care about the erosion

Or that inside you may be broken

They couldn't see

And so you continued to bleed

You feel under pressure and crumble

You can't seem to stay afloat so you fumble

You keep on a smile

Inside you're dying all the while

You think it might be it

So there you sit

Watching time pass

Seeing the fading grass

Trampled and trudged

All of you covered in sludge

Your gold undercoat covered in mud

You've forgotten it in you and let out a flood

Washing away the mud at your lowest time

You finally found yourself and let it shine

You show brightly and stronger than the wind

And for the first time in a while you grinned

Stand tall and stronger than a Moutain

Break off your mud in the fountain

Let yourself glisten and glow

And let all of your happiness flow

Sit tight and wait

Someone will come through those gates

And when they do

That's when the world will reveal the real you