Dear Homophobic People

Dear Homophobic People

Hi, I hope you got time

Because I'm here to speak my mind

Even if you don't I'm not going to stop

This is an issue I'm not going to drop

Until every last person understands

That loving the same gender shouldn't be banned

Love is love, you've heard it before

But I'll say it louder and listen to me I implore

For you have yet to know

Every punch we had to throw

To be where we are today

And we still have a long long way

But we need your help, it can't be done alone

Let your voice be heard, let yourself be shown

Dear Homophobic People

Now that I hopefully have your eyes

I want you to hear our cry's

We range from A to Z, please hear our plea

All that I need is you to open your eyes to see

We aren't here to harm

So please disarm

Disarm your hearts with all you've put up

Open them to see it's corrupt

Corrupt to kill us for something we can't change

Corrupt to think that we're more strange

If god is the reason you disagree

Please take a closer look, he would want peace

Love your neighbors, isn't that what he said

Even your enemies, never 'off with their head'

He wants us to love, love one another

He wants us to be happy, so let us have our lover

Dear Homophobic People

I don't think I changed many minds

But even if it was one this was worth my time

If you still disagree

Here's the hot tea

What have you ever done to you?

Do you think you're words so true?

True enough to take someone's life

True enough to live a life of strife

It's the same kind of love

So why do you shove?

We're still human, part of the same

So stop making us feel like there's something to shame

God made us perfect, just the way we are

And if you can't get that, please get out of the car

You'll be left in the past, stuck behind your door

So what side do you wanna be remembered fighting for?

The side that's progressive, and that will run nations?

Or the one that will be frowned upon by future generations?

Help us fight for everyone who can't

We'll keep on going and never stop our chant