Open your eyes,
Look up to the skies and see,
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
Little high, little low,
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me, to me.
Xavier was sitting in his home office doing some work.
But lately he couldn't do any, he kept thinking about his beautiful angel and how he can keep her away from the danger . The phone rings breaking him out of his thoughts. he answered without looking at the caller .
"Hello" he answered.
"Hello there,old friend" the caller said making Xavier tense .
"What the hell do you want" Xavier growled.
"Tsk,tsk,tsk.this is how you talk to your friend" the caller said.
"I don't have time for your bullshit.." he Xavier hissed.
"I heard you got married...and you didn't invite me" the caller said " I'm really disappointed xav"
Xavier blood went cold.
"I'm thinking of visiting little Aurora and have little chat." The caller said.
For the first time in Xavier's life,he was scared. He was scared for his little angel. He can't live peacefully if anything happened to her. And he knows what his so called friend is capable of doing. So he said the first thing come to his mind.
"She's no one to me" he said coldly "her job is to give me an heir. I will divorce her after the birth of the child". The words were bitter to his tongue but he has to in order to protect his pricious angel .
" Maybe I should visit her someday in her bakery and give her..." Xavier hangs the phone up before he could finish talking.
Xavier sighed heavily and rested his head in his hands.
His angel is in danger all because of him . He was so selfish to bring her to his world,but he loved her so much to let her go . And he vowed to protect at any cost.
Aurora's cold shoulder didn't go unannouticed by xavier but he brushed it off .
Maybe she's in her period
He thought to himself .
A week later, Xavier finished his work and went home .Today he was going to confront Aurora about her sudden distance .
When he got home ,he felt something was wrong, like something is missing.
"Aurora" he yelled her name but got no response.
He called her again and again and again.he searched the entire house but he couldn't find her.
He went to the living room and set down the couch.
She's probably still at the bakery.
He didn't want to let his thoughts wonder to the worst .
Xavier walked to the kitchen and decided to cook dinner for his angel, But what he saw made his blood went cold.
There in the table lay a letter, the wedding ring and what seemed like..... Divorce papers.
Xavier didn't notice the tears pouring out of his eyes when he finished reading the letter.
How could could she leave him.after all they went through.
Xavier fall on his knees,a loud sob shuddered out of his chest .
They were right when they said nobody loves the beast .
He was the beast, parents warned their children about.
Only God knows how much he tried to change his nature, but that wasn't enough to keep his angel. She finally realized her mistake and ran away...away from the beast.
It wasn't a matter of "if" , it was a matter of " when".
Everybody ran away from him, so why did he think she's an exception.
Xavier cried for hours on the kitchen floor until he went numb.
He closed his eyes and wished for sleep to take him out of his misery . He wished for this to be a cruel nightmare and he would wake up to his angel in his arms.
When xavier woke up in the morning still in the kitchen floor, his body was numb .
He knew miracles only happens in fairy tales and this is reality.
He got up and saw the divorce papers laying in front of him, mocking him.
He took them and tore them into pieces.
She's so worng If she thinks he would divorce like that.
And she's so wrong if she thinks he will let her go easily.