First evil intent

She fell to the ground and I approached her. She was stunned, sitting on her ass looking like she was trying not to piss herself.

"You should not have done that." I told to her, grabbing her hand. She flinched as she tried to pull her hand away from me. I grinned as I held her tightly, making sure she felt a little pain for what she had caused me. Or better yet, could have caused me.

"Please. Please I'm sorry. Please oh mighty one please don't hurt us." She sobs crawling away from me. It's funny how pitiful mortals can be.

Wait what am I saying? Mortals? That isn't like me at all. Releasing her hand, I looked away in disgust for what I just did. Just then I caught a small glimpse of what my face looks like in a little puddle.

"What the fuck?" I examined touching my face. There was no physical features on my face. I only had black. Black everything with two white voids for eyes. It was like the reflection that I saw wasn't human.

"That's because it isn't." I mumbled.

Bloodhound lvl 1 has been triggered. Prey is almost dead. Five minutes until sub quest has failed.

I look at the pop-up menu confused. Sub quest? And then I remembered the armored girl. Rushing over to her, I dropped down next to her.

"How do I use My servants never die skill?" I asked out loud hoping that the menu would tell me.

Tutorial on My servants never die: Upon gaining an ally, ally must consume a portion of the host's blood in order to become a servant. Servants share the life-force of their host causing them to be healed when their host can replenish the portion of blood.

Do I even have blood? I felt myself wonder. Grabbing the sword, I examined it to find it covered in a black goopy liquid that was never there before the stabbing. Figuring it might be my blood, I risk giving the girl a taste.

In a matter of seconds all her wounds started to close. Her hair started to become black and her a dark magical aura filled the air around her. The black liquid that was on the sword sped across her body, healing and mending anything that seemed out of place. I watched in fascination as she slowly gained the colour in her face and body and her eyes slowly open.

"I'm glad you're alive." I sighed in relief.

"Thank you Master." She replied. I was stunned with shock.

"Can you understand me?" I asked curious to find the answer.

"Of course I can understand my master. Why would I not be able?" She asks puzzled as she raised her head up off the ground. Before I could reply, the second girl rushed pass my and embraced the armored girl.

Side objective completed.

Reward: My sevants never die lvl 3, Till death do us part lvl 1

Additional reward: Shadow walker lvl 4, Hidden skill bar lvl ????

Current skills and traits:

Consumption lvl 2: Gain more abilities from consuming your prey. Negative side effect: Hunger grows and weakens you if you go too long without consuming.

Language of the people lvl 2: The ability to understand the people of this world.

Bloodhound lvl 1: The ability to track your prey by smelling their blood. This ability can also tell how it feels by smelling the blood flow.

Terroriser lvl 2: The ability to instantly strike fear into your prey. Causes your prey to become stunned for a maximum of 2 minutes.

Untraceable lvl 1: The trait to become untraceable by any tracking magic.

Eyes of true seeing lvl 1: The trait to always see the truth. Can see through illusion magic and disguises.

Ears of true hearing lvl 1: The trait to hear anything from 2 kilometers away.

Unkillable lvl 1: The trait adapts the host to suit any hostile environment and situations.

Language of the people lvl 1: The ability to understand the language of the people of this world.

Savior lvl 1: The trait to help people you have saved.

My servants never die lvl 1: The ability to heal any servant who has received critical wounds.

Till death do us part lvl 1: Servants cannot permanently die unless the host permanently dies.

Shadow walker lvl 4: The ability to portal through shadows. Still can range up to 2 kilometers.

Hidden skills lvl ????: Nobody except selected gods can see your stats unless given permission by you.

Ally lvl 2: The trait to make allies faster. Negative side effect: Making allies with an enemy of an ally will cancel out this trait.

Reading through all of that killed me inside. It was like the menu was naming everything that didn't make me human anymore. Maybe I'm not human after all.

"What is your name?" I ask my servant.

"Laura. The girl over there's name is Sandra. At your service my lord." Laura replied pulling herself off the ground.

"Well then Laura I'll be escorting you to your destination." I said remembering the quest that I took from the menu. I watched as Laura's face lit up in glee.

"What's going on Laura?" Sandia asked suspiciously. I had totally forgotten that she was there. I wonder if I could make her my servant too? I'll find out later.

"I am speaking to my master." Laura replied simply. Sandra's face turned to horror as she looks between me and her friend.

"What did you do to her?" She asked with a trembling voice.

"Only what was necessary to keep her alive." I replied leaving it to Laura to translate it over. Sandra's face slowly dropped the into a state of rage.

"I swear if you did anything to Laura I'll-" Before Sandra could finish her sentence, Laura had the same sword with the my black blood ran through her chest. Shocked by the turn of events, I instinctly tried to grab at Laura to stop her. But it was too late.

A new servant can be made. Would you like to make a new one?


Yes I thought save this girl.

A new servant has been added.

The new Sandra looked back at me with thrill on her face as she pulled the sword out of her chest. I'm not bothering to try and make sense of this.

My servants never die lvl 1 has been triggered. You have enough servants to advance to the next level. Would you like to advance?


Yes again I thought.

"Now Laura where were you two going?" I asked

"To the palace of Arganstien. We had goods we would have liked to trade but they, along with our horses, were destroyed a couple kilometers back." Laura replied grunting.

"But its only half a days walk." Sandra added.

"There is much I need to learn about this world. I think your destination might hold some of the things I need to know. Take me there." I said.

"Yes master." They replied.