Chapter [05]

~Sue's POV~

I walked to the front door with my keys, "Where are you going?" I looked behind me to see my mom, and I tapped my skirt.  "I'm going to a birthday party," I said as she nodded.  "Fine." She reluctantly accepted as I walked out the door, quickly I walked behind a tree- slid off my skirt and shirt to reveal shorts and a work out bra.  I stuff them in my backpack and started running to the park; quickly, I stretched, grabbed my earphones, and put them in.  I began to walk to the rock climbing wall.  I grabbed a hold and started to walk.  I took a step then went up, step, up, step, u-

I missed a step, lost my grip, and fell on my butt against the wood chips.  My phone rang, and immediately I paused my music- answering the call.  "Hello," I replied in a calm but stressed voice. 

"Hey, Smiley. What are you doing?" Ad said as I stood up.  "Exercising for the R.U.N Contest, it's only around the corner after all." I grabbed hold of the wall again, "Oh! Do you mind if I join?" He asked as I felt my heart skip a beat for a moment, "You... Want to come work out with me?" I felt myself blush.  "Of course, why do you sound surprised? Do you not want me to come..." He sounded a bit down as I panicked, "THAT'S NOT IT!" I blurted loudly.  "It's just- no one has ever wanted to work out with me."

"Well, now, you do! Send me your address; I'm coming over." He sounded excited, "Mh hm, I'll be waiting!"

/A few minutes later/

"Hey!" I jumped off the rock wall, heading to the park entrance to see Ad in some workout clothes.

"Hey!" I waved a bit awkwardly as he pulled me into a hug, touching my waist a bit... I felt uncomfortable, so I pulled away.  "So, this is what you wear outside of school?" He smirked as I nudged his shoulder, walking to the rock wall.  "Don't be scandalous; this is just for working out- and sleeping... And for when I'm home. Actually, yeah. I wear this the majority of the time." I admitted as he laughed.  "So here we are, the rock wall," I explained as he seemed confused.

"I thought we were going to run and jog." He asked as I shook my head.  "The first part of the R.U.N contest is running, but there are four parts. The last round contains obstacles such as a rope, log, and rock climbing wall, as you can see here." I tapped the wall. 

"Besides, I heard this school's requirements are different. They change it every year- with that being said. Be ready for everything! The students I went against last year tripped me on the tracks, and I was way too behind to catch up." I gulped as I grabbed the wall.  "Why would they do that?" Ad asked as I climbed up.  "Winning means everything to some people, so they cheat to win. Some people are just snakes and slimy, so they do whatever to get what they want."

"Would you?" He asked, "Be a snake?" I asked as he nodded.  "I always try to be fair, but being fair doesn't always work, so you have to get your hands a little dirty sometimes." I sighed as he glanced away.  "What about you? Would you be a snake?" He shrugged at my answer.  He's too sweet... I hope he stays that way.