Chapter [06] R.U.N PT.1

I was stretching, glancing around as other students got ready for their races.  First up is my class, I'm looking around for Smiley, and I see her stretching near Nic and Justin, who are talking and not preparing.  I shrugged, "Class B, Junior males!" I ran up to the track, getting in a start position.  "The first five boys to complete the track five times will go against the top five girls in class B. The rest will get their grades for participating." Coach announced as he blew the whistle, letting us go.  I watched as the majority of guys went crazy fast, but I learned a few lessons and tips over the years for contests like this.  Don't commence running at the start if you have to do many laps, don't be in the back of the herd, or you'll definitely lose. 

The middle and front are the best and try jogging for the first few laps then speed up near the end because many people would have already blown all their energy in the beginning.  I should tell Smiley these tips after my runs; I'm sure she'd appreciate them.  I was near the middle of the crowd on my third lap, people started pushing to get to the front, but I just started to speed up to the front.  It was my last lap, and I was head to head with two other guys- I ended up crossing the finish line in third place, which is annoying, but I made it to the next round.

~Sue's POV~

I stared at Ad as he crossed the line; third, he seemed tired and annoyed but walked to his teacher.  I'm sure his teacher was writing his name down so he can participate in the next race; next, he walked over to us with a wave.

"Hey, guys!" He pulled his shirt off his stomach, wiping his forehead- "Woah." I said, staring at his abs.  Ad seemed confused until Justin grinned at me, "You shouldn't stare; it's inappropriate." Justin laughed as Ad smirked.  He took a seat next to me, "You like what you see?" He wiped his face a bit more even though all the sweat was gone- Pretty sure he just wanted me to fond over his abs.  "Yes, I suppose I like your build, but-" I narrowed my eyes at him, "But?" He leaned towards me.

"Physical attraction isn't everything, so don't even try to tempt me," I said as he blushed, "O-Oh, right."

/Time skip/

Ad ended up finishing his race against the girls of his class, and he got second place, so he'll be going to the third round. 

It was finally time for my first race against the girls of my class; I got up and hurried to the track with Nicole.  She stood beside me, getting ready.  "See you at the finish line," I said as she nodded, "I hope you get fifth place." She nodded, "Ready- set." I pushed my body back.  "Go!" Quickly I took Ad's advice and jogged in the front of the pack with at least ten girls- a few of which were already running and losing their energy quickly.

I took this time to observe the layout of the entire track so I can be careful and figure out a faster way to the finish line.  After the fourth lap, I sped up and ran over the finish line first.

/Time skip/

It was time for the third race, which was three people from my class and three people from Ad's grade. 

It was Ad, me, a girl from his class and a boy then two boys from my class.  We stood on the line next to one another, "May the best win." Ad winked at me as I grinned, nodding.  "I plan too." We looked at the teacher, "The top three across the line after the three laps go to the final round!" The teacher announced, counting down and letting us run.  Ad and I were head to head until the second lap, he sped up, and I was behind him- not far away but enough to at least reach him.  Quickly I watched a guy pass Ad and I- he finished in first place.

Ad and I were arriving at the finish line until a boy in my grade sped up next to me!  There's no way I can participate in the next round, Ad's too fast, and the other guy will win!  I have to try!  I sped up more and quickly we were all head to head, and-

~Ad's POV~

I finished, catching a breath as I saw Smiley lean forward and hold her stomach.  "Agh-" She gasped as the teacher went up to her and the other boy.  "DeAndre, you are in third place. You are going to the next round." The guy nodded, seeming annoyed but walked away.  "Sue, second place. Congrats to the final round." The teacher spoke as Sue looked up in confusion.  "Wait- what about Ad?" She looked at me, "Ad is fourth place, sorry, bud." Coach said to me as I nodded.  "Next time." I agreed.

"Wait- there must be a mistake. Ad was in front of me." She spoke as he shrugged, leaving.  She came over to me, "Ad, did you push me near the end of the race." She asked as I shook my head, "What are you-" "Don't lie to me!" She yelled as I walked away.

~Sue's POV~

/Time skip/

After school, Ad, Justin, Nic, and I went out to celebrate me getting second place on the third race and for qualifying for the finals.  We sat at a table together, talking, "I guess you have to suck up what you said before, J." Ad said as Justin drank some soda, "what do you mean?" Justin asked as Ad smiled, "What you said about Sue, not making it to the finals." Ad spoke as Justin shook his head, "It was lucky that she passed you, I won't take anything back." Justin stared at me in annoyance.

"But I practiced for two weeks-" I exclaimed as Justin grabbed my collar.  "Sue, practicing did nothing for you last year, so why would your skills get any better this time?" He angrily said, letting me go.  "Right... I'm going to get some fresh air." I stood up as Nic grabbed my hand.  "Do you want to talk?" She asked as I shook my head, "I'll be fine."

I arrived outside, sitting on the sidewalk.  I heard the door behind me open, and immediately Ad sat with me.  "Did you think pushing me over the finish line would make my friends proud or something?" I asked, he didn't know what to say.  "I pushed you because you worked so hard to get to the top, and I wanted you to feel confident in yourself because you should be proud." He said as I looked away, "Plus, Justin and Nic should cheer you on, not push you down."

"They're just telling the truth..." I sighed, "Sue, if they do that the entire time- are they really your friends or bullies?" He announced as I gritted my teeth, "Don't change the subject." He sighed.  "I'm just saying they don't seem like friends..." "And you are? You don't see that you made me feel worse because I'm a cheater! I would have been sad if I lost, but here I am a cheater- miserable! I wanted to win by myself, not from help!"

I barked as I heard a chuckle, "I knew it was too good to be true, you liars." We turned to see Justin and Nic...  "You cheated..." Nic looked so disappointed as I wanted to speak, but I couldn't say anything to help me.  "I'm telling the coach tomorrow," Justin said as I looked down.  "Go ahead... You never believed in me anyway." I started to walk away.