Chapter [07] R.U.N PT.2

~Sue's POV~

I was in class, writing as I heard the intercom.  "Sue Mari Aaron, come down to the gym." I sighed, packing my stuff as I walked out of the room- staring at Nic and Justin, who held blank stares at me.  I hit the door, letting myself roam through the hallways to arrive at the gym- spotting the participants in there uniforms, ready for the final race along with Ad.  I walked up to the coach, passing him my slip- "Sue, why aren't you dressed!" The coach barked at me as I felt confused, "Wait- Didn't Justin tell you that-" a hand covered my mouth, "Tell me what?" He looked at Ad, who closed my mouth- "That she forgot her uniform- she's clumsy." Ad said with coach sighing.

"Ugh, our spares are being cleaned. Ad- do you think you could let her borrow your uniform?"

Coach asked him as he nodded, taking me outside the hallway of the boy's locker room.  He came out with his uniform, going near the door and staring out.  "I'm going-" "The girl's locker room and bathroom are locked, just change behind me. I'll watch out, so no one comes." He explained as I sighed, kicking off my clothes.  "Why did you lie?" I asked.  "I said it before; you deserved this chance. I talked to Justin and Nicole after you left yesterday, and they agreed- keeping quiet."

"What does that mean?" I asked, "nothing much; just go out there; win this thing." I finished changing, stuff my clothes in my bag.  "Alright." I nodded as he turned around, seeming determined.  "I didn't hear you." He said, "I said, alright." I said as he shook his head.  "That's not an answer- are you going to win this thing, or are you going to win this thing!" Oh- I see. 

"I'm going to win this thing!" I barked as he smiled, "I didn't hear you!" "I'm going to win!" I felt excited and determined, "then get out there!" He pushed me out of the doors as we started running to the track with the others.  "Wait- what about my bag?" I asked as he grabbed my backpack, swinging it over his shoulders.  "Now, go!" He shoved me through the crowds of classes, waiting to see the winner of the entire contest.

I went to the start; five other people stand between me and the finish line.  I won't let them, "GO SUE!" I glanced at the crowd to see Nicole and Ad cheering for me; I noticed Justin giving me a small thumbs up and smile...  I smiled and felt more excited.  "Go!" Coach barked as we started running, one lap.  I only have one chance- all out! 

I was running in the front with one guy- quickly, he sped up, and I tried to do the same, but I tripped- seeing DeAndre run past me with a wink... He tripped me... On purpose!  I glanced at the crowd, seeing nervous but determined looks from Nic, Ad, and Justin.  I nodded, pushing myself up and running faster than before.  I was upfront with a senior and DeAndre- the finish line was only a few steps away.

They both sped up, and I did the same- we crossed, and I was too tired to see who won, but- I looked at the senior who has a crowd hugging him... I knew he won.  I fell onto my knees to the ground as my tears dripped down my face; I was about to burst in tears until I felt arms around me.  I saw Nic, Justin, and Ad holding me.  "Huh?" I asked, "CONGRATULATIONS!" They barked in happiness.  "But... I didn't-"

"Didn't win? Oh, we know." Justin agreed, "But you got second place and tried your hardest! That's all that matters, and we are so proud!" Nic hugged me tighter, "What she said." Justin agreed.  Ad didn't say anything but held the proudest smile.  "Sue, DeAndre, Peter! Get over here!" Coach barked, as my friends pushed me over.  A medal was put on Peter, it said first, next was DeAndre, who held a 3rd place medal, and finally, I was given a second-place medal.

I smiled, hearing everyone congratulate us.  Yes, I didn't win first place, but my friends were so proud of me that it made me feel like a winner.  What more could I ask for?