Chapter [22]

I'm a person all about romance and being with someone who's been hurt multiple times in love both with her body and emotionally- she isn't a romantic at all.  She tries, but it always comes out more friendly than romantic.  I admit it's challenging to try and flirt with someone who pushes it away, but I know she doesn't mean it.  After the airport stuff a few weeks ago, we decided to date.  It was Sue's idea because she wanted to try, and this was the best way- I suppose?

I've been paying more attention to her at school but being a junior with Sue being a freshman- you can see how that's a problem.  I can't protect her from animals in her year; I know she's never dated, but this makes this a hell of a lot more stressful since I want her to feel happy with me.

"Yo, Ad! You want to try out for the soccer team with me!" Justin came up to me, showing me a poster.

"Uh, no, thanks." I waved it away as I started to walk down the hallway with Justin following me.  I noticed the bulletin board and grabbed a basketball try out flier- "I might try out for the basketball team." I said as Justin grabbed a flier, too- "I'll join you." He said with a firm nod.  I shrugged, walking again, "Have you seen Sue anywhere?" I asked as Justin shrugged, "I left her to talk to some girl outside." Justin said as I tilted my head- "A girl?"

I started to turn around and head to the main entrance of the school- noticing a very touchy girl on Sue. "You are very pretty- mind if I get your number?" The girl asked as I went over, wrapping my arms around Sue. "Hey, babe, who's this?" I gave an annoyed smile at the girl. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know you had a boyfriend." The girl backed off.

"Yep." Sue nodded as I narrowed my eyes at her, "Yeah, your my girlfriend." I clarified a bit more as Sue nodded again. "Ok, I'm going to go." The girl left as I held Sue's hand, but Sue let go a little after. "Something wrong?" I asked as she shook her head. "I just have a class in a few minutes- we can talk later." She said, hugging me and leaving.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" A voice said behind me; I noticed Justin again. "She's been single for so long that she's never been the romance type of girl- she isn't a label person either. Don't expect her to fall into the place of your girlfriend because it'll take time. Don't force it." Justin explained as I sighed. "I know... I'll wait," I said as he shrugged- "What are your past relationships like? You seem to have this fantasy of a perfect love life." Justin said as I shrugged, "Would you be willing to tell me your ex?"

Justin shook his head at my question- "Exactly."