|S2| Chapter [07] Pregnant PT.3

~Ad's POV~

  I was in the kitchen with J, having some coffee.  I glanced at his neck to notice a sort of hickey, "You seem to be getting action- lately." I rolled my eyes as he narrowed his eyes.  "The f*ck are you talking about?" he questioned when I pointed to my neck to signal his.  He immediately felt it and rolled his eyes, "It's a bruise; some guy during soccer practice punched my throat just because he lost." he explained.

  "What a good lie- I'd totally believe it." I nodded as he gritted his teeth, "Lie? Look, I don't care about you, but I'm at least trying to be civil." He seemed angry as I laughed. 

  "Civil? You think those c*ndoms in your room are civil. Like I'd believe that!" I yelled as he stared in anger, "What the h*ll is your deal." "My deal- tell me. What is this?" I pulled out the pregnancy test and the receipt.

  "I..." He grabbed them, checking them in disbelief.  He seemed lifeless at first until he looked at me angrily.  "You can't seriously believe Sue, and I did it- can you?" he laughed in anger as I grabbed his collar- shoving him against the counter.


  I yelled as he punched me away, "Exactly, were. We were supposed to be together- I knew her dreams, her future life, but all I couldn't see was what was wrong with her. I couldn't help her, and when you came along- you played the perfect prince leaving me in the shadows."

  His voice was low at the end, and he looked sorrowful but glared at me- "And somehow after all you said, all you did, she still chooses you over me... I don't like you; I would take her if she so wished, but I know who she is, and she would never cheat on you with me." he said, walking away.  Then... Who?

~Sue's POV~

  Alyra and I were walking back into the house after work-  we noticed Ad come out and greet us with a happy smile, but he seemed to have something on his mind.  I didn't care to wonder anymore- "Is something wrong?" I questioned.  "I..." he seemed to be fiddling in his pocket; he went on one knee and gave a huge bright smile.

  "I know we haven't known each other for long but- I'd love to spend my entire life with you." his face burned in eagerness.  I gulped, blushing, slowly crawling down to him and grabbing the ring case.

  "Ad, I love you-" I said as he stood up, trying to put the ring on my finger.

  "but no." He was stunned, "W-why?" he sputtered, almost crying.  "Ad, I'm still a minor, and I wanted to get married after we are financially stable- we barely got this place with J." I explained as he sighed.

  "Don't lie to me... Please. Is it because you no longer love me?" he cried, and immediately I grabbed his face with worry.  "WHAT WOULD EVER MAKE YOU FEEL THAT WAY! I love you!" I felt heartbroken to see him cry-

  He pulled out a pregnancy test, the box, and a receipt with my name...  "Babe..." I said as he stared up, "I'm not pregnant." I smiled as he seemed confused.  "Then who's-"

  "I didn't want to ruin the surprise, but cousin Yesica is having another baby! She came over here a few days ago and asked me to buy her a test so we could confirm it!" I blushed as he looked so dumbfounded.

  "I-I'm so sorry-" He said as I chuckled- kissing his cheek.  "We'll get married at some point, ok?" I whispered as he blushed.  "NOW GO INSIDE AND MAKE ME FOOD!"

  I pushed him back inside as I watched him wave bye to Alyra, shutting the door in our faces.

  My smile faded, quickly turning into a lifeless look.  I glanced behind me to notice Alyra's hand on her stomach; she started to tear up.  "I'm so sorry-" I didn't need to hear more- I just hugged her.  "It's ok, don't apologize." I comforted her slowly.