|S2| Chapter [16]

~Asia's POV~

I chewed on some gum, my hands stuffed into my pockets as my mom and dad drove into a new town. You know, I liked my home back in NYC.  It was peaceful, loud, and what I mostly knew.  Moving to a new house is one thing, MOVING TO A WHOLE NEW STATE IS ANOTHER. "Are you excited about your new school?" My mom grinned as I shrugged- "Not really- I liked New York and my friends." I said- looking away.

Glancing out the window, the streets had people walking around but not as crowded as back home. I guess it's nice to know where I'm going.

I chuckled, arriving on the street of our new home. I jumped out- "Asia- start grabbing boxes and moving them into the house." Dad said as I nodded, going to the moving truck. I put my earbuds in, jamming out to music while moving boxes.

After a while, we were almost down, and my phone stopped blasting music. I checked, and it was dead- no worries. My charger is in my bag- I shuffled through my bag... Seeing nothing. "Or not..." goddamn it- "Mom, I lost my charger. And phone is dead- can I go buy a new one?"

"Go ahead, come back soon."

I shrugged, heading through a town I didn't even know. Yes, I was probably lost- but I walk mindlessly everywhere and always end up finding my destination or run into a kidnapping. Both are equally fine- I bumped into something. STORE, BINGO!

I ran in- rummaging the chargers until I found two for my phone. I bought them, walking out all excited. "Ugh-" A familiar voice let out a groan.

I turned, seeing a guy turn a corner. I followed, hiding in the corner. He sneezed, and I realized who it was. I slipped on a smile- "Justin, see you soon."

(I hope you all enjoyed this chapter- and I have a new book! It's less of a story but like a bit of a talk. I want to discuss complex topics and help people- or give them closure that they aren't alone. Check it out- it's called "Talk with Me". Please check the synopsis of the book, and please be warned. Bye- till next chapter!<3)