Catching prey

I sensed Ethan coming about the time I got ahold of the squirrel I was hunting. One smooth motion was all it took me to skin my prey. Some of the skin tore, but not really something I needed to worry about. Most of it came off so it was good enough. I started munching away as I waited for the wolves to reveal themselves.

They'd gotten to this little clearing a while ago so it made me wonder what exactly they were waiting for. Ethan was approaching quickly. It wouldn't be to much longer until Ethan got here. I debated on calling them out on it for a bit. I didn't want them picking up on Ethan either though so it would be better for me to draw their attention now.

While Ethan was still hopefully out of their range.

"What are you waiting for?" I finished off my snack, "I'm not going to give you an invitation."

"Hard to believe someone your size is still hungry," the smaller guy stepped out where I could see him.

"Maybe I'm lying about that too," I snorted mostly to myself, "Did you track me through scent?"

"Sorry," he smiled mischievously, "Trade secret."

"I can see the other one as well," I pushed off the tree I was leaning against, "No point in him continuing to hide like that."

The smaller guys eyes widened a bit, but he didn't seem all that surprised.

"You've got a good set of eyes," small smirked.

"I didn't expect it to be just the two of you," I crouched into ready position, "Is there really this much talking in a fight?"

"Not usually," small smiled slowly, "But you made a point of avoiding us, and then you act like you want us to follow you. Did you come up with some sort of a plan?"

"Since we're all talking nicely like this," I let my face fall back to a blank slate, "Is there any way you'll leave me alone? I don't in...."

His claws rushed past my cheek before I could finish what I was saying. My focus snapped to full on battle mode. I didn't have any claws so I was put at a disadvantage right away. I could feel my lip pulling back as I bared my teeth slowly as the fight went on. It took all I had not to get angry, and start snarling at him.

Dodge. Dodge. Block. Dodge. Counter.

It was so hard for me to really fight him. Those claws put me at such a disadvantage. I had to focus mainly on dodging. I didn't know how much damage they would do if they actually managed to hit me. I needed to bring that other guy out where Ethan could see him before he got here though.

Lightning sparked up between the fingers of my left hand as I prepared to try something stupid. I took a hit from in the process. His talons dug in deep as electricity shot from my fingers like a lightning bolt. The big slice down my front bled heavily. I healed it up just enough to keep it from bleeding.

I didn't want to show him just how easily I could heal myself yet. Ethan had to have seen the sign I'd given him. A snarl snuck through my teeth as I focused on crushing the opponent in front of me. I upped the speed little by little until my mana enhancement reach it's max. I started enhancing my strength little by little as well, but even up to the max of my enhancement he was able to keep up with me.

I pushed us apart when I sensed Ethan making his move. Making the second wolf miss his strike. He kept flying forward as if gravity had suddenly changed direction.

"What did you do?" small got angry.

"That one wasn't me," I moved so I was in between Ethan, and the remaining wolf.

"What exactly are you trying to do?" small growled angrily as more of his body became wolf like.

"Ethan," I smiled as his bloodlust hit me full force, "Keep him busy."

Active camouflage has become affected by users mental state.

My body stung, and itched a bit as my own claws came out. We went into a head to head battle. Claws slashing into each other as any thoughts of tactics or skill was abandoned. I was down to a little less than half my reservoir of mana. I needed to finish this.

Sooner rather than later. If I ran out of mana before the other two showed up I was as good as dead. Push myself just a little harder. I poured mana into my strength, and speed going far past my current level. I could feel my joints, and bones cracking under the force of my own power.

He was completely unprepared for the sudden amount of force I was able to put out. He couldn't keep up with my speed or power. I pinned him to the ground, and shocked him until he couldn't move anymore.

"Do you see any others?" Ethan asked now that I had him successfully pinned, {I feel your pain. Are you alright?}

"None," I glanced over to the pinned wolf as I healed myself with my mana health exchange ability.

Small slowly shrank back down to his normal human appearance.

"You had this much power left," he was practically snarling the words through his teeth at me.

Camouflage returned to normal.

"You weren't even close to your full power were you?" he struggled underneath me.

Receiving a powerful shock in response.

"I just wanted to be left alone," I scanned my surroundings again, "Where are the other two?"

"Like I would tell you that," he spit on my throat since I wasn't looking at him.

"What's your name?" I focused on the wolf I had pinned beneath me when I didn't spot any nearby heat signatures, "I'm getting tired of thinking of you as small."