Chapter 13: Divergence in Paths

"Oh, good afternoon. I'm sorry to intrude, I thought the dorm managers were here."

"Don't worry, it's alright. I was recording a voiceover for a report so will you please kindly not disturb for a while?"

"Oh sure, ate. I'll tell my roommates too."

I looked at both of my sides. I locked the room and knocked on the comfort room's door. "Dong-Yul, you can go out. She's gone."

He immediately walked out of the comfort room and wore his dark sunglasses, bucket hat, and black face mask. "Mia, I have an idea. Let's just tell them that the dorm manager let me in since I am your 2nd uncle from the US."

"Will it work? Won't anyone recognize you?"

"You saw sir Vito's reaction, right? It will work, trust me."

He immediately twisted the doorknob and quickly went outside. Even if his face looks completely covered, I can hear my heartbeat racing at this moment. What if someone recognized him? What if he gets in trouble because of me?

We walked faster every second. We tilt our heads away from other people and mind our own business. Hearts pounding heavily in unison.

We finally reached his black UV van. We looked ways before he removed his face mask. "I'll contact you soon. Alright. Save my number and don't share it with the others. Put 'Justin' in your contacts. Always say the code word whenever I call or you call. Call me by my first name."

I gave him a thumbs up. "Of course I will. You have to get going before anyone catches us again. Goodbye Dong-Yul sunbae."

He quickly turned around as his eyes began searching for a thick black paper bag. "Before I forget, make sure to get used to these."

I grabbed the paper bag and carefully opened it. My eyes widened in surprise after finding out that there were various skincare products in it. It was filled with facial masks, toners, facial scrubs, serums, moisturizers, you name it.

"Don't mind the price. I've removed every price tag and receipt. Make sure to look your best before the auditions. Chances will be higher if you make a great impression towards them."

I grabbed his arm as he hurriedly opened his car's door. "Dong-Yul-ssi, I can't accept this. You didn't need to buy these kinds of stuff for me. I'll pay for these soon, I promise."

He slowly removed my hand from his arm. "No need, Mia. Just accept this as an appreciation gift. You continued to come to my place even if you're not feeling well. Let me reward you for your efforts."

I deeply bowed in gratitude. "Kamsahamnida (Thank you). I'll make sure to do my best to debut in your company's new girl group."

“I’ll make sure that you’ll easily pass the auditions. Becoming a trainee is difficult but always remember that if it’s your dream, then you should be passionate about it so that your hard work will be rewarded, understood?”

“I’ll make sure to do my best.”

He rode into the black vehicle. I watched as the vehicle drove down the elevated lane.

No one would recognize Dong-Yul with his new look, right?

I walked back into my room and took a nap. After a while, I woke up and grabbed some of my spiral notebooks, and kept reading my notes repeatedly. I need to prepare before my exams are nearing soon, especially when the exams are already scheduled for next week. Little did I notice Elisha entering the room and laid herself on her bed while breathing heavily.

She asked, "Mia, why were you absent today? Are you sick?"

I barely looked at her as I was replying, "My fever got worse, that’s why. I was about to attend yet my dorm managers insisted I rest. How’s the Filipino quiz? Was it difficult?"

She shook her head. "It's only difficult if you didn't read. I could have passed if I just read through the whole story." She rolled her eyes as she swiftly jumped onto her bed."

"Oh okay then. Thank you for the advice."

I sat straight and began reading the handout given to us."

She focused her gaze on me. "You really don't like talking to us, do you?"

I widened my eyes. "No, I don't have any problem with you at all. I just don't like talking at all. I'm more of a listener."

I'm just a typical listener and barely a talker. I like listening to anything someone tells me because I don't have to tell them. And besides, our interests don't match at all.

"Honestly speaking, we want you to socialize with us at least a little in our mini group talks. We don't want you to be left out as our roommate."

I appreciate their concern but I know their hidden tactics. Based on their past conversations, once they could squeeze out any juicy gossip from you, then this gossip will spread like wildfire. Your entire image might get destroyed.

Once they find out about Dong-Yul's offer to me, they will search for any evidence and weaknesses then say nasty and hurtful words against me even if I didn't do anything wrong. They get jealous of little things and most of the time they battle each other for popularity. I definitely don't want to turn into them.

"Sorry Elisha but my academics are more important for me. I don't want to waste much time on gossiping."

After a while, Elisha started dozing off while my other roommates came back as a group from school. As Elisha heard their footsteps rushing into our room, she immediately joined as they sat in a circle. As usual, their irritating voices were loud enough for me to hear. I immediately wore on my red headphones and read the whole story for the quiz.

My phone suddenly buzzed beside my red notebook, "I left you dinner today so please don't buy dinner in the canteen today. I saw you faint yesterday, that's why you need plenty of rest. Sleep well too."

I couldn't help but smile while typing my reply, "Thank you so much Dong-Yul-ssi. I'll eat this all because your cooking tastes really good."

He texted back. "Anytime. Just pace yourself in studying. I don't like studying, so I couldn’t give you any advice. Just remember to enjoy your time with your friends. The clock is ticking and soon you'll leave the Philippines. Eventually, you'll have to go on different paths. Don't waste your youth. "

Go into different paths...


Anthony gestured to me to come closer to his group of friends. I don't know how I'll approach them and introduce myself without making it awkward.

He quickly introduced me to them, "Everyone, I want you to meet Mia. She's the one I've been telling you about."

Ernie raised an eyebrow at me. "Isn't she the anti-social student in ours? Why would a girl like her join us?"

Anthony looked disappointed. He thought that I'll be immediately accepted in their circle.

"Guys, please try to understand. She has a hard time socializing because she is an introvert. She might not be close with others but I believe that she has this vibe that we're looking for. As the leader? Please make her feel welcome."

He's the leader? No wonder he felt confident.

"Well whatever our leader says, we'll follow since you have our utmost trust. So Mia, are you a dancer?"

I shook my head. "I'm definitely not a dancer. I couldn't even move an inch of my body when I dance.

Anthony put his hand on my right shoulder. "Mia, we're a group of underground dancers. Maybe that's why they're wondering why I wanted you to join."

Me? A dancer? I think he's making a mistake

"Anthony, I appreciate this but I can't. I don't want to be a burden to you. And besides, people laugh when I dance. It's a crazy idea for you to include me in your group."

"Then let me help you. Let me help you one step at a time. Your fierce expression may help our stage presence in our future performances. Please?" He reached out his hand, hoping for a response.

"Oh fine. I like to try new things after all," I replied to him with a bit of worry.

He grinned as I reached for his hand. "Welcome to our secret underground hip-hop dance crew!"

*End of Flashback*

I watched Twice's TT dance practice over and over on my phone after studying. It's already midnight but still, I can't sleep. My eyes felt drowsy yet my thoughts were wide awake.

Everyone in my room was fast asleep, looking so rested after a tiring day. I asked myself, "Why can't sleep easily like them?"

I tried to imitate every step per beat. I have been practicing a lot, however, I'm not as confident as before. I remembered that I was picked for my fierce expression even though I had little to no skill when it comes to dancing. Yet, why don't I feel the same vibe I had in myself before?

Before I could dance even difficult choreography but I couldn't now. I had to go back to the basics. If the accident that happened in 2015 didn't happen, I could still dance better. If it wasn't for my knee injury, I wouldn't have to pretend that it doesn't hurt every time I had to do strenuous activities.

My pulse gets faster for some reason. I missed Anthony, but maybe we met at the wrong timing. It always beats this fast whenever I remember the little details of that incident. I could never escape from it. Maybe, I'll never will.

I closed my eyes as a tear fell from my eye. I calmed myself down, breathing in and out slowly. I doze off into a dream.


A familiar voice shouted as I was preparing to leave the dance studio.

"Is there nothing I can do to make you stay?" He looked at me with so much pain.

I don't want to leave him, but I want to reach for my dream in the US.

"I'll return, I promise. We could still talk through social media. There is always a way. Please wait for me, even if it may take years."

He went a step closer. "I wish I could be honest with you but I don't want you to get hurt."

He continued as he reached out for a bracelet with little butterflies as charms, "Don't break this promise. It'll hurt more if you'll not recognize me because I will wait for you. Wear this bracelet so that I know that you'll remember me in the future."

Promise, I will come back. Someday.