Chapter 24 - She's Pregnant

Emotions that he has in fact can not be lost either. As hard as he held it in another bad expression appeared out of nowhere.

Zen told Tino to follow Devan wherever he went. Because Devan is with Daisy, of course, Zen won't let Daisy go just like that. While Zen himself needs a vent. Clubs and alcohol.

The clubbing crowd with the loud sound of music made Zen flinched a little because he had not been to the club for a long time. Wonder what Daisy will think later, Zen doesn't want to know. Now he is still wrapped in emotions.

Dito, accompany Zen because he did contact him to accompany him because there was no way Zen would be alone at the club later when he was so drunk. But Dito also strictly forbids Zen to quit or reduce alcohol.

It was as if time had gone by so fast, Zen was overpowered by alcohol. He was almost unconscious. His mouth kept talking and chanting Daisy's name. Dito, who was listening to it, sensed that his best friend had a problem with his woman. Therefore, Dito also contacted Daisy.

After contacting Daisy, Dito immediately brought Zen back to his apartment with difficulty. At least Daisy had gone back to the apartment before she called him.

"Oops, Dito, I'm sorry ... to bother you," said Daisy, somewhat annoyed to see Zen.

"It's OK. Good thing I'm beside him, otherwise maybe the lady of the night over there was already in bed with him." Daisy's breath caught a little when she heard that. She knew from the start she was wrong. Causing Zen to be angry to the point of venting his frustration at clubbing.

"You take care of him, OK? I have to go back too. And next time, if there is a problem, it's better to solve it properly, Daisy," Dito advised.

Daisy nodded her head and let Dito go after she thanked him.

Now Daisy just looked at Zen. She was confused about what to do first because this was the second time Zen was so drunk. And of course all thanks to Dito who is always by his side.

"Why do you have to be drunk?" Daisy asked as she took off Zen's shoes and socks.

"If it's like this, who will worry? Who will take care of you? If there is no me, then who?" Daisy sighed in exasperation. After she took care of Zen, then she moved to his room to sleep. She glanced at Zen, sleeping without waking up until now, then closed the door to Zen's room after saying goodnight.


As usual, Daisy got up early. She intends to exercise on the balcony to the accompaniment of the online videos she always watches on her cell phone. Daisy needs her health to be properly maintained because living with Zen is very draining on her mind.

But apparently, the sound from the online video woke Zen up too. For a moment Zen just stared at her until Daisy realized that Zen had been watching her for some time.

"I made ginger water. It's on the dinner table, drink it," said Daisy without looking at Zen. To be honest, Daisy wouldn't want to rebuke him were it not for Zen getting drunk. She wasn't ready to continue yesterday's fight either.

Instead of heading towards the dining table, Zen grabbed Daisy's phone and turned off the video. Daisy regulates the rhythm of her breathing, trying to contain her emotions.

"What do you and Devan do when you're not with me?" asked Zen intimidatingly.

"You told Tino to follow me. Why don't you just ask him?" Daisy asked, ignoring him.

Daisy's wrist was locked by Zen. Making her have to face Zen with an extraordinarily handsome face. His heartbeat fast when he and Daisy were so close.

"What did you do with him?" Zen asked again.

"Nothing. He just took me to Mom's home, then in the afternoon he drove me back here," Daisy answered giving up.

"What reason made you come back again?"

Daisy was silent for a moment. She didn't know what brought her back. It's all just a reflex. It was silent until Zen watched her intently. Makes her confused about what to answer.

"Daisy?" Zen called to break his silence.

"I … don't know. Let me prepare some food, you better get cleaned up," Daisy replied stiffly then pulled away from Zen.

"Devan is the third person in my relationship with Kanya, the woman you met yesterday, my ex-girlfriend," said Zen starting to reveal a little secret. Daisy was silent but didn't turn to face him.

"I can't let Devan do the same thing again in my current relationship. I will never let him. That's why I hate him," he explained again.

Daisy held her lips to ask further. The part where Zen has children is not explained. It is also an important thing for Daisy.

"And as you saw yesterday, the invitation from Kanya is her wedding invitation to the man of her choice."

Everything is still clear. Devan may be the third person in Zen and Kanya's relationship, but Zen didn't tell them their breakup. Whether which partly explains it all, for Daisy now all is not important.

That was all Daisy listened to without the response she gave Zen. She then left Zen into the kitchen to prepare food for him.

The things that Zen was hiding were slowly stressing her out. Daisy had felt this way before, and usually, her stomach would react. Cramps and hurts. And now, little by little the feeling is coming back.

Daisy managed to contain her stress as much as possible. She didn't show Zen. But bad luck was befalling her, Daisy fell in the kitchen. The empty plate he was carrying shattered causing a sound that made Zen look towards the kitchen.

"Daisy!" shrieked Zen who started to grab Daisy's limp body. Without many words, Zen immediately carried Daisy into the car and took her to the hospital.

Zen was worried, so worried, he wasn't ready to contact his parents or Weiske either. He let it be until Daisy came to her senses. Seeing her lying limp helplessly in the hospital bed made him feel so sick.

Especially when the doctor said that Daisy was experiencing symptoms of excessive stress, plus it turned out that Daisy had been pregnant for two weeks.

He doesn't know what feelings Zen should be feeling, he really couldn't be so happy about Daisy's pain, but also felt there was joy when he found out Daisy was pregnant. That is, Zen should immediately marry her.

"It's better not to stress her so much, Mr. Zen. I think Ms. Daisy is holding back her emotions too much," advised doctor Erwin.

Zen just nodded fully and doctor Erwin left Daisy's room.

He grabbed Daisy's hand, which was not infusion, even occasionally Zen kissed her hand. He didn't let his eyes leave Daisy. Zen wanted to see Daisy awake in front of him.

Daisy's hand suddenly moved, her eyes blinked slowly and Zen reacted with happiness mixed with sadness. He waited until Daisy could see him.

"Zen?" Daisy asked looking at him confused.

"You're in the hospital. Get some rest, Daisy."

"What happened?"

"You're passed out. Do you want a drink?"

Daisy nodded and Zen reached for the mineral water that was available on the table next to Daisy. Zen deliberately did not tell about Daisy's pregnancy. At least not now, but waiting for Daisy to fully recover.

"Sorry, I must have troubled you," Daisy said.

Zen was taken aback. After all, at a time like this, Daisy apologized? This isn't her fault though. Someone is sick without even being asked. It's really bad if Zen treats her so harshly.

"You're not wrong. There's no need to apologize. I should be the one apologizing for making you sick, Daisy. I'm sorry ..."