Drugs Overload

I meet up with Jazz later on that night.  What we got Jazz I need some to ease my mind. What you need to ease your mind for? Jazz just  pass me some so I can ease my mind from this.  I took a hit or two before I became num with life. As the day grew later I ran into my boy friend. Hey Erica hey David so I heard you lost my child.  Yeah I did But I didn't know I was pregnant. Why you didn't tell me? Because I couldn't face the fact I lost your child by mistake. He grab me he said it's not your fault. We got a little girl together. We will raise my little princess together.  Okay David but deep down inside I felt a piece of my life left me once he died. As we went to go get our baby girl. He wanted to spend time with her. He always protected her even when she knew she was doing wrong. In when I get ready to pop her he would jump to her rescue. This one particular night I had been getting high the whole night. I ended up getting frustrated with her. My sister an her bae was outside talking. I was in the house arguing with my boyfriend. I had done got so mad with him in snapped. David who is this bitch you talking too? Erica that is my friend from work it ain't nothing. Why is this hoe messaging you this time of night? Erica I don't know hell call her in ask her if you want to know. I grab his phone in dialed her number. Hello hello Yeah why you texting my man this time of night? girl he ain't your man he been with everybody that at the job. Oh really yes really he ain't faithful honey he cheating. I threw the phone at his head in it shatter the screen.

Erica! what the fuck that was for? Fuck boy you lied keep your lying ass away from me and mines. I cut him off from both of us that night. Jazz let's go make a run real quick I need to go to oh boy crib real quick. Me in Jazz returned from our run. We both super high in everybody can tell we high eyes red as hell. MY baby girl was having one of her days where she didn't want to listen. I was too high to be dealing with a kid at the moment. But what other choice did I have couldn't leave her with nobody. My baby girl decide she wanted to throw a fit so I popped her butt.  My sister flew in the house. Wtf you hit her for? she grab her niece in settle her down and put her sleep. Jazz grab me why you hit her man? She in here throwing a fit. I tell my sister was pissed off because I popped her. Wtf is your fucking problem? Nothing she in here throwing a fit in I don't play that shit. My sister looked in my eye's are you high? I laughed in her face. You think this shit funny? no it's hilarious the way you looking. My sister grab my baby in took her to my mother's crib.  She came back to where I was in confronted me.

I stood up in her face in faced her. We standing face to face with each other. We got a problem in it will be solved. Don't you mother fucking move either. I didn't move I stood right there. She punched me once I stumble a little. Stand your ass up straight. I got back up she hit me again I tilt. Stand your ass up you gone take these hits for hitting my niece. I'm going to beat your ass like the women you are. I stood up she hit me again I fell but I stood back up catching my breath. Don't cry now you didn't cry when you hit my niece like that. After getting hit so many times I decide to leave in go to Jazz house. Yo Jazz can I stay the night in get high. You know my crib is your crib in you are more then welcome. Me in Jazz got so high we started talking about some crazy shit. Before we went to bed Jazz came in the area I laid down in. Yo Erica what you doing tomorrow? I don't know yet why what's up? nothing just want to see if you want to hit a lick.  Well I'll let you know when I get back to my house. Ok Erica I love you girl in you the best. I rolled over in went to sleep until the next day. The next day I woke up to her in my face. how the fuck she get in here? get your ass up in get cleaned up now. I got up in headed to my crib until later. I got that call from Jazz are you up for it? Hell yeah be there in ten minutes. I meet up with Jazz in we made our moves to hit this lick for a hit. As me in Jazz get what we need it was time for us to bounce. We meet up with my ex boyfriend and his friends outside. I got to meet this home boys outside. An one of his friends had some pills.

He asked use did we want to try them. He said take two of them in you'll be high as hell.  Me being the person I was I didn't know exactly what it would do to me if I took two. I never did pills a day in my life. All I did was snort some coke n smoke some weed that's it. I took both of the pills in they took affect quick. Before I knew it I was high as hell I couldn't walk up the stairs. My boyfriend carried me to the apartment. Nia Nia! my ex boyfriend yelled out the room door. Something is wrong with Erica. Nia grab me an laid me down on this mattress that was in the other room. Erica eat this food or this bread before you die. Nila boyfriend came out the room wtf is going on. This nigga just gave her some pills in they don't know the name of the pills. I dropped in my eyes started rolling in the back of my head. Bae David yelled. Grabbing me saying stay with me I can't lose you Erica please keep your eye's opened. My sister in law Nia ran a cold bath. Get her in this tub you guys. My ex boyfriend undressed me in put me in. Nia kept putting water on me. Who the Fuck is this boy who gave you this shit? I'm shaking cold My other sister came in there. What the fuck going on? she over dose on pills that some nigga gave them to try. Erica I'm fucking your life up for this but first I need his head for giving you this. Lisa ran out the door in jumped on his ass. She spazz on his ass out the door. As Nia getting me dress Nia and her boyfriend rushed me to the hospital. I made it by the grace of god. They hooked me up to a monitor where I flat lined 7 times back to back. They came in an pumped my stomach. They gave me pain meds for the pain in sent me home.

When we got home I laid on the floor waiting on my sister Lisa to get in because I knew I was in trouble. My sister came in there grab me get up in follow me.  I got up in followed my sister to the room. Mind you'll my sister Lisa is 2 years older then me. Stand right here Erica in put your hands down by your side. Why do I have to do that? Because I said so in plus you ain't got no space to ask me no question.  I did as I was told then out of no where I felt a hit cross my ass. I hollered so loud I know the neighbor heard. I fell when it touched me. Get your ass up I'm not done with you get that ass back up. No please don't hit me no more. I promise not to do it again. No you should of thought of that before you did what you did. I won't do it no more. Turn around in don't you move. She kept on lashing me I cried till I fell a sleep. I knew that wasn't going to be my last time doing something like this. The next day I meet a girl by name Tasha.  We made plans to go to this house party on a college campus. We pull up to the house a friend of her's came to the door. Hey ladies my name is Sam in you are Erica an Tasha. Well Erica IN Tasha welcome to party we got plenty things to keep you'll entertained. As we entered the house he walked us up stairs where I saw along time friend. His name was Mike he had the most beautiful eyes I ever seen. Hey Erica how are you? I'm doing good how have you been? I been great just living day by day that's all. That's what's up I am doing the same thing. What you doing here at this party? I'm here with my friend in he had a friend coming that's suppose to bring her home girl. We are those people he talking about. Oh wow so that crazy. Who would have known it was you he was talking about. Dam so we getting into? I don't know you tell me what we getting into. Tasha came out of no where Bitch! what girl? I got these pills in I want to see if it makes you horny. Tasha you already know what happens when you get on shit like this. Girl I can handle it. Ok nie we will see what it do. Me in my old friend gets comfortable. The pill started kicking in an he kept rubbing on my thighs in talking. We kept talking until I grabbed him in started kissing him.

He grab my waist in started kiss me all over working my shirt off in then my pants. Then he laid me back in started kissing my thighs as my legs went there separate ways. I felt his tongue lick in kiss my thigh sending a chill up my spine. Dam Mike your lips so soft. He whispered in my ear this just the beginning. I felt his tongue touch my clit I jumped because his lips was so soft. As he devour my pussy I began to shake so he stopped pulling out his condom slipping it on. As I laid there he gently entered me filling my inside. He was a good eight inch or bigger. He stroked slow because I was so tight he didn't want to bust to quick. Dam Erica why you so tight? Because I don't have sex like that I just stay to myself. Omg girl dam I'm about to nut. Not yet I got to get mines too. He went to pounding my g spot then next thing you know I made a waterfall. He was like omg you was the best I ever had. I know I'm original I'm not no tunnel lol. Girl you so dam crazy. I know I'm baby boy round here lol. I get dress a lot of dudes came up the steps in I'm looking like who the fuck they here for. Tasha came out of the bathroom girl omg he was everything. Who all these niggas for Tasha? They here for us. Who the fuck is us bitch you got me fucked up I don't fuck off like that. Girl relax it's not that serious. Girl you got me fucked up I'll sit out here till you get done. She getting fucked I'm sitting there listening to her getting her insides fucked out. Next thing me in my friend gets up Because we heard her tell one boy she didn't want too in he forced himself on her. My homeboy bust in an hit ol boy with a three piece. I looked at him like you got fucked up my boy. My friend took both of us home in dropped us off. I knew we was in trouble because I wasn't suppose to went out let alone do drugs

We walk in Nila came out of no where. Where the fuck you'll coming from? we went to my friend crib. How in your friend in the room? See I'm talking about Tasha she right behind me. We walked in I'm still high from the pills drinking an smoking we did the night before. As I walked pass Nila she knew something was off. She left to go get my sister Lisa. Tasha left to go get in the tub in I was just standing there looking like fuck. Lisa comes out the room in look me in my face to see if I had been doing drugs. I tried to clear my eyes before I came in but that didn't work so I knew I was fucked. Come on Erica you know where we going. All I could do is hold my head down in look like a sad puppy. Tasha was in the tub washing up Nila bust in the bathroom. Nila had a belt beating Tasha ass in the tub. All I could hear is water in the sound of the belt hitting her skin while wet. I knew it was my turn next but it wasn't Nila who beat me it was Lisa who beat me. I never in a million years thought drugs would be my number one priorities when it came to my life. I told myself when I was a kid I wouldn't do drugs. But I ran off with the wrong type of friends. In this particular friend had me out here wilding. Then not only that I got throwed out by my mother for being a coke head. Thank god my sister had a place but was it going to last when we stay together.