The definition of a playboy

When Owen entered the office he immediately felt the changes. His ears perked up. His mind was on alert. His eyes became ferocious just like a beast before going to hunt its prey.

And then he smirked deviously.

He walked to his seat leisurely and sat on it. The person who thought that he hid his presence well was terrified when he heard a deep voice.

"Till when are you going to hide?"

The intruder knew that it was impossible to hide anymore. As unwilling as he was he had to accept that tonight his mission failed. He swiftly ran towards the door. But Owen was a step earlier than him. He blocked the door.

After some silence the intruder opened his mouth.

"How did you know that I was here?" a muffled voice echoed in the silent office.

Owen moved towards the door. He leaned on the door, raised his left leg as a support and placed it on the door. He folded his arms and looked at the intruder like an idiot.

Just when the intruder thought that he was not going to answer, Owen stabbed his heart with only one sentence....

"You stink!"

The intruder gritted his teeth. 'I have been climbing 38 floors nonstop. If I don't stink who will? But that's not the point! You actually caught me because of smell? Are you a dog? I got new info on Owen Carter. He has a nose as sensitive as a dog'.

While he was lamenting non-stop Owen was assessing him. He was guessing who can send this man...

"Who sent you? And for what purpose? It is better if you will be truthful. There is no escape for you. If you don't believe it you can try me"

The intruder shuddered. He knew Owen's methods too well. Even death is better than being caught by him. He sorted out his thoughts.

"I will tell you everything but only when you can.... catch me…" he shouted the last part and ran to the balcony. Owen also acted quickly but he was just a step late. The mysterious intruder jumped down from the balcony.

Anybody who witnessed this scene would have wet their pants. That is THE 38th floor… Damn it!

But Owen was calm. He knew that if the person was not even capable to escape he would not be sent for this mission.

Even if he was not in his office tonight it is not easy to mess with anything in this office. There are countless traps and the security of his systems is just as powerful as the systems of national bureau. Even then they made an attempt? Interesting….

"Just Who are you?"



The bar was on fire. All the people on the dance floor were swaying vivaciously to the music. Because the famous Blake Carter is visiting the bar today The Girls were extra enthusiastic, The dresses became extra sexy, The music was extra loud and the drinks were extra sapid.

Blake carter is the heartthrob of bars Oops! No… girls!! He loves only two things in his life.

Number one: girls

Number two: Alcohol

So he wants to taste them both in all flavors. He never has a favorite one. He just likes to experience every single thing in both categories. And to everyone's cursed fate., girls still like him. He never treats them badly. They both take what they want. Kind of a win-win situation.

When Blake was enjoying one hell of a time with his friends in a private room a disturbance occurred.

A girl barged into the room and looked at a man sitting like a king, none other than- Blake.

"Blake… we need to talk!" the man who was called by her looked irritated with her intrusion.

When he was about to snap, Sam held him by his shoulders. He smiled charmingly and looked at the girl.

Blake gave him a knowing smirk. Sam got up and held her by her shoulders. He led her out of the room. Though his grip was not rough it was not gentle either. He gave no room for excuses. The girl tried to wriggle out of his grip but in vain.

"What do you want Sam? I need to talk to Blake!" she shouted. Sam, Blake's best buddy looked at her like she was a maniac. In fact she was!! A love maniac…

"And that is exactly why I brought you out! You know sweetie if I had not brought you out in time you would be doomed. Believe me Blake is not someone you want to trifle with."

"Don't try to scare me Sam. I know him better than anyone else. I am his girlfriend."

"Were! You were his girlfriend. And then you both broke up. Don't think that I don't know. You can't cheat me sweet pie. Ok?"

"No!! I didn't agree to it. It was his decision. I never did anything wrong. All I did was to love him. When I confessed my love he asked me to breakup. I never agreed!!"

Sam looked at her like a fool and finally laughed. He laughed till tears welled up in his eyes.

"Sweet pie you still don't understand what was your fault. Do you? Let me explain... to love him was your first mistake and your biggest mistake was to confess your love. We NEVER do the love thing. (sighs) Didn't you know this when you asked him out?"

"I- I thought that he will understand me... and after sometime he will..."

"Love you! Right? I have never seen a foolish girl like you. Who do you think you are to change his mind? You believed that you act sweet & caring and all and he will fall for you? Tsk…Tsk…Tsk… let me give you a sincere advice. Stop before getting hurt. Blake is not as gentle as me after all…"

Tears welled up in her eyes.

She stuttered, "Why..Why are you so…so... cruel? You are his best friend. Can't you tell him once? I truly love him. I ... I just want to spend my life with him."

Sam assumed a serious face, "Look here girl! I don't know who gave you the idea that you love him and he loves you back. And then a happy ending awaits you. Let's talk business. What do you want or how much do you want to not bother him again? Just take what you need and be happy. Alright?"

The girl trembled with anger. She was about to slap him but he held her hand and twisted it. She yelled in pain.

"You don't understand it. Do you? If you want to make it ugly then so be it…." When Sam was about to do something about her, a voice came from behind Sam.

"Don't talk about true love and stuff. All you did was selling yourself and earn money. If you loved me then why did you take my card? You wanted this privilege for a life time and proposed me but I rejected you. So now you want to play the innocent card? Tell me how much do you want? Don't you ever show your face again to me. Understand? A mere thing like you dared to play games with me?" The harsh voice broke her fantasy completely.

All her hopes collapsed. She never loved his money. She did take the card but never used It. She was not acting to love him either. She didn't know why she fell him. She fell for him hard the first time she saw him.

But as her sister always says, "To love someone who cant love you back is the same as hurting yourself." She ignored her advice then. But now....

All the courage she was faking till then left her. Finally she broke down.