When I find myself died, I thought I will meet Morgan Freeman or some ROB who will meet me give me a chance to reincarnate into another world.

Turn out I do not have to meet them as 2 month passes already in my new life in another world, no rather universe.

My name is still the same, Brendan Hunter, 14 years old, lived in Forest Hill and is being taken cared for by an old man who is weirdly named Max Tennyson, the same name like Ben Tennyson's grandfather.

He is a former soldier who is the father of my mother, Sandra Tennyson.

And the reason I lived with him is that my parent died due to them get killed by a terrorist who decides to invade the bank they visited.

This Brendan Hunter is so devastated about his parent death that he decided to suicide himself until he takes his chance to commit suicide when his grandpa commits suicide goes outside to buy some groceries.

He slit his left wrist and then fell to the floor. Max Tennyson will find his grandchild dead if not for me who enter this body and become the "new" Brendan Hunter.

But then again when he met the old man, he feels awkward as he remembers the old Brendan Hunter seems to avoid his grandfather who tries his hard to get the attention of Brendan.

Sound of the door open as I look to see my grandfather who has returned from buying Chinese foods, the fold that we both enjoys so much.

"So kiddo, ready to eat?" He asks me as I nod my head as I help him to put the players and the food on our dining table.

We then proceed to eat the Chinese foods, 5 bowls black bean noodles, spicy fried chicken, spicy seafood noodles and lastly dumplings.

"Brendan, are you ready to go to school tomorrow?" Max ask me as I nod my head knowing my school is going to be the same as Spiderman, Peter Parker.

Midtown High School, a school where the famous hero, Spiderman whose real identity is the nerd, Peter Parker will study alongside with Ned.

And this Spiderman looks a bit like Tom Holland from Peter Parker, the Marvel Cinematic Universe version or like everyone knows, MCU. His friend, Ned also us the same.

As for how I know this is I sees them buying Star Wars lego set at a toy store and this Peter is wearing glasses which means he does not become Spiderman yet.

What I know is this world has mutants as I already read a book written by a certain bald mutant who did not know the meaning of privacy with his friend now is wanted by the country.

Releasing a sigh, I know if mutant exists, then that means Apocalypse also will appear in this world.

Just remembering what that first mutant can do make me grip my fist knowing that mutant is strong enough goes toe to toe with Hulk.

But not just mutant exists, Fantastic Four also exist as I already search Reed Richard, Susan Strom and lastly the soon gonna be Doctor Doom, Victor Von Doom.

Luckily they still did not have their powers but Baxter Building is there in New York with there are rumours about a big project that all the scientist plan to do in the future.

Probably goes to space and you know, get hit by the cosmic ray, with the birth of Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom will occur.

My concern mainly in this world is my grandfather. I know this world living may or may not turn into dust if Thanos get all Infinity Stones.

I then take a drink of water while looking at my grandfather who is eating his dumpling.

All I know is I did not have to earn money by creating mangas or animes to earn money since my grandfather has a lot of money and my dead parent left me 20 million for me to use in the future.

Finish eating all the foods, I and my grandfather go to our bedroom to sleep. Our house is 2 storey with the house is spacious. The house also has many empty rooms that I use one of the room to store something that I "build" by myself.

Nah, rather I build it by becoming an alien that looks like Grey Matter from Ben 10 except it has orange eyes and you know, has iron gauntlet on his hand for attacking its enemy.

As for how I can change into Greymatter is because this orange watch that was latched on my left wrist which makes me rememberer how my heart almost stops seeing this watch that I knew only exist in Ben 10 cartoon is now on my left wrist.

It looks like Omnitrix or Power Watch according to Mad Ben, but the watch did not have spikes.

Unlike the original Omnitrix, this watch is silver coloured with the green part is replaced with orange.

The moment I touch the watch, I know it is not a toy rather a real one as the moment my finger touches the watch faceplate, a holographic circle appears with faces of alien I know appears but the number is 12.

And the 10 aliens are the same as the classic ones with extra 2 is Wildvine and Overflow.

Of course, being the fanatic fan of Ben 10, I immediately decide to use the watch.



Waiting for Grandpa Max to go to sleep and make sure he has snores loudly, I immediately sneak outside of the house through my window and carefully climb down from my room window to the ground.

Then I start to run quickly and climb my house walls.

Like any other reincarnated person, an abandoned building is a must place to train as I am afraid that my transformation may cause a ruckus that will wake up Grandpa Max.

And the abandoned building that I found is a stone away at an abounded apartment building that has a parking lot in the building that makes a perfect place to try out my new transformation.

Touching the faceplate, a holography circle appears as I first see the exact amount of my alien as I keep spinning the circle as it met its end.

Remembering the amount of alien in this holographic circle, I realised that I only have 12 aliens which I know all of them are the classic aliens though one of them is from Reboot one.

Selecting the first alien, the Omnitirx core come out as I smack it down with an orange flash occurs as I close my eyes as I can feel what happen toward my body.

My body feels like it has been replaced with 2 extra arms appears beneath my original 2 arms as my eyes now also have 2 extra eyes beneath them as my skin turned into red. My bones expanded alongside with my body as I have flown taller.

"Four Arms!" I announce as I marvel at my new body that I transform to as I clench my fist feeling the raw strength from this alien form.

"Wow!Haha. Guess this watch is the real deal." I say as I stare at a wall before throws a punch from my right arm, the above one the extra right arm.

My fist went through the wall as it also makes the wall creak making me know this alien strength is no joke.

But that is not as important as I need to know what is the time limit of me staying in my alien form.

So I wait until the watch blink in red after 3 hours passed as it takes 4 minutes for it to be recharged before I can use it again.

And as for changing to another alien, it also can be done which make me relief as I know that it will be useful in the battle.


Changing too many aliens while getting used using the watch is hard as I must scroll the alien want and also the right one to win against my opponent.

But I know depend on Omnitrix is not a good thing since I am very sure my opponent will soon notice my weakness of depending too much on my watch and that will lead to them to attack me in my weak form where they will presume I will be weaker than them.

Sadly for them, I am also not a normal human. It all happens when I choose to do the Saitama's training, 100 push-ups, sits ups and 10 km running.

I expect myself to get tired easily but no, rather I only feel not so tired as I can feel I can do this training more than ever.

I did not have to catch my breath or have cramp on my leg as I do this training for 2 hours straight around my house before I take a rest.

Of course, this kind of training is in my human form so I feel a bit weird seeing this before I had a crazy possibility which makes me think that I am a mutant.

Changing to Grey Matter and then build a watch that let me identify people who have X-Gene, or rather a mutant.

It takes me an hour to build it and it looks like that Meta-human watch for The Flash TV series with the blue sign that is a normal human but if it the watch turn red, well that person is a mutant.

I wear it on my right wrist only to find that I am not a mutant which makes me feels a bit relief since I did not want a certain bald Professor to detect me and ask me to join his chicken den.

By using Grey Matter's smartest, I deduct one thing about me which is I am somehow has become a super soldier like Captain America.

And my theory is correct as I notice my body is far healthier and a bit stronger than human when I rip a log into the half with all my strength though my arms feel very sore until the sore feeling disappears.

After that, I test my new body capable of which only make my theory is correct that I am somehow has a body like Captain America and has a healing factor that almost rival Deadpool and Wolverine.

The healing factor is tested when I stab a scissor through my palm and it hurt but then, the pierce mark slowly get healed with me able to see my hand how has been headed completely. It looks normal and healthy.

Which is why I have come up with a plan to train this new body of mine by doing many push-ups, sit-ups, curl-ups, bench press the old tyres in my grandpa's store, duck squats around my house and lastly run until I start to has a hard time to breath.

Grandpa Max starts to notice my weird behaviour but he did not complain as he supports me.

Yeah, he supports me and encourages me too as he also joins me when I do my training but he only jogs with me.

Being a former soldier, he is familiar with hand to hand combat, so I ask him to teach me. which he agrees.

And the result is I get to know how skilled he is as I keep having my ass kick by him. He is good at kicking and his kick is strong as my arm feels bomb whenever I block his kick.

Grandpa Max did not see Omnitrix as this watch can turn invisible when I willed it to do so, that makes me sigh in relief as I do not have to explain to my Grandpa Max about Omnitrix.

But I will tell him one day about this watch. He deserves to know it.

Right now, a night before I attend my school, I decided to do some patrolling around my city since being a hero is one of my dreams.

But not just your very kind hero, rather I lean more toward Anti-Hero. Any enemies of mine will be counting his or her days to live in this world as I will end his life without mercy.

And is any being dares to hurt my grandpa, well, I am going to them not to mess with a watch that can destroy and reshape this universe?

Activating my Omnitrix, I spin the holographic circle to choose one alien that I will use for my patrolling for this night.

After choosing the alien, the faceplate disappears with a dial popped up as I smack it down.

An orange flash happens in my room as my body starts to change. My hand changes with a tail grow on my back My face meanwhile in some kind of visor with my skin has turned into blue. My hand also now are claws.

"XLR8!" I announce with me dashing out of my room toward the city that I for the first time visit during the night time.

Running around the city makes me realise how the speedster feels like the surrounding around me moves in a very slow moment as I avoid many vehicles that I come across.

Queens is the place I know where the soon gonna be Spiderman is going to patrol in the future, but for now, Peter Parker is still the nerd that everyone knows.

Speeding to left and the right road while searching for crimes, I eventually find one where a man who just run away after he snatches a purse from a woman that now is desperately catching the burglar.

A smirk appears on my face as I move toward the burglar and run around him.

My right hand snatch the purse and places it to the woman arm.

The man meanwhile is spinning before I punch his face sensing his face to hit trash in as all the trash in the bin now has fallen on the floor making me groan.

I quickly clean it and quickly enter a 7-Eleven, to search for a role, then run out from the 24 hours store as I bind the man hand and leg.

"My head.So dizzy." He mutters as chuckles hearing that as I notice all the citizens now are frozen seeing me making me realise this is probably the first time they see an alien.

Unless some of them have met Kree, so I quickly dash back to my bedroom to sleep as the next day is my first school day and waking up late for my first school day is not cool.

Besides, Grandpa Max will scold me for hours if I wake up late and be late for school.

I then tap the Omnitrix, which is place in the centre of my body to transform me back to 14 years old boy back.