"I take back my words. School is boring." I thought in my week as I just introduce myself to the class with the next person to introduce is a bully of Peter Parker, Flash Thompson who is showing off his muscles and you know, blabbering about him become a rugby player in this school.

As if the universe decides to troll with me, my classmates are what I not expected as there is Peter Parker, who is wearing glasses while calming himself after he introduced himself despite Flash just call him "Puny Parker".

Then there is his close friend, Ned, who Flash calls "Fatass" that makes Ned angry but he just keeps quiet hearing that mockery.

For my expectation, I believe I may or may not be the same class as them both but the others are out of my expectation.

But first, let me introduce my classmates which I know may or may not going to become my friends.

There is Harry Osborn and from the look of it, he and Peter seems to not know each other with Harry already get the most attention from my classmates since you know, his father owns a company that almost rival Stark Industry. A son of a rich guy, so it is fated that he will be famous in the school.

This may lead to 2 route where he and Peter are going to be best friends, like the old Spiderman Movie or worse, Norman Osborn will become Green Goblin in this world with his son will follow his footsteps.

Now I remember, Norman seems to prefer Peter over Harry, his son as Peter is smarter than Harry which will lead Harry Osborn to dislike Peter.

Harry meanwhile will associate with Flash to become popular in this school.

Then, there is a red-haired girl who is the neighbour of Peter Parker, Mary Jane. By the look from it, it seems Peter here has a crush on her but afraid to tell her about his feelings toward her.

Sadly there is another girl who h\as just finish introduce herself. Gwen Stacy, the daughter of George Stacy, a cop. I wonder if she will Ghost-Spider?

And the most surprising thing is there seems to be an addition girl in this class.

Jean Grey, another redhead girl who already catches the eyes of the males due to her beauty. I almost had to hold myself from gasping in surprised seeing her is not at Xavier's mutant school. I think she is the most dangerous person I ever encounter since she is the host of an omnipotent being that can wipe this country with a gesture.

Unless my alien is strong enough to withstand Dark Phoenix's attack and it's cosmic flame.

Or maybe her power is still not awakened yet which spells trouble as I know with Jean's mutant ability, Magneto and Professor X will try their best for her to join either the Brotherhood or the X-Men.

I need to build some devices for protecting myself against Magnetism and mind-reading ability.

And another girl is Cindy Moon, Silk or as everyone knew him as The New Spiderwoman. Seeing her like this make me rethink that maybe in this universe, there will be many spider-themed superheroes.

Now if only I can identify that Miles Morales study here, then that means the Spider-Verse will exist here. Which will be big trouble since I know with that Web of Life bullshit or whatsoever, Morlun will hint after them which will be a good thing since I can add his DNA for my watch to have a new transformation.

And also Inhuman, I seem to forget about them. The King is one dangerous fellow and I am sure that now even the Echo Echo's sonic scream cannot defeat the King's voice which is stated can destroy his own country.

Unless I can go Ultimate, but that is another matter.

Things start to become complicated as this world is not the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which makes me become worried as this world will go on without me unable to predict what is going to happen in the future.

After all the students introduced themselves, Mr Timmy, our homeroom teacher walkout since he has a meeting with the principal which mean we, students have free time.

Minutes pass before groups are forming in the classroom with Harry has joined Flash's group consist of Liz, MJ and other girls.

Jean meanwhile seems to decline their offer as she seems to be focusing on reading a book. Peter and Ned seem already talk with each other with me hearing their talk about building their Star Wars lego set that they just bought at Peter's room.

I settle myself to not associate myself with others as I decided to formulate my plan.

And the first thing I need to do is build some gadgets which will help me greatly in case my watch decide to screw up with me.

Who knows? Maybe the watch decides to recalibrate when I fight an enemy, no rather ton of enemies so building a shield or Proto Tool like Rook is the first thing I need to do with the smartness of Grey Matter and Upgrade.

And then vehicles, I am going to build Kevin Eleven's car and add a ton of weapons in the car. Maybe make the vehicle able to travel in any kind of situation like underwater or even space.

Its defence capability must at least better to withstand a punch from Abomination heavy hitter.

Also, I need to figure out my hero suit. Creating my suit is not my profession but I think I can do it with the help of my alien, mainly Grey Matter.

So much thing to do and my schedule for the entire week is full considering, Grandpa Max seems to be a little excited teaching me when to hand combat.

That old man sure packs one hell of punch despite I am a super-soldier but it is useless again a man who has years of fighting experience.

I am by no mean weak as I can do perform dirty tricks to win against him but I decided not to use dirty tricks unless I want to since having a hand to hand combat session with Grandpa Max help me learn how to strike, defence and avoid against my enemy.

This fighting style is also applied to my aliens as I will not be like some clueless fighter who mainly rely on his pure strength.

My best bet right now is to wait for Tony Stark to get kidnap and then the age of heroes with villains will start to slowly rise.

And before that happen, I need to be stronger, no way I am going to get my ass kick by the villains and then get ridiculed by them.

"KRINGGGGGG!!!" The school bell ring which means now it is time for a lunch break where I can take a nap or maybe grab a bite at the school cafeteria.

"Come on Pete. Let's go to the cafeteria. I am starving." I heard Ned says to Peter who stand up with him.

They walk until Flash hold his leg out making the poor Peter stumble and his face fell flat on the floor which makes me hear sound of his glass shatter.

"Seriously?" I thought in my mind as I did not take interest in this incident as I stand up to walk out of the classroom ignoring the laughter from my classmates.

Of course, some did not dough as the only who laugh seeing this is Flash's group of friend.

Peter groggily stand up despite his glasses now has broken.

"What's your problem Flash?" Ned asks Flash who just smirk seeing this.

"What? I did not do anything wrong right guys?" Flash ask the class who did not answer anything which makes Ned piss hearing this.

"I-I am okay Ned. Come on, let's go the cafeteria." Peter tells his friend who just sigh hearing this as both walk out from the classroom.


"Remind me again why they sit with me?" I thought in my head as Peter and Ned now are sitting opposite to me at the table I sit.

"H-hope we did not bother you, man," Ned says to me.

"Nah. It's empty anyway." I reply seeing no harm sitting with these guys.

"By the way, Peter, why you wear those broken glasses? Take it off." I say to him who seems to be having difficulty to take it off.

"Yeah, about that, he has bad eyesight so he probably will bump into others when he did not wear glasses despite it was broken," Ned replies.

"You can just buy a new glasses," I say to Peter who smiles wryly hearing that. Ah, I remember how Peter's current family is not exactly rich like my family.

"It's okay. I can fix them when I get back to my home." Peter says to me making me raise my eyebrows hearing that.

"I bet he does this many times. Geez, now I start to feel bad not helping him."

"So who did this to you?" I ask.

"Flash." Both of them replied making me look at the blonde who now is chatting with his friends as I notice Peter's sad gaze when he sees Mary Jane talk to Flash casually.

"So you got hot for Mary Jane Peter?" I ask him making Peter who just drinks his mineral water to spit his water to the floor.

"I-I am not." Peter reply but sadly me and Ned are looking at him with the expression that says"Are you serious? Do you think we are stupid?"

It makes him sigh as he slowly nods his head.

"Then why don't you tell her about your feelings toward her?" I ask him as he keeps silence.

"He is too shy to admit his feelings to his neighbour." Ned is the one replied.

"Neighbour?" I ask while making a confused expression pretending I do not know Mary Jane is the neighbour of Peter Parker.

"Yeah. Mary Jane is the neighbour of Peter here." Ned tell me making me stare at Peter.

"Dude. You'll hear about your feelings to her despite living next to each other. Man up Peter. Maybe, you and she can become a couple if you tell your feelings toward her." I say to Peter which only make Ned sigh.

"That is what I have been said that to him for year's but sadly he did not do it," Ned inform me.

"Dude. Are you shy to tell her about your feelings toward her?" I ask Peter.

"Yes. I mean, we are childhood friend and our aunt often talking to match us up. I-it just makes me feel afraid that I will try rejected by her. I mean look at her. She is pretty and famous. Meanwhile, I am just some lanky nerd who is his neighbour she greets every day." Peter says making Ned relapse a defeated sigh.

I bet that he heard these sentences many time.

"Guess you are a pussy then," I tell Peter who feels angry hearing my remark as he glares at me.

"No, I am not," Peter replied but I scoff hearing that.

"No, you are. I mean if you got no balls to tell the girl you have crushed on about your feelings, then you will always remain as a lone man. Unless you are gay." I say making Ned laugh hearing that.

As for Peter, he is about to retort and I can see his anger hearing my statement.

"No, I am not," Peter tell me but I ignore him as I stand up.

"Then go ahead, tell her about your feelings, Peter," I say to him with him bit his lips hearing this as I want to wash my hand until I noticed a flying carton milk head toward Peter who now seems to be busy chatting with Ned.

It is about to hit Peter's head, but I catch it making Peter flinch with Ned is the same.

"That is dangerous It will bed bad if the milk in this milk carton gets the soil ok your cloth Peter," I tell him as I do not have to use my intellect to guess who throw this milk carton toward Peter Parker.

The answer is obvious, Flash Thompson who seems a bit surprised seeing me catch his incoming milk carton. I bet he did not see that coming.

I take a look at the milk cartoon and click my tongue as it is just your plain milk, not strawberry milk.

"You can drink this one, Peter. Maybe it will help you grow taller and make you a little brave." I tell him as I walk out of the cafeteria.

"Now, time to go to the library where I can read the history books to properly understand the history of this world."

Walking into the library, I start to notice how quiet it is. Kids these days sure did not know to visit the library.

Picking up a book of history that n America's face, I start to read it. Turn out this book is all about Steve Rogers, a puny man who then turn into super-soldier.

There are pictures of skinny him and the muscle him, then his first costume that makes me snicker seeing this. There is also the picture of his partner, Bucky, who also died when he sacrifices himself as Captain America does.

Well, one thing I know, Bucky here is the Winter Soldier and the reason why the Civil War, the MCU Version happen.

I hope that did not happen in this world since it will be one chaotic situation. Besides, I also need to choose which side I am, Iron Man or Captain America.

Many people will choose to side with Captain America since that guy ideal is right. But if you side with Iron Man, you will get cool armour, I mean look at Spiderman, he gets his Iron Spider suit from the Iron Man.

Even Hawkeye never get his armour but a teenager does.

Finish reading the history book about Captain America, I then put it back on the shelf and then walk out of the library.

Walking to my classroom, I open the door and I am greeted by the sight of Peter on the floor while Flash is laughing with his friends except for MJ while Ned helps Peter to stand up.

"As always, you are an easy target, Puny Parker," Flash says making me think how childish this Flash is.

Shaking my head, I walk to my seat and sit in my chair while waiting for the next teacher to walk-in.


A week has passed as I become the first year of Midtown High School Student and I have to admit, the school is not that bad when you finish your homework early which means you have your free time.

As for me, I did not get any alien. It is still the same 12 aliens. I use all my free time to familiarise myself with all the aliens which end up with me feel very sleepy in the morning.

My grandpa keeps asking me why I look so sleepy in the morning but I just reply I study which make him happy.

Sorry grandpa, I will tell you the truth in the future.

Back to the school, Peter and Ned become the target of Flash's bully with his lackeys as they will make them both do the homework.

Harry now is an official friend of Flash as I already see Harry with Flash drive his fancy car after school ends.

Good thing, since Harry Osborn in this world is a jerk so that means I can treat him like one too.

At the class, everyone has someone to talk to even Jean who I find start to talk with Gwen and Cindy.

But for me? I am just the loner who minds my own business despite Peter and Ned try to chat with me, but I just refuse their attempt.

That is a lie since I also will chat with them. The main reason is that I want to to check on Peter to see if he has become Spiderman or not.

Nah, that also is a lie since I just want to tease Peter's crush on MJ.

But surprisingly this morning, he comes to school with MJ making me and Ned smirk seeing this.

Look like Puny Parker has a man up which mean only one thing.

Here is the thing right now. Peter who goes the locker get a push by Flash with Harry is beside him as I smirk seeing this knowing this is the perfect the to record their activities.

Wonder what will happen to Harry Osborn if the entire school knows him bullying Peter?

A cold smile appears on my face as I start to record what happened.


Today is a great day since I and MJ walk to get her to school despite it is a long-distance from school.

As for the reason, we walk together is because MJ last night come over to my house to copy my Mathematic homework until she fell asleep in my house.

Aunt May and Uncle Ben tease me about having her sleep in my room as I decide to be a little brave.

Which is why we walk together talking about school days and she seems to be sorry about me getting bullied by Flash with Harry. She already says to me that she will ask Flash with Harry to not bully me and Ned anymore.

Arriving at the school, I see Ned and Brendan who smirk seeing me and MJ arrive to gather making me sigh.

"Today is going to be a bad day. At least I will only get tease by them both. How much worse can it become today?"

I approach my locker to take out my book before someone push me to the floor making me groan knowing it was.

Flash and Harry, the 2 people who mainly bullied me in this school.

"Hello Parker, tell me to have you finish our homework Flash ask me as I meekly give their book as Harry snatch it from my hand until get up.

Then Harry approaches me with a slightly angry expression and I swear sees some jealousy on his eyes.

" What is your relationship with Mary Jane?" He asks me as I blink my eyes until remembering me with MJ arrives at the school together this morning.

"N-nothing. " I reply but then he roughly grabs my collar as he seems to be not satisfied with my answer.

"Hey! What the heck is your problem with Peter huh?" Ned asks Harry who ignores his question.

"Answer me honestly Parker," Harry ask until I see MJ approaches us with Liz beside her.

"Harry. What are you doing with Peter?" Mary Jane asks him as he let go of my collar with Ned check on me.

"Nothing Mary Jane. Just ask him is he is alright or not? Right, Parker?" Hardy ask me.

"He is right," I answered even though I feel bad lying to MJ.

Me, Ned and Brendan walk to the classroom until Brendan appears to my side.

"Peter. You did not have to thank me okay?" He says to me making me stares at him with a confused expression.

What does he mean by that?


"Peter. You did not have to thank me okay?" I say to Peter making him stares at me with a confused expression.

"Tomorrow is going to be a long one day for Harry here." I thought in my mind as I make a cruel smirk on my face before make it disappear.

The day goes on with me, Peter and Ned, both who surprisingly did not get bullied by Flash or his lackeys for this whole day.

Which mean Mary Jane or MJ, ask Flash to not bully Peter and Ned anymore.

And right now, we 3 are at the arcade playing the old shooting game with me taking the lead, Ned who is behind me and Peter who is trying hard to shoot a single enemy.

"Ha! I win." I say to them both who did not satisfy with me winning there.

"Oh yeah. Then how about we try another round?" Ned ask me as I nod my head until I see Peter's sullen expression.

Oh yeah, forget about him.

"Come on Peter. I will buy the coins for you this time. But promise me that you will at least hit one enemy alright?" I ask him making him smile.

"Alright." Peter reply as we 3 end up spending an hour in the arcade before we stop ourselves since Peter's aunty, Aunt May called him to get back to home.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow." I bid them goodbye as I separated from them both with me stares a the sky.

"When will the villain appear? I am now getting bored here." I thought in my mind and as a reply toward my question, a van who just pass through me exploded making me flinch in surprise as I see a van now has just crashed into a bakery store.

The back door of the van gets blown up as a figure comes out from the back door of the van.

"A dog?" A woman beside me mutter seeing a black dog, no rather a robot dog that has red eyes with on his mouth is a really big bag. The dog resembles chihuahua except it is big like a tiger.

Well, it did not have to use the smartest of Grey Matter to figure out what contains in that bag as the van that just crash is from the armoured van that usually carries many valuable items, for example, a large amount of money.

The chihuahua then runs as I see many people start to help by getting out the unctuous drivers. The woman beside me already calls for the ambulance and police.

As for me, I know what I need to do, but first, let's make the surveillance cameras being "lagged " for 5 seconds.

Grabbing hold of my handphone I open an app that my alien, Upgrade and Grey Matter made for me to avoid many people to suspect me of being the shapeshifter. Mainly the SHIELD since that secret organisation can check any surveillance cameras in this country.

Searching for a red button app, I open it and press the button. When I press this button, the surveillance cameras at the 1km radius around me will lag which gives me a perfect time for me to change into an alien.

I sneakily enter an alley behind me as I quickly throw away my bag on the roof. Did not want to lose my bag since there is a homework in that bag.

Activating my Omnitrix, I scroll for an alien to chase after the chihuahua robot, what better than Wildmutt, a dog alien to chase him right?

I scroll the holographic circle and find Wildmutt face. Selecting the alien, the faceplate moves to reveal the core of the Omnitrix that rises as I then smack it down.

A flash of orange happens as my body shrunken down as my body covers in orange fur as my eyes disappear. Fangs start to appear on my teeth as my fingernails turn into claws.

"Rarghhh(Wildmutt)!" I roared announcing myself as quickly climb on the roof while sees the robot chihuahua that is 3 stores away from me.

I start to sprint and start to jump from a building to a building following the robot chihuahua who now is slowly increasing his pace as I jump down toward him as both of my paws crash against him sending him to crash a phone booth.

"Oops. My bad."

I quickly snatch the money bag from the robot grasp making it to growl. It then lung to me as I step aside and smack him away with my right paw.

It crashes to a dustbin.

I then bite the bag and want to walk away until something tackled me as I see metal teeth are about to bit my nape but I hold it's mouth as I use my right leg to push him away.

"Right!" I then swing my claws to its head as my claws scratch its right eye as it manages to kick my stomach sending me backwards.

Its left eye shines as it blasts himself toward me and kept trying to bite but I avoid it.

"What a ferocious dog." I move to my left and quickly open mouth.

"Have a taste of your misery." I bit its nape very hard as wires that make sparks appear from my bite.

"Rughhh." It makes a sound but I easily lift him on the air and moves my head right and left before I let it go as it lied on the ground with its left eye slowly lit down making me snort as I quickly use my claws to scratch the robot deeply to male sure it died.

Seeing it did not move despite I already destroyed all the components in the chihuahua robot, I quickly run back to the armoured van with me leaving it near the van.

"What is that dog?"

"It is huge."

"Is it a new species of dog?"

"Maybe it is a mutated one?"

Hearing the chatters from the people I quickly sprint away as an orange flash occurs with all the people closed their eyes as I have disappears with me already turn into XLR8, and pick up my school ah on the roof.

All I can this is just probably the beginning of my heroic story in this world.

But still, I wonder who makes that robot?