
"The battle of Willow Creek took place right at the end of the war in our own very Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle?" I knew what the answer was, but I was too tired to even speak or raise my hand, I stayed up thinking about what I told Elena last night. Mr. Tanner paused and looked around the room for someone who wasn't paying attention.

"Ms. Bennet?" Bonnie was startled and look up at Mr. Tanner.

"Um...a lot." Bonnie said sweetly. Matt laughed quietly, "I'm not sure like a whole lot." Bonnie said confirming her answer even though she knew it was wrong.

"Cute can become dumb Ms. Bennet." Mr. Tanner said. Bonnie looked back down at her paper in embarrassment.

"Mr. Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype?" Mr. Tanner asks Matt.

"It's okay, Mr. Tanner, I'm cool with it." Matt says which makes the class laugh a little.

"Ms. Gilbert surely you can enlighten us about one of the towns most historical events." Mr. Tanner said.

"Sorry I don't know." Elena says. Mr. Tanner looks and me and I am half awake and half closing my eyes.

"Okay that's it!" Mr. Tanner yelled which made me wake up quickly. "I was willingly to be lenient last year for obvious reasons Elena and Sophie. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." Mr. Tanner yelled. I didn't even do anything wrong, what the hell!

"There were 346 casualties unless your counting the local civilians." Stefan says. I look next to me and look at Stefan in surprise, I was going to say that but Mr. Tanner yelled at me instead of picking on me to answer. But Stefan did save Elena and I from getting into anymore trouble, I think he did it for mainly Elena.

"That's correct, Mr...?" Mr. Tanner asks.

"Salvatore." Stefan says.

"Salvatore? In relation to the original settlers here in Mystic Falls?" Mr.Tanner asks. Stefan pauses.


"Very good. Except of course there were no civilians casualties in this battle." Mr. Tanner says walking back to his desk.

"Actually there were 27, sir. The confederate soldiers fired on the church believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong, it was a night of great loss." Stefan explains going into deeper meaning. "The founders archives are stored in the civil hall if you would like to brush up on your facts, Mr. Tanner." Stefan smirks. The whole class looks at him in shock.

Then we all look at Mr. Tanner who looks down at his desk in embarrassment.


Later that day I was at the party just standing around looking around at all the people. They all looked back at me, probably the way I dressed, I mean I don't really go to parties so I wore a white crop top, shorts and a jacket to cover my exposed skin. Everyone else was wearing short, tight dresses.

"Having fun?" Caroline asks once I get outside. Underage drinking, loud music.

"It's okay." I tell her.

"Of course. Classic Sophie." Caroline says. We both laughed, Caroline knows me better than anyone. She then notices Stefan and flips her hair and smiles at me.

"I'll see you later." she says waking past me and to him, I roll my eyes and notice Bonnie and Elena. I walk over to them walking into their conversation.

"He has that romance novel stare." Bonnie says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Stefan." Bonnie says looking at me back to Elena, "So where is he?" Bonnie asks.

"Don't know, you tell me, you're the physic one." Elena jokes. I decide not to say anything for Caroline's sake.

"Right, I forgot. Give me a second. Grams says I have to concentrate." Bonnie says rolling her eyes.

"Wait, you need a crystal ball." I say. I turn around and grab an empty beer bottle.

"Tada." Elena and I both say. Elena grabs the bottle too and then Bonnie grabs it. Bonnie gasps staring at Elena and I in silence. I look at Elena who has a worried expression on her face.

"What?" Elena asks Bonnie.

"That was weird. When I touched it I saw a crow, fog and a man." Bonnie says looking up at me and Elena's scared expression, "It's the drinking, I'm drunk. There's nothing physic about it." Bonnie says taking the bottle.

"Yeah...okay, I'm going to go get a refill." Bonnie says quickly walking away. I turn to Elena in shock.

"What was that about?" I ask. Elena was about to answer but when we turn around Stefan was in front of us.

"Hi." he says with a smile, "I did it again." he said. I was confused, but didn't say anything.

"Yeah." Elena said laughing. I'm taking this is my signal to leave.

I walk away without saying anything and try to find something or someone to talk to. In distance I see Jeremy sitting on a bench drinking a beer. I walk over to him and sit next to him. It was silent, but I guess I liked it this way. All he could do was keep his eyes on Vicki and Tyler.

"You know I think you should leave them alone." I tell him looking at my feet.

"And who are you to tell me what I should do, you're not my sister or mom." he says glaring at me. I look back up at him and he went back to staring at Vicki and Tyler. I sigh and try to look away, Jeremy then stands up, I watch him and see that he is following Vicki and Tyler into the woods. I stand up and grab him.

"Don't do this Jeremy." I say. He brushes my hand off him and walks towards the woods. I'm so stupid to do this, but for my brother's protection I follow him.

"What are you doing?" he asks in a harsh tone.

"Going with you. You and Tyler are not getting into a fight, not tonight." I tell him.

We get further into the woods and I start to hear noises.

"No, I said no!" I hear Vicki yell. Jeremy takes off running and I follow him, "Ow, that hurts!" Vicki yells. She pushes Tyler away once Jeremy and I get to them.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Jeremy yells at Tyler.

"You know you're starting to get on my nerves Gilbert." Tyler says.

"Don't Tyler, stay the hell away from me!" Vicki yells at him.

"Wow, Vicki Donovan says no. That's a first." Tyler glares then walks away. I run after him, stupidly.

"You know you're a real dick." I say to Tyler. He stops and turns around to look at me.

"What the hell are you doing." he asks.

"Having a conversation with the last person I want to talk to right now." I tell him stopping right in front of him.

"Listen I know we have a past and I don't want to bring it up, but you have got to stop beating up my step-brother. He doesn't know what he's doing, he just lost his parents and he's not right. He doesn't want to listen to anyone." I tell him. Tyler stares at me then chuckles right after.

"He's not your step-brother."

"Yeah, I know." I say.

"You said 'step-brother'." Tyler says.

"No I didn't."

Before me or Tyler could say anything else we hear someone screaming for help, I could recognize that it was Elena. I don't look even look at Tyler before I take off running. When we got to the crowd of people I push my way through and see Jeremy carrying Vicki towards a table. Tyler pushes everyone back.

"Giver her some space!" he yells.

"Something bit her, she is loosing a lot of blood!" Elena says panicked. I grab her neck where she was loosing the blood and put pressure so no more blood would come out.

"Vicki! Come on open your eyes." I say trying to wake her. I look up in the crowd and see Stefan walking away, but why?

When the paramedics came, they looked over Vicki, I had some of Vicki's blood on me and I just wanted to go home, take a shower and throw away these cloths. Vicki was being loaded into the ambulance and Elena had her arm around me as we were standing there with a blank expression. How can things like this happen at something that has never been a problem until now?

Out in the crowd I see Brian looking around for me. Elena lifted her arm just as Brian saw me. He pushed through the crowd and ran to me with open arms, he hugged me so tight.

"When I heard about Vicki I came as soon as I could." he said putting his chin on my head. I sigh into his black shirt, half of my body told me to cry and the other half told me to scream in anger. Why didn't I stay with Jeremy and Vicki instead of going to talk to Tyler?

"I'm okay." I say looking up at him.

"Oh my God Matt, where is his?" Brian asks looking around. I pointed toward the ambulance, Matt was talking to a police officer. Brian nodded to me and I nodded back and I let him go. I walked back to Elena just as Caroline and Bonnie walk up to Elena.

"Hey, Caroline and I are going to go get coffee and wait for news." Bonnie says.

"We have to get Jeremy home." Elena says motioning towards me. I look over at Jeremy.

"Elena, Sophie there is no way I'm physic, I know that. But whatever I saw, or think I saw, I have this feeling." Bonnie says with a weird look on her face.

"What is it Bonnie?" I ask.

"It's just the beginning."

With that Bonnie and Caroline leave the scene. Brian went with Matt to the hospital for support. I turned to Elena and we both walked over to Jeremy who was standing looking at the police cars while drinking a beer. Underage drinking in front of cops, he's not the smart one on the Gilbert family as you can see.

"You okay?" Elena asks rubbing his back. He shrugs off her hand and looks at the ground. "I called Jenna, she's on her way." Elena told him.

"You know those people in the uniforms? They are called police." I say. Jeremy throws a glare at me then takes big gulps of his beer before throwing it in the bushes.

"People are going to stop giving us breaks Jer." I tell him.

"They just don't care anymore. They don't remember that our parents are dead, they've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on, we all should try too." Elena said. I look to the ground trying to be a tough sister to Jer and not cry, but honestly I'm not moving on from my parents death, it's just too hard, who knows, out of the three of us, who is taking it the hardest.

"I've seen you in the cemetery writing in your diary, Elena. And Tessa the way you act like you're tough but every night you cry yourself to sleep. Is that suppose to be moving on?" Jeremy asks in a harsh tone.

"Mom and...." I pause and reword my sentence. "Our parents wouldn't have wanted this." I point out. I look up and see Jeremy looking at me with tears in his eyes.

I don't ever think we will ever be truly happy in this family.


When we get home I rush to my room and quickly take a shower. Once I was done I dry off and get into my Pj's, I was just about to go to bed when I realize what Jeremy had said to Elena and I tonight. Elena still isn't over our parents and she has been writing in her journal. I open my night stand drawer and see my blue journal with the letter S at the bottom right corner. I slowly open it and sit on my bed, the last entry I wrote in it was the day after my parents died.

'Dear Diary,

Yesterday I met Elena again, she is still clueless that we are twin sisters I don't know if tell her or not, but I'm thinking that our parents should be the one to tell her.

That day when I met Elena we were going on a little ride away from town, I think our parents were going to tell Elena, but we never even got to subject. We got in a car accident, I don't remember anything that happened, I don't even remember how Elena and I got out, but I wish I would have died there, I should've died there.

The funeral is in a few days and I have to act tough for Elena and Jeremy, I may have few tears, but after that I won't grieve.


I can't believe I wrote that, I wouldn't express my feelings to anyone, not this journal, not Elena or Jeremy, not even Brian. I kept it all to myself and now I have this pain in my gut, I have to let it all out.

'Dear Diary,

It's been a while, yeah it's been about a year since I wrote, but I'm writing now. I don't even know where to start, I guess I should start with school. There's a new guy, he's totally in love with Elena and you can tell she is in love with him too. I'm still with Brian, he's so loyal and cares about everyone. Oh and if you haven't guessed Elena broke Matt's heart, yeah it's sad, but I think Stefan is the right choice for her.

Jeremy is troubled, he misses his parents. I miss mine of course, but I don't know how to handle telling Elena that I'm her sister. Jeremy doesn't like me because he thinks I'm not his family. I just so wish that my parents were here to help me figure this out, I wish I didn't have to go through this alone, I should have died with my parents and I wouldn't have to go through with this!


Tears were going down my face as I closed the book and put it under my pillow. I turned off my light and cried a little more in my pillow. I meant every word I put in that journal and I'm always going to mean it until the day I die.