
Right now we are taking in a new recruit, but what kind of recruit you ask, well how about we find out through these unconventional events. So let's rewind a bit from a day ago shall we.

(Yesterday) ~~<>~~

I was sitting in our table thinking about the people in our team and how useless they are, first we have a useless goddess who only knows how to get drunk and party, a guy who doesn't have any specialties to him, and I would assume that he'll let her join because of untold events; an arch mage who can only use one spell a day! But through fate beholds a new recruit that can maybe save me from the uselessness of this party as I saw a blonde female looking knight in yellow, white and black armor. Her face was of beauty unlike any other but there was something off but I just shrugged it off as nothing. As she finally was in front of me she started to speak.

???: I saw your poster, are you still recruiting members?

Y/n: as a matter of fact, we are! Are you interested by any chance?

???: that's good, I was really worried, you see i've been waiting for ages for a party I can join.

She then starting spazzing out like she was, aroused? Nah, can't be, i'll have to learn more about her.

Darkness:*blushing squirming and panting* my name is Darkness, my class is of a crusader, if you would have me, I would like to join y-your p-p-p-p-pa-pa-pa-pa- PARTY PLEASE!!!

...... What the fuck!, was that and why is my thot danger radar going off, I think I have a bad feeling about her. My guts never wrong so ill need to turn her down just in case.

Y/n: u- uuuummmmmm well I don-

She suddenly held my hands in a bone crushing manner


Darkness: are those your teammates who had slime all over them!?

Y/n: y.....yeeessss but the thing is they were swallowed by some frogs, hence the goo..... Why?

Darkness: REALLY!!! I- I mean, if only I was there.

Dangit she's one of those persistent ones, I need to make her go away or else something bad will happen but not sure what kind it is but better to be safe than sorry.

Y/n: well we would love someone of your calibre to join our party but our party is really not the best so i'll need you to reconsider,.... Like right now

She then blushes harder and became more pushy.

Darkness: w-well, I mean as a knight I can't just stand by and watch two tender young women be defiled by some monster

C'mon just go away already, you may be a beautiful girl but my radar is going haywire because of something I can't tell what it is!!!

Y/n: please don't join our party

She then seem to look like she's climaxing from something, what the hell is wrong with this girl.

Y/n: look, our party is really not great, as I can tell we are comprised of a useless arch priest, useless arch mage, and a very mediocre adventurer so all in all, you should reconsi- AAAAAAGH!!!

She tightened her grip showing that she won't back down from this

Darkness: that's exactly what I'm looking for! You see, although I am confident in my defensive ability, I am quite clumsy so I can't hit anything.

Ah! There it is, the problem. I knew there was something bad about her, all the more reason to turn her down but because of this revelation I unconsciously made a "what a disappointment you are" kind of face which made her more aroused than before.

Darkness: that said I will not hesitate to be in the front lines, please use me as a shield, YES, USE ME!!!

Y/n: as much as I want to do that I still couldn't because of SOCIETY!!!!!

Darkness: I wouldn't mind that!

Y/n: well, we aren't that good in battle so chances are that you'll probably get hurt, like A LOT!


Ah, I see now, not only is she a disappointment to the crusaders in the world but also she's also a disappointment to her father. Then I saw Kazuma at the door of the guild, seeing that she know that he is one of my party members she would want a second opinion so I just tried to make a break for it and take Kazuma with me

Y/n: well I think I have to go now, I'm kinda tired and i've been drinking so i'll think about your proposal tomorrow

I ran towards Kazuma as fast as I can away from her

Kazuma: o hey y/-

Y/n: No time to explain, LETS GO BRO!!!!

Kazuma: wha! Hey!


It was the next day, Me and Kazuma were walking towards the guild. We were talking about the stuff that happened last night.

Kazuma: dude what the hell was that last night?

Y/n: trust me you don't want to know, okay.

Kazuma: okay then, suit yourself

We went in through the doors and the first thing we see is Aqua doing some party tricks on the second floor, to be honest the most she could do in life is be a fucking circus actor because her goddess title is a fucking joke, fucking useless bitch. Anywho, we both sat at the bar table, I was thinking on what I could do today while Kazuma was worrying about his skill set.

Kazuma: dammit, I don't have any skills to use my points on.

Y/n: yeah that's really a bummer, should've thought of a better choice or else you wouldn't have ended up with Ms. Useless over there

Aqua: HEY!

Y/n: sorry not sorry

Megumin then spoke up startling me a little since I didn't realize she was there.

Megumin: first, you have to have someone teach you the skill, then you invest your skill points to the skill you want to learn.

Kazuma: so if I ask you to teach me your explosion magic then you'd teach me.

Out of excitement she then shoved me away to the ground slamming my head onto the floor making me see stars while she got close to Kazuma with stars in her eyes.

Megumin: EXACTLY!!! THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY KAZUMA, IF YOU WANT I COULD TEACH IT TO YOU RIGHT NOW!!! When you think about it, is there any spell worth learning, NO there definitely is not! NOW COME WALK THE PATH OF EXPLOSIONS WITH ME!

Kazuma: Woah! Calm down there kid, even if I wanted to learn it, I don't have enough skill points for it so it's not like-

Megumin then had a depressed look on her as she goes back to eating her food.

Megumin: he called me kid, heh

She said in a depressed tone of voice. Meanwhile I was slowly gaining consciousness then I heard a familiar voice, a voice that shocked me to my core

???: y/n

It was none other than Darkness, the woman I talked to last night in which gave me nightmares which made wake up in a cold sweat in the morning.i ran behind Kazuma hoping I could hide.

Y/n: Kazuma please hide me

Kazuma: dude, what the hell are you doing

Darkness: Ah! Y/n here you are

Kazuma:*whispers* dude you know her, if you do then talk to her man.

Y/n: *composes himself* hey there darkness, how're you doing today

Darkness: well I'm doing okay so thanks for asking, so how about we finish our conversation last night, will you let me joi-

Y/n: *bluntly says* No

Darkness then gets aroused from that

Darkness: what a SNAP decision!

Suddenly a girl appears next to darkness,this girl had silver hair who was wearing short shorts and a top that only covers her breast area, thigh high socks and leather boots and a scarf. I swear to GOD if this one has a human defect then there's going to be a massacre tonight

???: *giggles* silly Darkness, you can't be too pushy then you'll scare the person away

Kazuma: umm who're you

Chris: the names Chris, I'm a thief, and this is my friend Darkness

I go to Kazuma and whisper something to him,

Y/n: *whisper* Don't be fooled Kazuma, Darkness might be good looking with a stature that could bring a man to his knees but she's the embodiment of the word "masochist"

Kazuma: r-really!?

I just nod to him, after that we paid attention back to the silver haired girl named Chris.

Chris: I heard you talk about wanting a new skill, well how about a thieving skill. Thief skills can come in handy, plus I doesn't need that many points to learn

Kazuma: really!?

Chris: yep, and if you act now i'll teach you if you buy me a drink

Y/n: can you teach me too

Chris: sure, the more the merrier

Y/n: cool

Y/n and Kazuma: Hey barkeep! Two ice cold drinks for the lady!

To be continued...