
After the events that happened to me, I was now back in the limbo as I sat in a very familiar chair. I looked around to see that it was where me and Y/n started. The day we met Aqua.

Kazuma: *sigh* 'I died again? Yeah, I remember, I was killed by the winter shogun.' at least Y/n didn't die.

Y/n: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

As I heard his voice, I turned to my left to see him sitting on a chair with a very tired expression.

Kazuma: wait, if your here then.... wait, how did you die?

Y/n: I don't wanna talk about it.

He says as he then turns his head away from me trying to hide his embarrassment. I thought about the possibilities on how he could die, until I realized.

Kazuma: d-did you die from-

Y/n: Yeah. Yeah I did! What do you want from me!? the guy had regenerative abilities! How was I gonna top that!

Kazuma: wow, he really hit your pride huh?

Y/n: clearly. But hey. At least I wasn't killed by it first.

Kazuma: wow, very funny. Real original.

We stayed silent for a moment before another voice spoke out of nowhere.

???: Satou Kazuma and Y/n L/n.

We both then look over to the more fancier chair to see a woman wearing a purple coif on her head which matches the shade of her eyes, as well as a matching white and purple one-piece dress with yellow trimmings which goes slightly passed her knees. She also wears purple shoes and white stockings, as well as a necklace with a pink diamond-shaped jewel in its center.

Eris: I am Eris. The goddess who will lead you down a new path.

Y/n: wait, your name is Eris?

Eris: yes, why?

Y/n: so if you're a goddess named Eris. And the currency we used in the world before was named Eris.... then that means your the God of thun-


I smacked the back of his head to stop him from finishing that stupid conclusion.

Y/n: ow! HEY! THE FUCK MAN!?

Kazuma: you idiot, she's the goddess of fortune. How'd you even get "God of thunder"!?

Y/n: I'm not that religious okay! The only God I know was Jesus Christ and I'm still being skeptical on him being real, and speaking of Jesus Christ, do you know him Eris?

He asked the Goddess in front of us. Eris then responds with a fond smile.

Eris: oh, yes I do. He actually works at a wine bar where we gods go to sometimes. He's a really nice person.

Kazuma: wait, so your saying he's real?

Eris: very much so.

Y/n: well, if you do see him, could you not tell him about me? Because I don't think he'll like me because I've said a whole lot of things that I don't think he liked hearing.

Eris: I will keep that in mind, but for now lets get back on topic shall we?

She then clears her throat as she resumes giving her speech.

Eris: your life on this world is now over. You both came all the way from the peaceful earth to this world, Only for this to happen to you...

Y/n: Yeah... though for the record, Earth was not a peaceful world. Just so you know.

Eris: I deeply am sorry for the misfortunes that befell you both that led you two here.

I couldn't believe it. She was mourning my death, well, our deaths but still. She not like that useless ass goddess! I leaned in onto Y/n to give my opinion about her.

Kazuma: *whisper* she's way better than Aqua don't you think?

Y/n: *whisper* I 100% agree to your statement but for some reason, she seems familiar to me. Like I've seen her before.

Kazuma: *whisper* me too. Do you think we met her somewhere when we were still alive?

Y/n: *whisper* probably. Chances are 50/50 so I don't know if we did.

We then stopped whispering to each other and continued to listen to her speak.

Eris: Brave heroes who came from a parallel world.

Y/n and Kazuma: yeah?/y-yes?

Eris: with my power, I shall have you reincarnated in peaceful Earth, to an affluent family, and will make sure you two lead a life of comfort.

Kazuma: e-eh? You can?

Y/n: did you already forget she's the Goddess of fortune?

Kazuma: look who's talking. But can you really do that?

Eris: well, if you wish it.

Kazuma: R-really!? then if its possible, I'd like above average parameters in charm, wisdom and strength! and I'd be even happier in life if I have a beautiful girl as a childhood frie-


Y/n smacks me on the back of my head, causing me to shut up. I turn to him to ask him what the fuck that was about.


Y/n: first of, that was payback, and second, stop overwhelming the Goddess with your virgin desires.

Kazuma: Huh!? what did you just say!? you're a virgin too y'know!

Y/n: at least I can keep my desires in check and not be a fucking creep all the time.

Y/n then looks to Eris who stood there looking at the both of us argue.

Y/n: I'm sorry about him. He's just a little bit excited. Maybe too much if you ask me.

Eris: oh no, it's okay, I was just not ready that's all.

Y/n gives a sigh as he walks back to his seat before speaking again.

Y/n: hey Kazuma, good luck about your reincarnation, hope you live a good life back at earth.

I look back at him, confused about his statement.

Kazuma: huh? Aren't you gonna come with me?

Y/n: well, unlike you. I like my life in this world. Back at earth, I never was worth anything, but now, I had a chance to do things I would never thought I'd do. I'm not just throwing all of that away this early. Granted, the world is a fucking bitch and has the vibe of a fucking dark souls game seeing as you will most likely die from the stupidest monsters there, but the things I've done with you and the gang. Those were the times I looked at whenever life kicks me in the balls as it shits on my face and calls me it's bitch. So for what it's worth, I'm staying.

I looked at him. Feeling dumbfounded as I heard his sincere words. I almost shed a tear because of it but didn't. I looked at him with a fond smile, as I say...

Kazuma: y'know, you could've just said that you don't wanna lose your OP abilities right?

Y/n: yeah I could've, but hey, it did make everything more interesting.

I gave a light chuckle before responding.

Kazuma: I can't argue with that.

Y/n then gave his own little chuckle before speaking again.

Y/n: besides, someone's already reviving us.

Kazuma: (⊙_⊙) Huh?

Eris: revive?

He then starts to count down from three.

Y/n: in 3, 2, 1. aand...

Suddenly a voice started speaking out of nowhere, but now, it was someone we knew.

Aqua: Now, Return to us! Kazuma and Y/n!

Kazuma: Aqua!?

Y/n: nice timing.

Aqua: how could you be killed off so easily! It's too soon for both of you to die!!

Eris: th-this voice, M-Miss Aqua!?

Y/n: miss Aqua? Wait

Y/n and Kazuma: she's your senpai!?

Eris: y-yes...

Y/n: man, that sucks.

Aqua: Kazuma! Y/n! Can you two hear me!? I've already casted the recovery magic on your bodies, so you can come back now!

Kazuma: wait, for real!?

Y/n: I guess you aren't that useless after all, Aqua.

Eris: w-wait just a second! You both have been reborn once already, so according to the laws of heaven, you can't be revived again!

Kazuma: is that true?

Y/n: well that's bullshit, then why give people of this world have the ability to raise people back from the dead if it's illegal in the first place? You Gods have such stupid rules sometimes.

Aqua: wait, is that Y/n?

Kazuma: yeah, it's him. Why?

Aqua: Y/n! come back already!

Y/n: well I would if I could but apparently, there's a rule you Gods have made where you can't be reborn twice, and apparently, reviving a person is considered as being reborn.

Aqua: HUH!? Who told you that crap!? who does she think she is!? talking to a goddess in charge of japan, that way!?

Eris then begins to twitch as she listens to Aqua ramble on about how superior she is. I then decide to interrupt her rant.

Kazuma: um, she's a Goddess called Eris...

Aqua: Eris!? the overrated Goddess who's grown cocky because she got a currency named after her because she was worshiped a little in an established religion in this world?

Eris then lets out a surprised gasp as she hears the words that came out of Aqua's mouth.

Aqua: hey! If she's giving you two any trouble, I'll confiscate her breast pads-

Eris then interrupts her before she said anything too personal.

Eris: I-I understand! An exception! I'll deem this as an exception! I'll open a gate right now!

Kazuma: wait, you wear pads?

Eris: my goodness, Aqua senpai is as unreasonable as always.

Y/n: yeah, she's like that alright. But I just want to say.

He then puts a hand on Eris's shoulder and continues his statement.

Y/n: don't worry. I also wear breast pads

We all paused for a moment, before me and Eris screamed in unison.

Eris and Kazuma: EEEEHHHH!!?



Eris: there. you two have now been connected to the living world.

She says as a a blue magic circle appears below the two boys.

Eris: Though, this normally never happens, y'know. You two are called Kazuma and Y/n, correct?

She asks them. Kazuma and Y/n look to each other then back to Eris and gave their answer.

Kazuma and Y/n: Yes./ No.

They look at each other again before turning back to Eris giving another answer.

Kazuma and Y/n: No./ Yes.

Kazuma then scolds Y/n about the stupidity of the bit. Eris looks at the two boys with a questioning look but also with a smile. The two boys finally gave their proper answer and have Eris say what she needed to say. She then walks over to the two before speaking again.

Eris: this is our little secret, okay?

She says as she does a cute little pose. After that, a light then shown down upon the two, then lifted them up into the air.

Y/n: ah, shit. Here we go again.

As they were floating upwards, Kazuma took the opportunity to ask Y/n a question.

Kazuma: hey Y/n?

Y/n: yeah?

Kazuma: what did you mean when you said that you also wear pads?

They both pause for a moment, before Y/n looks a way with a disappointed on his face before responding.

Y/n: it was a weird phase.

Kazuma: oh.

Then the white light consumed the the two, signaling that their souls have been transported back to their bodies in the living world. Darkness then came after that light. Then a few moments later, they hear a voice. Megumin's voice.

Megumin: ..zuma! Kazuma! Y/n! please wake up!

The two boys eyes then slowly opens to a sight they never thought they'd see.

Y/n: aw fuck... is it morning already? Huh? Oh hey.

The see the three girls looking down at them. Aqua with a small smile on her face while the other two had a cast of worry on their faces.

Aqua: oh, your finally awake?

Y/n: I promise you, I wasn't trying to cross the border.

Aqua then bops Y/n on the head.

Aqua: quit it with the references.

Y/n: alright...

Aqua: sheesh, that girl's so hard headed.

After she said that, both Megumin and Darkness gives Y/n and Kazuma a tight hug as the girls start to cry a little.

Megumin and Darkness: Kazuma! Y/n!

Kazuma: e-eh?

Y/n chuckles a little before turning his head to Kazuma as the other does the same.

Y/n: were you really gonna leave all this behind?

Kazuma then gives a sigh before looking up to the sky and responding.

Kazuma: y'know, deep down. Maybe I didn't wanna leave. Maybe I did want to stay.

Y/n: and you say I'm the melodramatic one.

Kazuma: fuck you.

He says as they both break into chuckle.


Now they were all back in the guild, enjoying some warm food and drinks.

Y/n: man, it's too bad that we had to cancel the quest.

Kazuma: yeah... I guess we're freezing our butts off this winter.

Y/n: dang.

After that exchange, Aqua then brings out a snow sprite in a jar.

Aqua: Ta Da! Look at this!

Megumin: a snow sprite?

Y/n: huh, would ya look at that. Also, Aqua, could you maybe perhaps, not put it in a jar? Cause having it in there reminds of some nasty stuff... Eugh!

He says as his spines shivers of the memories being triggered by the snow sprite in a jar.

Kazuma: gross dude.

Y/n: not my fault the internet is weird.

Darkness: internet?

Y/n and Kazuma: nothing.

They say in unison.

Aqua: hehe, I pretended to set them all free but I saved just one for myself.

Y/n: huh, that's neat... Kazuma?

Kazuma then nods his head before trying to take the jar away from Aqua.

Aqua: Hey! What do you think your doing!?

Kazuma: hand it over so we could kill it and get money!

Aqua: what!? No! I'm going to take this home and turn it into a refrigerator.

Kazuma: but the reward for killing those is 100,000 eris each!

Aqua then goes on the ground shielding the snow sprite from Kazuma while begging him not to kill it.

Aqua: No! Not this one! I've already given it a name! I won't let you kill it! NO! NO! NO!

Kazuma: ' she's resisting more than I expected'

Darkness intervenes by stating her opinion on the situation.

Darkness: just leave her be you two.

Kazuma looks over to Y/n to see a confirmation. Y/n just gave a sigh and and nodded, signalling to let Aqua be.

Kazuma: fine.

Aqua then gave a sigh of relief as she realizes her new pet was safe.

Aqua: I'll raise it with care, and when summer comes, I'll have it make lots of ice. Then we'll open up a snow cone shop!

Y/n: that's... actually not that bad of an Idea. But if you want to open a shop, don't you like, need a lot of those little buggers?

Aqua: I'll manage somehow.

Y/n: okay, you do you I guess.

Aqua then continues on rambling about the things she's going to do with the snow sprite. Y/n sighs once again as he looks out the window, as snow flakes fall from the sky.

Y/n: man.... what a day.

Kazuma: you said it.

Y/n looks over to Kazuma as Kazuma gives Y/n a toothy grin and a small thumbs up. Y/n shakes his head as he gives a big smile as they all partied the night away.







Meanwhile, a hooded figure was watching the group of misfits from a distance. It stood there, watching. Waiting. A few moments of staring before the figure walked away. It kept walking and walking, until it reached a secluded area. It looks around, making sure it was alone, before taking out a communication orb and activating it. The orb suddenly glowed a menacing red as a deep yet commanding voice spoke out from it.

???: have you located the group of adventurers I asked you to monitor?

???: yes, I have my liege.

Responded the hooded figure.

???: excellent, now I need you to infiltrate their ranks and monitor them from the inside. I'm curious as to what they're planning if they do decide to attack.

???: of course.

Said the hooded figure.

???: I want your reports soon. That is all I need from you. Now do what you need to do.

The voice said in a calm yet commanding tone as the figure nodded to its command.

???: yes, lord Alrath.

The connection then got severed as the hooded figure had quickly disposed of the orb before running into the shadows of the night. Then, from the bushes, came out Chris as she walks up to the shattered orb. She hums to herself before taking a shard from the ground.

Chris: so he's finally making his move...

She mutters to herself before leaving the premises, without a trace of her being there.