Winter can be one of the best or the worst time of the year, depending on how you experience it. Unluckily for our merry band of specially gifted people, winter is the worst time for them. At the stables where Kazuma and Aqua sleep at, Aqua can be seen trying to warm herself with a small campfire that she made.

Aqua: Achoo!

She sneezes as she then starts to shiver from the cold.

Aqua: s-so c-c-cold... why did I pawn off my coat? It's so damn cold...

Suddenly a large gust of cold wind blew as it almost extinguishes her little source of heat. The makeshift campfire.

Aqua: th-the fire!

She then takes something from her side as she then tried to use it as fuel for the fire. The item she was gonna use was Kazuma's tracksuit.

Aqua: there.

She hovers it over the fire but was then immediately stopped by Kazuma who smacked the back of her head.


Kazuma exclaimed.

Kazuma: Quit screwing around!!! what do you think your doing to my only momento of japan!?

Kazuma explained as he took the tracksuit into his hands and away from Aqua.

Aqua: well, I don't have any choice! There's nothing else left to burn!

Aqua yells at Kazuma. Kazuma then proceeds to pull on Aquas Raiment in an attempt to take it.

Kazuma: hand over that raiment then! It looks like it'll burn better than a tracksuit!!

They argue for a moment before they get startled by a sudden growth in heat. They look over to see the campfire Aqua made had started to produce a lot more fire.

Aqua and Kazuma: huh?

Y/n: Jesus Christ you two, you know I also exist, right?

Y/n walks over to them both as he is also seen with a snow sprite. Specifically, Aquas snow sprite. Apparently Aqua was too dumb and irresponsible with her duties on taking care of the thing so she just gave it to Y/n and Kazuma. Aqua then runs over to Y/n as she gives him a quick hug as she thanks him for his "warm" present. *badum tsh* get it? Cause it's fire and it's warm-

Y/n: could you just stop man?

Sorry... I couldn't help myself. I saw an opportunity and I had to take it y'know?

Y/n: who the fuck cares? Go back to narrating.

Alright, no need to be sassy about it. Jeez.

Y/n: good.

Kazuma: y'know, at this point, asking you about what the hell that was would just be pointless.

Y/n: glad you finally listen for once.

Y/n quipped as Kazuma rolled his eyes. Y/n signalls the snow sprite to go over to Kazuma. The snow sprite obeyed as it floats over to Kazuma's shoulder. Kazuma pets the snow sprite for a brief moment before he asks Y/n something.

Kazuma: so, what are you doing here?

Y/n: what? Can't a guy visit his teammates once in a while?

Kazuma: you and I both know that's total bullshit.

Y/n: okay. Ya got me. I was gonna get permission on taking Darkness with me for a quest.

Kazuma: why would you need to ask permission?

Y/n: I don't know. I just wanted to make sure that all of you guys would be okay with it.

Kazuma: well I got no problem with it. That's just one less problem for me to handle.

Y/n: alright. Thanks man. See ya around! Oh and also, Aquas trying to burn your tracksuit again.

Kazuma: What!? AQUA!! STOP!!!


They both screamed as Y/n walks away towards the guildhall. A moment of trekking, Y/n finally made it to the guildhall. He opens the doors and steps inside to find Darkness. After a bit of looking around, he finally found Darkness drinking with some other dudes. He walks up to her as she notices him.

Darkness: oh. Y/n, hello.

Y/n: Darkness, hey. Can I borrow you for a quick sec?

Darkness: um, sure.

Darkness waves to her male friends as she and Y/n go to a more non crowded spot in the guild as they then start to talk.

Darkness: so is there anything you need from me?

Darkness asks.

Y/n: yeah, I do. I need you.

Darkness: y-you n-need me?

She says as a light tint of pink showed on her cheeks.

Y/n: yeah, not like that. I need you for a quest.

Darkness: a quest?

Darkness questions, the blush leaving her face as she was now intrigued as to what quest would Y/n bring her for.

Y/n: yeah, I want to accept a kill quest. Its simple enough for the two of us to do since all we have to do is kill an ogre. That is if your okay with it.

Darkness: an ogre!? I would be delighted to join you!!!

Y/n then sighs in relief.

Y/n: good. Cause it wouldn't even matter because you are coming with me whether you like it or not.

He says as Darkness then squirms in her place with a massive blush on her face.

Darkness: Mmm~

Y/n: oh yeah, forgot about that... *sighs* this is going to be a long day like last time. Oh well, c'mon. Let's go get that quest.

She stops herself from getting more intimate with herself as she follows Y/n to the receptions desk where Luna is after they stopped by the quest board to actually take the quest.

Luna: going on another quest are we?

Y/n: well, I am in debt.

Luna: r-right... the quest is already accepted. Please be safe out there.

Y/n: no promises.

He says as he and Darkness walk away. They exited the building only to run into Chris the thief. Chris smiles at them as she then greets them both with a hello.

Chris: Heya!

Darkness: Chris! It's so lovely to see you again.

Chris: it's nice to see you again too, Darkness.

Y/n: so, whats up Chris?

Chris: nothing really, I just needed to tell you something, but it kinda seems your busy.

She says. The boy nods in response before talking.

Y/n: we're going on a kill quest to kill an ogre.

Chris: I see... well I guess I'll talk to you when you get back, kay?

Y/n: aight, see you when I get back.

Chris: don't you mean "we"?

Y/n: nope.

He says before grabbing Darkness and walking towards the towns gates and to the ogres swamp. Chris waves goodbye before she too walks away to do who knows what. As they both were walking, Darkness then starts up a conversation to pass the time.

Darkness: so hows snowy doing?

Y/n: its doing good, though we could've given it a better name. Snowy is kind of generic.

Darkness: well I think it fits well. Plus its cute.

Y/n: eh, whatever.

They continue walking to their destination. After a few more minutes, they reached the forest. Trees and and vines were the only things seen within it. They both head on in the forest to try and find the swamp within it. As they were walking though, they heard a faint scream in the distance beside them. Listening closely to it, they both found out it was a scream of distress.

Y/n: Darkness... you heard that?

Darkness: yes, I did.

Y/n: you wanna go investigate it?

Darkness: of course. Lets go!

She then runs into the distance while Y/n follows behind her. Though unknown to them both, a big figure carrying a club was watching them from a distance, more specifically, a swamp. The figure then released an huff before it started to move to where the two ran off to. Y/n and Darkness ran through the forest trying to find where the scream was at.

Y/n: where the hell did it come from? At this rate, we wont be able to find it!

Suddenly the scream was heard again but much more louder than before.

???: KYAAAA!!!!

Y/n: to the right!

Y/n yells to Darkness before they both went running to that direction. After moving through a few trees, they found themselves behind a bush. They go through the bush to see a small clearing in the forest. They look around to see a small girl who was backed up against a few big ass wolves with some of them dead on the ground. It looked like she was fighting them before she got overwhelmed. Darkness saw the wolves before gaining a blush on her face as she then runs in to where the girl. Darkness then stands in front of the girl, arms wide, trying to cover the girl from the wolves.

???: huh?

Darkness: I will not let you harm this child!

She says, still having a blush on her face. Y/n facepalms at this before he summons an SMG

Before firing at the wolves. He kills one of them before the other wolves look at his direction as they growl, getting ready to attack.

Y/n: oh don't look at me like that. I had to do it! Okay?

He says before the wolves runs towards him at very high speeds. He emits a small yelp before running away from the wolves.

Darkness: Y/n!


He ducks to avoid an incoming claw that could've cleaved his body in three. Darkness then gains stars on her eyes as she immediately goes and takes the attention of the wolves to her. The wolves change direction as they no were going for Darkness. Though one of the wolves were still having its sights on Y/n as it readies itself to pounce.

Y/n: alright, so you wanna play? Then come here boy!

The wolf then pounces on Y/n. Y/n quickly takes Hikaru and has her morph into him before summoning his stand and uppercutting the wolf away.

Y/n: [Making Mirrors]!!! Crush this mutt!!!


The wolf then flies away into a tree before falling down, dead. Meanwhile, Darkness was being tossed around by the wolves. Though she seems to not mind as shes moaning very intensely. A wolf comes over to darkness who was still on the ground trying to get her bearings, about to eat her up, but was then halted because of a green vine wrapping around its legs. The green vine then pulls the wolf's legs into the ground, causing it to get stuck before a green arc of magic sliced through its neck slicing it's head clean off. Darkness looks to where the arc came from to see the girl standing there with her staff pointing outwards.

???: *huff* *huff* miss... are you okay?

Darkness: I am, thank you.

She thanks her, still disappointed that she didn't get mauled to death but was still grateful nonetheless. The few of the wolves group back up as they all face the two girls. Y/n then joins the two as he stands beside them.

Darkness: Y/n! your okay.

Y/n: of course. So whats your name?

He asks the little girl.

Emerald: i-I'm Emerald Grustao...

Emerald was wearing a green wizards coat with a belt on her waist. She also wears a red scarf. She has a staff that has a giant emerald on the top. She has light brown hair with green eyes.

Y/n: emerald huh? Well names Y/n and she's Darkness. But enough introductions, we got some doggies to put down.

They all look back to the wolves who surprisingly were not attacking them yet. They all got into a fighting stance as the wolves growl and readied themselves for another fight. then what they assumed was the alpha wolf seeing it was bigger than the rest of its pack, was about to charge. The group braced themselves but stopped as a giant club smashed the alpha wolf to the ground, crushing its head into mush. The pack mates then start to whimper as they try to flee but failed as the giant being swatted on of the wolves away then grabbing one of them as it rips the wolf into two before throwing the remains away to its sides. The trio look on in shock as the large figure walked out of the shade and into the light to reveal a very, battle scarred ogre.

Y/n: that is one badass lookin ogre...

Emerald: I-I-its so huge!

They both comment as Darkness just breathes heavily while having lustful eyes for that sweet, sweet, pain baby. The ogre roars out loud before slamming its club down to the ground causing a small earthquake, causing everyone to lose balance.

Y/n: Holy fucking SHIT!

Y/n yells as the ogre was now charging towards them. Thinking quickly, they all scatter as the ogre went past them and decimates a whole tree with its body. The ogre turns around as it roars once more.

Y/n: its so pissed! Darkness, distract it for a bit!

Y/n commanded as Darkness, without hesitation, tries to distract the ogre.

Y/n: Emerald, you think you can still use spells? Seeing as you have a staff and all.

Emerald: I'm sorry, but I've wasted too much mana on those wolves earlier.

Y/n: that's okay, here, drink this mana potion.

Y/n then tosses her a mana potion as she clumsily catches it before drinking it. After she did, she then felt like her mana replenished a bit.

Y/n: now what spells can you do?

Y/n asks her.

Emerald: I've got a spell that can summon vines that I could use to bind and trap things. Is that enough?

Y/n: that's all I need baby. Now I want you to bind it and let it stay still. I've got myself a plan.

Emerald: o-okay...

She stutters before moving in to try and trap the Ogre.the Ogre managed to swat Darkness away as her armor shatters upon hitting a tree as she falls down, with a wide satisfied smile on her face of course.

Y/n: 'jesus... that woman can take a beating.'

He thought as he tries to position himself for the plan. The ogre was about to crush Darkness but was stopped by a vine wrapping around its wrist that was holding the club, keeping it from slamming it down on Darkness.

Emerald: M-M-miss Darkness! P-please get out of there!

Darkness: n-no no! I-I'll be fine! Don't worry!

She says while still having that blush on her face.


Darkness: fine...

She says reluctantly as she uses her remaining strength to move herself out the way. She stands beside Y/n as he gives her a health potion. The ogre finally got out of the vine as Emerald stumbles a bit forward before readjusting herself. The ogre roared again, signifying that its totally fucking pissed off now. Emerald stood her ground as she summons another set of vines that wrapped around the Ogre's whole body, trapping it as it tries to get out of the bind.

Emerald: mister Y/n... I can't hold it much longer...

Y/n: don't ya worry, I got this. Light skill: White Arrows!!!

He yelled as a bunch of arrows formed above him. All the arrows then fly towards the binded Ogre as it took on a barrage of light arrows. After a moment, the barrage then stops as Y/n took a breath as he exhausted most of his mana.

Emerald: I-is it over?

Darkness: Awww....

Y/n: don't you "aww".

But alas, luck wasn't on their side as the vines got torn apart as it stood back up, blood all over its body. The ogre roared as loud as it can, before running towards the trio.

Y/n: oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! RUN!!! FUCKING RUN!!!

They all then booked it. The Ogre giving chase as the three of them ran for their lives.