

I take a seat next to Giovanni where Wynnona usually sits, Star coming to sit in my lap. I smile at Giovanni as he places the ship into Dayna's control.

"She's resting?" He asks, referring to his little sister. He looks much older than 25 as he leans back into his chair stiffly. His eyes look tired, wrinkles kiss the corners of his eyes. This is all likely because he died, and I brought him back to life.

"Yes, her and Roe are sleeping." I study the speeding by galaxy.

"She loves that kid like a son." He says humming. He looks much wiser. "Turns out being brought back from the dead has its effects." Giovanni jokes having noticed the way I was staring at him.

"You should still be 25 though." I say aloud, perplexed. He smiles warmly at me.

"I am, my looks just seem to have aged slightly." He shrugs. Both of us turn our attention to the entrance to the control room when we hear a shout. I smile when I hear the string of curses from Oriana. She is now out of the game.

"I miss being young." I sigh as I lean back into my seat, petting Star affectionately. Giovanni studies me with a question in his eyes. "I miss before I was trapped. I've been stuck in that cursed book for thousands of years. I miss before that, when I was younger." I sigh dreamily remembering the fire tempered girl I had given my heart to. "Trivial issues such as romance seemed like the end of the world back then. I miss that." He smiles at me.

"You're talking about Artemis, aren't you?" He asks me. I stare at him, amazed he knows that. "Being brought back by you also has its perks. Like you, I get glimpses of the future. A part of that was seeing your past, but only the memories you hold closest." I smile at him. He asks me questions which I happily answer. Hours pass of us talking, laughing, and smiling like old friends. Our attention is no longer on paying attention to what is going on outside of the ship.

"Dropping out of fast travel." Dayna's voice catches our attention. We are nowhere near where we are supposed to stop. "Intruder in mainframe." Her voice cuts out sharply with a static being left behind. The ship is suddenly tossed to the side with a sharp hit. Giovanni is frantically hitting buttons to figure out what is going on when I hear bare feet swiftly padding across the metal floor.

"What's going on?" Wynnona's gravelly voice comes from the entrance to the control room. Her voice is huskier than usual, likely she's just woken up. Her hair is a mess, sticking up in every direction. There is a small trail of drool coming from the corner of her lips. I hold back a smile at this all. She is normally so put together, conveying nothing but intimidation. I love seeing her like this, open. "The hell did you do to my ship?" She growls at Giovanni. I stand from her seat, allowing Star to sit on her shoulder, as I go to little Roe. He clings onto me in fear.

"Lesbian, nice." Giovanni says, pointing to Wynnona's shirt. She raises an eyebrow at him, causing him to cower ever so slightly. The ship is thrown to the side again.

"Athena keep an eye on Roe." Wynnona starts to give commands as she hits different buttons, doing what Giovanni was trying to do. Into the ship's front window comes Gunther's face. He looks more insane than when Wynnona last encountered him. Everyone has filed into the room now.

"Didn't think I'd find you my love, did you?" He asks Wynnona. A pang of jealousy fills me. "I see you've been able to return Athena to her body. Thank you for that, it will make killing her in front of you much more fun." He lets out a laugh that makes even me fearful.

"I dare you to come lay a hand on her Gunther." Wynnona says so low, so coldly, I wonder if she is still in control. For a moment, Gunther looks fearful. I smile slightly at that, squeezing Roe's hand to tell him it will be okay. "I swear to you Gunther, if you hurt a single hair on any member of my crew, I will make your life a living hell until you beg me for death." Something clangs in the ship catching everyone but Wynnona's attention. She hits a button on the control panel, causing Gunther's face to disappear from the screen. She turns and starts to give everyone orders as to what to do. They all nod, running to do what they are told.

"What would you like me to do?" I ask her softly. She turns to me, a small smile pulling at her lips as she studies Roe and me.

"Keep yourselves safe." She looks at me with an intensity that makes my heart melt.

"I promise you we will stay safe." I swear to her, grabbing her hand to give it a squeeze. Unconsciously we both start to lean forward, placing our foreheads together. The action speaks volumes without a word being shared. The ship is violently tossed again, Wynnona tightly securing me in place by my waist.

"Wynnona." I start to speak, slightly breathless. One of us needs to say something about the chemistry between the both of us.

"You'll get another chance to tell me." Her eyes cut to mine. "For now, go." She let's go of me and nothing in my life has ever felt so wrong. I turn to leave the room, giving her one last, worried look as I leave to barricade Roe and I in our shared room.


This isn't good. This is not good at all. The only thoughts racing through my head are worry. Something strange I've never felt before grips my stomach, something like worry but not. I hate it and never want to feel it again. I take a seat in my chair, taking hold of the controls to get us moving. I will kill Gunther. Swiftly I move to scan the space around the ship, trying to pinpoint where Gunther's ship is. When I can't find it, I know he has some form of cloaking on it. I am so focused on figuring out what is going on outside the ship I don't hear the rustling in the other room. I don't miss the control room door opening. I grab a hidden gun in the room, spinning to point it at the person.

Gunther stands in the doorway with a gun to Athena's head. Her right arm is wrapped behind her back, likely her fist is between her shoulder blades. A completely robotic dog with fearsome teeth drags Roe in after him, its teeth embedded in his shoulder. My fist tightens on my blaster as I watch white blood ooze out of the bite wound on his small sounder.

"Hello Wynnona." Gunther says with a twisted fondness.

"How did you get onto my ship?" I growl, keeping my blaster trained to him. Athena looks to be pissed, but her eyes betray her. They molt and whither with the fear that shakes her to the core. I understand it. That feeling I had before, the one I couldn't place, was fear. I am scared for their well being.

"It is rather easy when you have an inside agent." He lets out a disgusting laugh that causes a shiver to run down my spine.

"What do you want?" I growl at him, ignoring the anger that simmers in my blood because of the knowledge of a traitor on my team. I feel the need to kill whoever it is but quench that thirst in favour of saving my loved ones.

"At first I wanted you, but now I think it will be more fun to torment you." He says, letting go of Athena's trapped arm to grip her jaw. This is the moment I have the hardest time controlling myself. I watch as tears of fear fall down Athena's checks silently. "And isn't she the perfect specimen to do that with." It's not a question, but a statement. Just to hammer it home he leans forward, running his tongue along Athena's cheek to lick up her tears. She lets out a whimper at his actions, trying to pull her head away from him but Gunther's hold is tight.

"Enough Gunther." My voice is deadly calm. I am so going to kill him in the most painful ways I know. No one touches my girl like that. "I will do whatever you want, just let them go." I demand more than ask, tossing my blaster into my seat and raising my hands to him in surrender.

"Perfect." He tosses Athena to someone behind him, motioning to the dog to take Roe somewhere else. He comes to me, blaster on me as he offers me a pair of strange cuffs. I let him get close to me until I have the right space to knock the blaster out of his hand, punching him across the face. He grabs my hands, turning me so my back is facing him and slamming me down into an empty space on the control panel. "That was a mistake." He growls into my ear.

"Fucking worth it." I give him my best smirk. Then I feel something poking my lower back. "You are absolutely disgusting." I growl at him, knowing full well he's gotten aroused by the position he has forced me into. Without another word he cuffs me, pushing me to follow the guard holding Athena. As we exited my ship onto the station, we were going to stop to refuel at. I noticed the evil robotic dog had lost his head and was laying in a heap by the exit. I smile slightly to myself, nudging Athena ever so slightly. She looks at me then to the dog. We share a look before I get a harsh push to the shoulder.

"Move." The Needledrop guard says from behind me. I glare, moving forward at the same pace as the other guard. After several minutes of silence, I whisper softly to Athena in a hush the guards won't hear.

"You know I could get us out of here easily." I inform her, scanning the new faces around us. She grabs my hands with hers, the touch sending sparks up my arms.

"There are innocents all around us, don't do anything rash." She tells me, supportive but stern. The shuttle is full of different creatures, all bussing around the marketplace like bees in a hive. They have all stopped however because of us, being pushed through the crowd in cuffs. I keep my head down, allowing my hair to cover my violet eye. The guards lead us to a set of cells, opening a small one and shoving me in. Athena follows me, shoved harshly so I catch her as best I can with my hands cuffed together. Athena, who has been quiet and compliant through this whole process, tosses herself at the guard, crying for her to let her go, to kill her rather than give her back to their leader. They shove her crying, wailing form back into me.

"What was that?" I ask her, voice still hushed even though the guards have left us.

"I got us the keys." She says innocently, holding the bundle of keys up to me.

"I could kiss you right now." I tell her with a sly smile, allowing her to unlock my cuffs then doing the same for her. I take the keys, going to the door and unlocking it. I take the keys with me, shoving them into the pocket of my sweatpants. I grab Athena's hand, relishing in the feel of her soft, cool fingers laced with mine as I scan the area. We run into the large crowd of people, sprinting through them grabbing stray things left on the ground to disguise ourselves. We make it to a hidden corner. I grab the cloak that we found, pulling the hood of it up and over my hair. Athena hands me a pair of fingerless gloves that come up to my elbows.

I take her braid, twisting it up into a bun on the back of her head allowing a toque to hold it in place. She moves her side bangs to hang over her eyes. She strips off her lilac dress in exchange for a long-sleeved shirt, zipper hoodie, and ripped skinny jeans. I would be lying if I didn't say she looks amazingly cute.

"Let's go." She says softly. We leave the area, her dress discarded, as we head towards the ship, hands clasped together. She keeps her head down as I allow the large hood of the cloak to cover my face. I navigate us through the crowd towards my ship. My attention turns to behind us as I see guards led by Gunther in the crowd of busy people, exposing their faces to them. That was rather fast I think to myself. Athena notices as well, pulling us into a corner. She pushes herself up against the cool metal wall. I place myself in front of her, my hands on either side of her head. I peek my head around the corner.

"They are almost here." I whisper to her, placing my forehead on her shoulder. We can hear their footsteps; they are right around the corner maybe two steps from us. My mind races to think of a plan to get us out of this.

"Wynnona." Athena all but whispers when I look at her, her pale cheeks are a rosy red that rivals my hair. Before I can say anything, she grabs my face, pulling me down to her and causing my world to stop.