Silence, nothing by endless deafening silence. As well, darkness. Darkness that stretched for miles upon miles, nothing the human eye could see. Nothing to latch onto and feed the hunger that drives humans forward. Then, there was Needledrop. Small to begin with and created for balance of the universe, multiverse. But something changed as the universe expanded and expanded, change upon change coming and going. The rise and fall of many empires. Needledrop decided they wanted a turn, a turn to rise and succeed where the others failed. Succeed they did.
Wynnona Allen is the most irritating woman you could find in the entirety of the universe in 2519. Gladiator for money, living in the slums, surviving off her own stubbornness, no one would think to imagine the raw power trapped in her. We could not have imagined our child would chose her to lead the resistance efforts against Needledrop. We were right about her in every sense of the word. We will not tell you why, we shall let you see for yourself...
Its my own book, may as well boost it a pittle myself. (I thinks it’s fantastic and you should give it a read. Also please drop any comments you’d like as long as they’re positive in some way.)