

This is not good. Wynnona and Athena have been taken by Needledrop. Roe is bleeding out. There is a traitor and I know who it is. Jake got rather upset with me when I told him. He is currently working on Roe's shoulder, asking for different things from me. His gloved hands are soaked in white.

"Are you sure it's them?" Jake finally asks me in a hushed voice, finishing his stitch work on Roe. We exit the room together, Jake cleaning off his hands.

"The visions aren't always clear as day and bound to happen, but yes I believe it is them." I tell him sadly. I see the tears start to fall down his cheeks and grab his shoulders, pulling him into my body as he cries. I ignore the footsteps coming towards us, looking over my shoulder to see Oriana.

"What's wrong?" She asks, an innocent smile on her face with eyes shining with worry. I don't blame her for what's happened, it's not her fault she is being controlled.

"Little Roe has died." I lie, bringing tears to my eyes as I hold Jake closer, mentally begging him not to say anything about this. He goes along with the lie, weeping a bit more.

"That's awful. Can I see him?" She asks, stepping towards the door.

"Best not to, he's been ripped apart." Jake weeps harder into my chest. Oriana nods her understanding, leaving us alone. "I see it now; the venom has been in her for a long time. Months I'd say, maybe a year." Jake gives me a look, mentally communicating his thoughts. I nod in agreement as we head to the control room, Jake wiping his eyes. We join Keya and Brett who have just finished contacting the twin's parents. The poor twins.

"Is Roe okay?" Keya asks, worried about the kid we've all taken in as our own.

"He's alive, but we don't tell the others that. They are the traitors." Jake speaks in a hushed whisper. The two nod, Brett holding Keya close to him. I smile softly at the two, understanding Brett's need to feel his loved one close to him, know they are still there. I'd be doing the same if I wasn't scared of Jake killing me in my sleep.

"Any information on Wynnona and Athena?" Keya asks. I can't help but smile at how far she's come.

"We couldn't find them when we looked around the shuttle." The heartbroken look of Keya's face kills me. "But she's smart. She'll make it back to us by any means." I promise her, pulling her into my arms. She hugs me tight, thanking me. I smile warmly at her, leaving the two alone to chat about some things while Jake and I head to our shared bedroom. I fall onto the bed, sighing at the comfort of the soft mattress. I close my eyes, ready to fall asleep. I am startled awake however when Jake hops up into my lap, sitting on my crotch while straddling me. He grabs my hands, placing them on his hips. He leans forward, grinding down into me slightly. I groan slightly, my hands gripping his hips a bit tighter as he kisses me. "You're a devil." I whisper to him.

"I have spent a year in a coma away from you," to prove his point he grinds down into me a little rougher. This causes me to groan in pleasure. "It's not my fault I'm a bit horny." He starts to kiss down my neck, his hands going up the front of my shirt. He allows his fingers to graze over my rippled stomach, smirking to himself. "That's new." He tugs at my shirt, trying to get it off.

"I'm not helping." I tell him with a smirk. He huffs at me, frustrated as he flops onto the bed beside me. I smile at him, laughing at his glare.

"Worst fiancé ever." He grumbles. I laugh at him as I sit up, moving to the edge of the bed as I pull my shirt off, getting ready to go to bed. Not that I'll sleep much with Wynnona in Needledrop's hands. I startle from my thoughts when I feel cool fingers on my back. "These are defiantly new." Jake sounds breathless, his fingers running along the long lines that scar my back, marrying the once soft skin. I can hear the question in his voice. His lips press softly to my left shoulder. I turn my head to lean my forehead against his.

"I'm a reckless idiot without you around to yell at me." I whisper to him, allowing this once the memory to come back to me. "We were fighting a Needledrop attack when it happened. I was separated from the group and they got me. They tortured me for information, they started with the whipping. Every question I didn't answer was one lash." I explain softly, tenderly to him. He shakes his head, tears running down his round cheeks and his nose brushing mine. "Wynnona saved me, slaughtering them all." I told him before he decided to run off and find the guys.

"I'm so sorry I-" I don't wait to hear the end of the statement.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. This is not your fault." I tell him sternly before placing my lips against his firm and passionate. He responds instantly, wrapping his arms around my neck and running his fingers through my hair. I turn and push him back into the bed, crawling on top of him. I lightly run my fingers from his hips to his shoulders, pulling his shirt off as I break the kiss. I kiss down his neck, nipping at all the most sensitive places causing him to let out little gasps. I smirk ever so slightly hearing his sweet whimpers that I've missed the past year and a half. I give his lips a little peck, before leaning my forehead against his. Giving my heart time to calm down so I don't jump on him too soon.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Jake asks me, kissing the tip of my nose softly. I open my eyes to smile down at him.

"I don't want us to rush into this after you're so freshly woken up. You're still healing." I say softly. I don't miss the way his hands have moved down to undo the belt around my waist.

"Billy said I'm fine, fully healed." He tells me, placing feather light kisses to my collarbone. "He mentioned something about my fast healing and your magic." This is spoken between kisses. I roll my eyes, knowing exactly what he's up too. I lace my fingers through his velvety soft hair, pulling his head away from my neck with a tug. He lets out a moan both in pleasure and frustration.

"And I say we should wait." I tell him firmly, challenging him to disobey me with my eyes. It is unexpected when he flips the two of us, going back to straddling me. In my moment of shock, he uses my belt to tie my hands to the headboard of our bed on the ship.

"You should know by now, my love," he leans forward his lips barely touching mine, "it is not wise to challenge me." Desire flows through me as I pull on my restraints, finding them tight and well tied. I tug on the restraints a bit harder, not enjoying this at all.

"Jake untie me now." I tell him sharply. He smirks at me, running his cool fingers down my chest before allowing them to stop at my crotch. I hiss in pleasure as he starts to palm me through my jeans. He places a kiss to the centre of my chest, then another a little lower. He kisses a trail down my stomach to the waistband of my jeans that were slung low on my hips. His cool hand palming me the whole time he torments me with these feather light kisses. I pull on the belt harder, seeming to fail in breaking free but succeeding in irritating the skin around my wrists. Jake's hands undo my jeans, pulling them as well as my underwear down my legs.

"This is much more fun than when you tie me up." Jake smirks. I go to say something but instead let out a groan when his warm mouth wraps around the tip of my dick. He swirled his tongue around the tip, sucking a little. He sucks harder as he pushes more and more of me into his warm mouth. I bite down hard on my lip, stopping a moan from slipping past my lips. Jake looks me dead in the eye as he sucks me off, maintaining eye contact as I orgasm in his mouth and he swallows all of it.

Feather light kisses make their way up my stomach, chest, neck, finally stopping at my lips. I groan at the taste of myself on his lips. I feel him maneuver himself so that he is right above my throbbing member, lowering himself slowly onto me. His lips break from mine as he moans. I guess a year and a half of no sex made him really tight, because fuck he feels so good.

He rides me, bouncing up and down on my cock as he lets out moans, whimpers, screams, and gasps. I give one last sharp tug at the belt, feeling the leather come free. I grab Jake's waist, pushing him back into the bed as I take control of the situation. Jake wraps his arms around my neck, kissing me as I thrust into him, going faster and harder with each thrust. Jake cries out, tossing his head back, scratching at my back as he orgasms all over our chests. I follow quickly after him, reaching my climax still inside him.

"I missed this." Jake gasps through his heavy breathing. I feather his face, neck, and chest with kisses as he giggles.

"I love you so much." I whisper to him as I peck his lips, placing my forehead against his.

"I love you too." He kisses my lips again before pushing me off him. I follow him to the shower to clean up. We end up having one or two more rounds of sex before actually cleaning up. I end up having to carry Jake back to our bed, slipping on a new pair of underwear and oversized shirt on him. I dress myself before leaving to make him some tea. As I make my way there it dawns on me exactly what Jake was doing. He was distracting me for a little while to help calm me down. Evil minx. Upon entering the kitchen, I find Brett and Keya cooking something.

"You still can't cook." Brett tells Keya with a knowing smirk. She glares at him, raising a wooden spoon to him.

"It shouldn't be this hard to make spaghetti!" She cries. "How do you even burn water?" Brett looks at the raging Keya with such love in his eyes, a look I know well. I smile warmly at the two of them. As I walk closer to the couple, I feel a headache start to pound just behind my eyes. I see Keya smile at me and say something, but I don't hear it. I feel something pull my consciousness away from my body, my knees giving out.

Around me is no longer the ship's kitchen, instead it looks like a battlefield. It appears time has stopped around me as I study the details of the scene. At my feet is Athena, hunched over a body. She is covered in dirt, grime, and blood. Lots of blood. Tears fall down her face as she cradles the body. I close my eyes, turning from the scene. I look to the rest of the people in the scene. Wynnona stands with her back to us, daggers in her hands that are surrounded by a searing hot blue flame. She is battling someone I can't see. She is in the same state as Athena, dirty, bloody, crying. I turn to the third grouping of bodies.

Me and Jake are hunched over the body of a familiar brunette. My hands are covered in the blood that pours out of their throat. Jake is stitching a wound on their stomach.

The same moment all of it was there, everything disappeared. I am back in the kitchen, laying on the cool floor. Only a second seemed to have passed. Keya and Brett look at me with worry.

"You okay?" Brett is the first to ask as he offers me his hand. I take it and stand.

"I'm fine, thank you." I tell him with a reassuring smile. "Just getting some tea for Jake." I steal some of Keya's hot water that has just started to bubble on the bottom of the pot and make Jake a mug of herbal tea. "Good luck with your pasta, Keya. Jake still can't cook for himself either." I smirk at the glare I get and run from the kitchen when she throws her spoon at me. I bring Jake his tea only to find him asleep in our bed. I smile warmly, placing the tea on the bed side table as I crawl in behind him, wrapping my arm around his waist. Almost instantly I fall asleep with him, conscious enough to feel him role over and bury his head into my chest.

With this, I allow sleep to cloud my senses, dragging me into darkness.