

She's kissing me. Athena is kissing me. Athena is kissing me! Me, a wash up, shut in, earthling with a drinking problem and a blood thirst. It's just a distraction so that the guards don't spot us, I know this, but I can't help but fall into her trap.

Her lips are velvety soft as they move against mine. She tastes like raspberries. Her thin fingers are laced in my knotted hair. I grip her waist, pushing myself further into her causing her to push further into the wall. My hands grip onto her waist. I faintly hear the heavy boots of Gunther and his guys go past us, but I'm too consumed by Athena's sultry lips to really pay attention.

All too soon she pulls away, breaking the best kiss on my life.

"They are gone, let's go." She whispers to me, snapping me out of my daze. I nod, grabbing her hand. I turn to look around the corner, people going back to normal. We rush in the direction of my ship. Gunther and his goons have headed in the opposite direction, still trying to find us. I smirk to myself the moment we get to my ship, but it falls when I see two guards standing at her entrance. Before I can come up with a plan, they notice us and charge. I push Athena behind me, allowing my hands to be taken over my searing hot, bright blue flames. They did not burn me, or cause any discomfort, but I know the action startled the guards.

"Now there are two ways we can do this," I tell them, allowing the hood to fall from my head and play with the flames in my hands, "you can let us get on my ship, let us leave peacefully, and not say anything." I study both of them. "Or you can do this the hard way which will end with the two of you as burnt corpses on the floor." They both shake but charge anyways. I roll my eyes, simply touching my hand to each of their chests. The bright blue flames consume both my hands, leaving them just as I said they would be.

"I do enjoy that you've come into your powers so nicely." Athena comments as we step over the bodies.

"It is fun, isn't it?" I ask with a stupid, playboy drawl to my words. Playboys like Gunther who try to exude only sex. I smile warmly at her when she blushes. "I'm teasing." I laugh softly, not missing the way she looks at me as if I'm the only creature left in the galaxy. I take her hand again, crawling into the ship after disengaging it from the shuttle. We get into the ship, closing the hanger before staring at each other only to burst into laughter. There is fast running before three faces greet us.

"You're alive!" Keya shouts, running at me and tossing her arms tightly around my neck. I laugh as I hug her back, smiling at Giovanni and Brett. They each hug me before hugging Athena. We make our way to our room, friends following closely behind us. They ask us questions which we answer simply. I don't notice that I am still gripping Athena's hand tightly. We make it to our room, slamming the door shut. I toss off the cloak, falling face first into my warm bed with a groan of frustration. I ignore the racing of my heart as Athena falls into the bed beside me, snuggling into my arms.

"Hi." I whisper to her, my voice breathy as I struggle to get a hold of my racing heart. She smiles at me, eyes looking up at me through her lashes. This does nothing to help my struggle in calming my pounding heart.

"Hi." She whispers back to me, just as soft as her hands and lips. My heart pounds on my rib cage like an animal trying to break out of its cage. Clawing after my ribs like bars attempting to run into the hands of the person who has claimed my heart, the sleeping goddess beside me. Athena nuzzles into my shoulder only to fall asleep instantly. The room is silent save for my pounding heart. With my thoughts racing I somehow manage to fall into a deep slumber, clinging to the beauty beside me.

The world around me is full of darkness, cramped and cold. A couple of paces in front of me is an opening, it looks like a forest if before the opening. A girl sits at the edge of the opening. I make my way over, studying her from behind slowly.

"I don't bite much," the woman calls, voice echoing, "you can come join me. I must speak with you." I shiver at the sheer power of her voice. When I finally see her in the light, she is stunning. Her hair is long, a deep auburn tied back into a slick ponytail. Her eyes are deep brown, almost black. She has long legs, her skin a deep tan. Features sharp somewhat like mine. She wears an off-white shift dress that is belted around her waist. The cloth ends at her knees with a golden design along the trim. Her shoes are leather, straps running all along her calves. The belt around her waist holds a quiver off arrows and a short sword. Beside her is a beautiful bow. She lounges in a calm position, taping the stone beside her.

"Who are you?" I ask without thinking. She smiles at me, showing perfectly straight white teeth.

"Names Artemis, friend of Athena's." She offers me her hand for a shake. I shake it, amazed to have an actual goddess sitting in front of me. "Before you ask any more questions, I have things that I need to tell you." I nod, keeping my mouth shut as I listen intently. "Athena and I were once lovers. It's not important now but you should keep that in mind for later. Gods and goddesses have these mortal forms that are exceedingly rare. Athena is one of them and I was once one. You are one as well, but not fully. Your celestial DNA stops my soul from fully being a part of you, but a potion of it is.

"I am a portion of your soul, the rest of me is scattered across time and space with the rest of the books. I really brought you here to ask for your help and to warn you." Her eyes bore into mine. Her hands reach forward, soft, and smooth, to grip my calloused fingers. "Protect Athena for me. Please. I ask of you only this, protect her where I failed. I warn you of the war that is brewing, trust those closest to you, distrust those of your bloodline. All but Giovanni. I have already spoken to him as he now shares a portion of my soul. Keep yourselves, Athena, Stardust, and the others safe from those who would wish to hurt you." She smiles at me as she starts to fade. "Our time has come to an end, go back to her and keep her safe. Please, succeed where I failed." With that I feel something pulling me awake, drawing me back to the land of the living.

I wake to the ship jerking slightly, and Athena petting my hair. I look up at her and smile softly at her unruly white hair. The moment of peace is broken when Giovanni comes into the room without knocking. Without thinking I toss the blankets over top of her to cover her. She sleeps in nothing but her underwear and one of my oversized t-shirts that falls off one of her shoulders.

"What?" I growl at him in my gravely morning voice as Athena laughs softly at me. I glare at her gently before turning back to Giovanni.

"We are approaching the Mech planet, a little late but we are here." I shrug before he tosses my jacket at me. I glare at him as I get up, stripping off my pj's and getting dressed in skinny jeans, a loose tank top, my leather jacket, combat boots, and my necklace of different charms. I study the rose attached to the necklaces, seeing it thriving and well. I brush out my hair, brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and go back to Athena. She has a slight blush on her face as she studies me.

"Do you wear anything other than that?" She asks me. I smile at her, walking over to her and cupping her face in my hands, kissing her forehead.

"Nope." I monotone before leaving the room. I go to the control room to find the twins and Giovanni waiting for me. I smile at each of them as I enter the room, going to stand between the twins and Giovanni. "Eventful night?" I ask my brother with a smirk at the small, faint hickeys shining on his pale skin.

"I will kill you." He grumbles at me. I laugh, knowing his distaste for hickeys, yet he somehow ends up covered in them. I smirk at him evilly before Zel smacks my arm as her mother shows up on the window.

"Your highness." Giovanni and I say at the same time, both bowing.

"Good to see you've finally made it in one piece." There is a hint of sarcasm to her delicate voice. My clench my hands behind my back, instead focusing on the pain of my nails biting into my palms.

"My apologies. We were attacked by Needledrop unexpectedly." I comment, explaining the situation.

"No matter." The queen waves her hand dismissively at me. "There is a place for you to land by the castle. The ball will be started upon your landing." With that she disappears. The twins both let out gasps of air they were holding.

"I apologize for her." Zelanna tells us.

"She is as stuck up as always." Rochet sighs at the same time as her.

"It's okay, we should get ready right?" I ask, brushing it off as I go to the controls, landing the ship on the Mech planet. The twins rush off, happy to be home while the rest of us get dressed in the clothes the Royal family provided for us.

Keya grabbed Athena from our room to pamper her for the ball. I went into our room to change into the most dazzling suit I'd ever seen. The button-down shirt I pull on is black and silky soft. I change my bra so that it will push up my breast just a bit more and leave the shirt unbuttoned enough to show off a bit of cleavage. I toss the tie aside, grabbing the pants. They are the same silky black as the shirt with white, frost like designs crawling from the cuff of the pants up. I pull on the black socks with the equally black dress shoes. Finally, I move to the jacket that takes my breath away. Down from the shoulders are the same frosty patterns. The sleeves were the same as the pants as the tops of the pockets were just frosted white. The jacket was warm and comfortable, fitting my slightly boxy figure perfectly.

I brush out my hair, letting it fall in place naturally. I turn to exit the room, bringing Star with his cute little bowtie with me. Giovanni and Jake wait for me wearing opposite suits. Jake wears a pale blue suit that fits him nicely. His tie is long and a pale purple. Giovanni wears a sunset red suit with the same purple tie, his hair braided back into an intricate ponytail. I assumed Jake had done it.

"You look stunning Wynnona." Jake complements making me smile.

"You look dashing yourself." He smiles warmly as he steps a bit closer to Giovanni, holding his hand a little tighter. My attention is turned from conversation when Keya's laugh pulls my attention. I am greeted by her in a beautiful dress and the ever more breathtaking Athena.

Her white hair is left to hang around her shoulders, parts of it braided away from her face to rest in twirled roses on the back of her head. Her hair falls in loose waves around her body, ending at her waist. Her lips are a deep red, dark red and black eyeshadow around her eyes bringing out their soft hazel colour. Her body and curves are a whole other story in contrast with her soft features.

Her body is covered in flowing black fabric. The torso of her dress is tight, accenting her curves and chest. The halter top is covered in tiny black gems that shimmer in the light; he arms bare to the elements. There is a belt around her waist then the flowy black fabric ripples around her long pale legs. There are two slits in the front of her dress, showing off her legs and making my mouth water as my heart pounds. She smiles at me, stepping forward in her tall black heels that make her almost as tall as me with her hands outstretched to me. I take her hands, smiling wide as I study her further.

"You look stunning." I whisper to her as she smiles wide at me.

"You look beautiful as well." She tells me, still smiling. I offer her my elbow and she takes it, allowing me to lead her out of the ship. The others follow shortly behind us. Be still my heart. I sigh mentally as I attempt to stop my eyes from wandering down her perfect, curvy figure. For a slim girl man does she ever have curves. Curves that were hidden from my hungry eyes for far too long.

"Welcome." Says an electronic voice. I turn forward to see a man, tall with bronze skin. His eyes are gears, different gears and electronic parts make up his body. "The queen is expecting you. Follow me." He turns and we follow him into the huge castle. The whole of the planet looks like one big circuit board, the castle being the thing on one that runs everything. It was definitely interesting. The twins run past all of us, laughing and smiling. They run down the halls of the palace, giggling at one another as they speak in a language I don't understand. I was never a tech person.

We enter a room where the queen awaits. She is short, body completely clad in her regal clothes. She looks largely like the twins, her skin pale silver instead of a dull grey. Athena and I bow to her as she turns, her children running to hug her. It's then I notice the large height difference. They must get their height from their father.

"Welcome." The queen speaks stiffly, like a robot in need of a reboot. "The ball is downstairs. Your companions can go join the others; I prefer to not be outnumbered." I bite my tongue in an attempt to stop my eyes from rolling. I look to Giovanni who nods, reading my mind. Athena squeezes my hand before taking Jake's arm, leaving with everyone else. I turn back to the queen, noticing how her servant checks me out. His gear like eyes scan down my frame. I stuff my hands in my pant pockets, subtly sizing him up.

"Queen Mothera-" she cuts Giovanni off sharply.

"Why should I allow my people to suffer at your rebellions hands?" She asks.

"With all due respect, we are attempting to free the universe from the grasp of Needledrop. Your people will not suffer with us, but they will suffer under the control of Needledrop." Giovanni explains calmly. Mothera raises a delicate brow at us sharply.

"My planet is free." She fires back.

"Not for long." I tell her, attempting to keep my calm, "Needledrop is taking over. Those that are free aren't for long. How many of your people would die before you surrendered to them?" I ask, attempting to sway her position.

"I've run the calculation-" I cut her off.

"Run the numbers again. Did you factor in that we are human and stubborn? That we will fight until we are both dead? Or the fact that we are both the last of the Celestial race?" I challenge her again, getting tired of calm politics. She studies me with her cold eyes. I don't waver under her gaze, having felt colder stares back on earth in the gladiator ring.

"I will consider this." She waves her hand dismissively. Giovanni and I share a look before exiting the room, making our way to the ballroom.

"Nicely done." He congratulates me. I smile at him, keeping my eyes on the strangely tiled floor as we follow the loud music.

"Thanks." I sigh, elbowing him softly. He laughs before pushing my shoulder. We enter the ballroom to see flashing lights, loud music, and large groups of people dancing. I smiled when I saw Jake and Athena dancing together, Jake whipping his hair around to the fast beat of the song as Athena does something with her hips that makes me mouth water. They both break out into a fit of laughter at themselves. Brett and Keya are eating something with Oriana while Lillian is nowhere to be seen.

"Before we go in, I have to tell you," Giovanni grabs my arm to stop me and pull me aside, "I had a vision before Gunther took you and Athena."

"Gunther mentioned something about us having a traitor amongst us." I tell him. He smiles at me before shaking his head.

"You've figured it out, already haven't you?"

"Of course." I tell him, shaking my head and crossing my arms. "I'm not some horny teenager that stops functioning after a pretty girl kisses them." I roll my eyes at his smirk.

"Athena kisses you?" He asks, brow raised. I punch his shoulder hard enough to ensure a bruise.

"Yeah, it was as a distraction to Gunther and his men." I shrug before blushing slightly. "But Elder Gods do I ever want to do it again." He opens his mouth to say something while massaging his shoulder, but I stop him. "Say anything and I will tear your balls off and shove them down your throat." I growl, turning to enter the ballroom. Giovanni follows behind me as we make our way to the others. Brett smiles, mouth full of what I think is a cookie. Keya waves as she smacks her soon to be husband. Oriana ignores us, thinking about something else. Jake doesn't notice either, so Giovanni takes the opportunity to sneak up behind him and wrap him up in his arms. Athena walks over to me, breath slightly laboured.

"Hi." She breaths, taking my hands when I offer them to her. "How did it go?" She asks. I then take notice of a ring on her left thumb, a slim band with a blue stone on it. The stone glows softly.

"That's new." I point out, raising her hand to get a better look. "Where'd this come from?" I ask.

"The stones from my journal still exist, they are part of me now. The challenges will arise as rings on my fingers instead it would seem." She says, waiting for me to now answer her question.

"It went well I think." I smile warmly at her as I kiss her knuckles softly, looking into her eyes as I do it. A soft pink dusts across her cheeks.

"Come dance with me." She says as she pulls me toward the dance floor, not leaving room to argue. I would be completely insane to say no to this woman.