WebNovelSave me28.13%

9.the walk

I stare idol at the bracelet on my wrist, still lost in my thoughts, I look around,and see ethan nowhere.he left without me?.did I make him uncomfortable today or smth,I need to look for him.

I quickly collect my things from my desk and rush out,I don't see him outside the class.'i guess he left' I think to my self as I make way to the lockers to get my stuff.

There he is standing on one leg leaning on his locker, phone in his hand ,earphones tucked in his ears, humming with the music ,eyes closed.looking so good just standing there

There are 2-3 people except us,who are already leaving.

My face welcomes a big smile at thought of him waiting for me! cute!

I make my way towards him,and take one side of earphone to put it inside my ear.he finally acknowledges my presence

"Nice!music, who's the artist?" I ask bobbing my head slightly.,he leaves a small chuckle as he says,"you like it?I composed it!"I raise my eyebrows."loved it!your talented man!!"I say appreciating

He smiles flustered"thanks" taking the ear phones and phone and slipping it into his pocket.,I give him an offended pout

"You already took forever to come back, gather your things quickly, I gotta go home real quick" he says,"yaa!you could have just asked me in the class to hurry up"

"You looked as if you were lost in your train of thoughts, didn't wanted to break you out of your transe" he says ohh!It might have looked so weird "anyways.." I gather my things as we both head outside ,I'm walking beside him,I nearly reach 1 inch taller then his shoulders,he is tall so he appears a bit intimidating.

"you were waiting for me,even when you were in a hurry?" I playfully wriggle my eyebrows at him,"yess! don't want to hear you complaining about it tomorrow,I'll better wait for 15mins then hear you eating my head for the whole day tomorrow"he says to annoy me,"meaniee!!" I playfully bend my fore leg back wards kick his butt while walking.,as I giggle .he just gives me a narrow eyes and moves ahead,I do it again,and again.."adley!! don't do that.."he says warning me."or what!!?" I say still walking looking him at the eyes trying to challange him." Or else I'll.." I feel barrier coming in contact with my leg, before I can process I go flying down to ground face first.


"....do that" he completes

This idiot put his leg on my way.,it took me a good second to figure out I fell on the floor real bad!

And this Jerk of a person is laughing his ass out at my state

"aahh!! miller,I'll skin you alive!!!"I stand up to get him,but feel a pain rushing from my knees,I look down see my knees bruised and I guess I kinda cramped a ligament somewhere too as Im having difficulty to walk.

"Nice,jump Adley!!" He says in between his laughs.i search for smth near me, but I get a water bottle from my backpack,and immediately throw it at him,"oww!!!cool down girl!!"but he catches the bottle mid way!double jerk!"never mess with 'the' Ethan" he says as he walks past me ruffling my hair,make it 10000x jerk.

I stand up and follow him in which I fail real bad,my knees are paining like bitch,and he is walking unbothered,I try to catch up with him,but I couldn't,he finally turns around."your knees are bleeding!"he says "duh!!" I say with a boring face, "u need bandaid let's go to infermary" "dude!they mightve locked by now!its-"

"Atleast just clean up or the wound would get infected!" He says as he hands me my water bottle gesturing me to wash it!

"Okay!sir!" I quickly wash my leg and clean my wounds and tie MY handki on my wound,yes he is not gentleman enough to hand me his handki, "all set! Let's get moving!" He says,but stops the halfway as he sees me struggling to walk," the wound is that bad?"he Asks

"No!I'm just practicing lame walk"I reamark sarcastically."oohh..."

I roll my eyes as I try to walk fast! badmouthing him.

"idiot!I'm gonna be like this for atleast two days,ur lucky its weekend or I was gonna sue you " .I keep muttering under my breath.,as I walk limping.

"u'm adley,!..u need help...?"

I raise a brow questioning, "hop on!" He says as he kneels down gesturing to get on his back!m I seeing right? "Youu dontt have to" I say slowly as I look around if he is picking something or something like that,who knows I might just be hearing things ,coz it's hard to believe ethan being gentleman. "Its fine,I m the cause of ur Bruise and I can't reach home early with your speed,"he says,..hmmmmmmmm not bad!;"ok!if you insist"

I slowly wrap my hands around his neck as he lifts me up from the ground,my face at the side of his neck,he looks towards me ,his face too close."you good?" I asks if I was comfortable,I nod as he starts to walk.

His features are more clear from up close,I can smell his hair from here,they smell like Berry's and his hoodie smells like vanilla making me move more closer,he is utter perfection. Adley get your head out of the dump!! He is just helping you as he is feeling guilty, don't act like a pervert, this is wrong!!I remind myself.

"Nice way to get back to me by chocking me!" He remarks,"ha??" I ask confused,"adley let loose,ur literally squeezing me" he says

Oops!!I'm seriously clinging to him like a koala 🐨, not my fault that he smells sooo good!

"Oo sorry!" I say as move away abit "no worries"

We've been walking for about 15 mins and me giving him direction to my apartment

"You knew you had to carry me all the way to my apartment right?which took you more time!"I ask him as I see him struggling to carry my weight,he already put me down 5 times on the way,his breathing hard.he is all huffy huffy!,serves him right, thats for being jerk.no mercy bitch!

"Yaa! I knew that,but what I didn't knew was you being this heavy! where the hell do you hide all your weight" he says huffing

"I'm not heavy!ur weak! Idiot!"I say "I'm an athlete!I'm not weak!"

"Blah blah! what's the hurry ?its weekend anyway"I ask him ignoring his comment

"I umm go-"

"yes!!here!!its my apartment you can let me down!"I say

"Finalllyyyy" he says stretching "weakling!!" I say to annoy him,

"Wanna come in?just for some snacks or smth?" I offer

"No!thats fine!I gotta rush!!maybe some other day!byee!"he says,as his phone vibrates in his pocket and he is gone,this boy!

I turn around and slowly make my way Inside the building still a bit limping."you got a cute boyfriend" says the watchman,"good evening!and no! he's just a friend" I say politely,as I greet him with a smile,"oh!too bad!does he have a girlfriend?" He asks,I just shrug,maybe I don't know much about him,he might be having someone special in his life....he said his parents are never home,and he doesn't have siblings,then why would he be in Such a hurry and getting calls from and he started stuttering when I asked why he was in rush.....and why am I sounding sad about it! *Ufff*

Anyway I make my way towards my door and open the lock and get inside.

'the girl's lucky!!' I think to myself
