Little Bunny's Mother (2)

Wu Jinyan stared at the woman with a blank expression until she heard a cold voice snapping her back from her thoughts. "Who are you?"

Before Wu Jinyan could react another question in the same cold voice came her way pressing her further. "What do you want?"

Wu Jinyan was so flustered, nothing came out when she opened her mouth. She felt really awkward and didn't know how to start the conversation with this cold faced stranger.

Moreover, looking at the expression on the woman's face made Wu Jinyan a little timid and uncomfortable. She could'nt bring out any words to speak much less think about Little Bunny's safety.

In the next second, she shook her head frantically and ran towards her apartment, unlocked the door and dashed inside like a scared cat.

Disturbed for nothing, the woman who stood holding the door knob huffed internally and closed the door.

Wu Jinyan didn't know why but she felt the woman she just met showed the same vibes of a brutal animal. The storm of emotions in her heart took a lot of time to subside.

Wu Jinyan patted her chest and lost count of how many deep breaths she took to calm down. When she thought she was fine, she took a step forward but slumped down to the floor probably due to her legs which were still shaking.

"Did we both meet before? Did something happen? Why did she look at me like I'm her mortal enemy?" Wu Jinyan muttered to herself before struggling to stand still and submerge herself in her daily activities.

She took a warm shower keeping all her worries aside, blew her hair dry before applying her skin care products. She looked at the almost empty bottles and let out a deep sigh.

She had two sets of her skin care products and packed one set and carried it to Gu Zichen's villa. She left that house saying she had no connections with that place but her luggage was still there.

'I should first get my stuff back from his villa' She thought to herself while walking away from the vanity table. Maybe because she was thinking about that place which belongs to that certain someone, she remembered how she got married to him in a hurried manner.

It had been just more than ten days since she got married to Gu Zichen but she got the shock and heartache he gave her was intense enough to last for a century. 

She was stuck in such a bad situation she couldn't free herself from the torment by divorcing him as she already introduced Gu Zichen as her husband to Wu Hao.

She knocked on her head scolding herself for her stupidity. She couldn't turn back time and change the things that already happened. She blamed herself for making her life so tough and hard. 

She laid down on her bed, scrolling on her phone to find a place to hide herself and relax atleast for a few days. She was too engrossed what she was doing, she didn't notice the man who walked into her room.

"What are you watching on your mobile so seriously?" 

Wu Jinyan tensed up on hearing the familiar voice and locked her mobile in fear he would find about her plans to escape from him. She slowly turned her head only to watch his habdsome face glowing under the bright lights in the bedroom. His sudden appearance instantly crashed her resolve of staying away from him and she gazed at him with sparkling eyes, almost drooling.

Following the ruffled sounds she heard due to his movements, she moved her eyes to see him remove his coat suit and then pull his tie. He might be doing it casually but to her his actions looked too tempting and graceful and wondered if he's trying to seduce her by showcasing his devilishly bewitching looks.

Lost in a trance, she stared at him like he's some mesmerizing art piece. Her breathing got haggard and her heart thumped against her chest like it lost its normal functioning. She subconsciously clutched the sheets under her so tight, her knuckles turned white but she didn't divert her eyes away from him.

Gu Zichen was surprised seeing her infatuated expression. Gu Zichen stared into her glittering eyes. Finally, his little dreaming wife was back.

"You sure are enjoying me stripping" Gu Zichen knew it would be very inappropriate given their present condition but he still loved to tease her. "Aren't you?" He asked with a smirk on his lips and a mischievous glint flashed in his eyes.

But the next second, he stopped moving his fingers as he heard a sound coming from outside.

Wu Jinyan who only cared about what she was watching didn't hear the sound, nodded her head dumbly in response to his question but immediately creased her brows in displeasure when she saw his hands halt at the last button of his shirt.

Just one more button, she could have a complete good view of his muscular upper body. The picture of him seemed stunning but like someone tapped on the pause button to stop a video from playing, he stopped removing his shirt.

She blinked her eyes to see if the still picture goes into action again but as if someone tampered the video, everything went in backward motion instead of going forward. The buttons that were unbuttoned before were now clasped tight.

Wu Jinyan was so done on missing her favorite display of good looks, she yelled in frustration. "Hey, why are playing reverse and where are you going? I want to see what happens next"

Wu Jinyan stomped her feet while following Gu Zichen's footsteps. She caught his wrist, was about to drag him back into the room and take off his clothes from his body when like a warning bell, a loud knock on the door snapped her back to her senses.

Sensing the warmth she was feeling between her fingers and against her palm, she instantly released his hand. Recalling what she just did and how she felt watching his strip, her face was flushed red with embarrassment and she awkwardly stood rooted with her head lowered in utter shame. Just then she heard another knock on the front door diverting her attention.

She cleared her throat like nothing happened and opened the door without giving a look to Gu Zichen but on recognizing the person standing on the other side of the door she jumped up in fright.

"Gu Zichen, save me" She ran back, stood behind Gu Zichen and hugged him tight like a scared bunny hiding from a hungry wolf.