Chapter 8

1. " Bless me Father , for I have sinned . I have been with a loose girl . " The priest asks , " Is that you , little Joey Paganini ? " ' Yes , Father , it is . "

" And who was the girl you were with ? " " I can't tell you , Father . I don't want to ruin her reputation . " " Well , Joey , I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later so you may as well tell me now . Was it Tina Minestrone ? " " I cannot say . "

" Was it Teresa Mazzareli? "

" I'll never tell . "

" Was it Nina Capeli ? "

" I'm sorry , but I cannot name her . "

" Was it Cathy Piriano ? " " My lips are sealed . " " Was it Rosa Di Angelo , then ? " " Please , Father , I cannot tell you . " The priest sighs in frustration . " You're very tight lipped , and I admire that . But you've sinned and have to atone . You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months . Now you go and behave yourself . " Joey walks back to his pew , and his friend Franco slides over and whispers , " What'd you get ? " " Four months vacation and five good leads ! "

2. An English teacher wrote these words on the whiteboard:

"Woman without her man is nothing."

The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.

The Boys wrote:

"Woman, without her man, is nothing."

The Girls wrote:

"Woman! Without her, man is nothing."

3. One day , a baby frog was playing in a grassy field when all of a sudden , he saw a cow . When the baby frog returned , he went to his father and said , " Daddy , I saw a terrible monster . He has horns on his head and he stands on four feet . " The father frog answered , " My son ! It's anoxic who stays on the farm ! " " I have never seen such a terrible monster before , " said the baby frog . " It is not so big . It's just a little bigger than me , " said daddy frog . The daddy frog took a deep breath and puffed up his cheeks and asked , " Was an ox as big as this ? The baby frog shook his head and said , " Much bigger than that . " The daddy frog breathe in air to blow up his belly and again asked , " Was he as big as this ? " " No ! No ! Much bigger ! " The father frog took in more air and not only his belly but also his whole body grew much bigger . " Was he as big as this son ? " The son replied , " No ! Much bigger than that ! " In order to make his body larger than the ox and show it off , daddy frog took in as much air as he could using all his energy . " Probably an ox was not as big , " he stammered . Bowwww ! Bang ! His belly burst before he could finish his remark . " Oh , my stomach ! My poor stomach ! Ahhhh ! the father frog cried . " Oh daddy ! " cried the young frog .

4. For the comparison essay , the film genre that I have chosen to write about is drama / comedy ( dramedy ) . The drama comedy film genre is a genre that mainly focuses on the stories of everyday people , who experience love in the most serendipitous and unusual circumstances . These stories are often mixed in with elements of quirkiness and humour to lighten the mood of the film and the audience , as well as tragedy , misfortune and heartbreak to give a sense of suspense and climax . Dramedy films are intended on bringing the audience on a roller - coaster of emotions while also leaving the audience with a warm feeling in their hearts after the movie . The crowd that these films are targeted at mostly include teenagers and adults , or generally people who would be more in tune to romantic elements . The two movies that I have chosen to write about are " 50 First Dates " and " Anger Management " . Among the qualities that are shown in both movies is the ability of love to change people for the better . In 50 First Dates , the protagonist of the movie , Henry Roth , is a womanizer who lives in a Hawaiian paradise with the company of endless women with no strings attached . When he finally meets Lucy White more , a woman whom he feels that he could potentially have feelings for , he begins to pursue her , only to find out that she has .

5. The man whose name was Keshav said , " Your highness , I have planted a mango tree , cared and do all the necessary efforts to make the tree to grow in rich and pros proud form , but my neighboured Pamela has opposed my possession on this tree . He says that this is his tree and he has planted this tree . This is his cheating and vicious trick , and he wants to prove that this tree is not mine .

" BadShah Akbar asked Pamela what is his opinion and comment at this matter . Pamela said , " Your highness , this man is telling wrong things , because I have planted the tree not he , and have taken full care of this tree since from seven years . I don't know why he is playing such game with me . "Birbal asked , " Who looks after the tree ? Is there any security guard who guards the tree ? " The guard who was standing there gave answer , " You highness I look after this tree and I am doing this work from both sides . Actually , I have been working here since from only two months ".

6. " We're landed ? " Mike shouted , as I felt the final few bumps of our spacecraft on the ground . When and cheers flooded the gravity - les air - cut mice was access ! We radove what no astronauts han done before we had food planet of Peeing out of the mister window of the rocke , Tied to make cut what I could see of this new and unfamiliarity territory . I could make out a few shapes and distant mounds . maybe hills " Ain't this great Mike exclaimed , slapping me on the back . Het the pays that will be green with my " I bet replied miling back his freckled face irre own what I know now , I'd no restarted that engine and was straight back to Earth as fast as I could Stepping out into the rocky surface of the planet , the first thing I noticed was the well mode smell like rotting opsyet metallic at the same time . The hair is my utils twitched and I could see Mike wikling his to the same od stench ( Mike and always did the first missions together it was ritual we had stack to after all these years ) Soomes crumbled under my feet and I could see through my helmet at they were a strange yellow , like to custand . Two moresong in the preencinged sky like gam eyes watching us walk to the distance I could see the mounds clearly nows two colovat hills that seemed to som er over the entire planet " No sign of oxygen . " Isaned . My air monitor had remained silent with no sign of life to exciteit Sure is quiet . " Mike whispered He was right , it was quit . Too quiet . An cere silence enclosed us and I saw Mike's hand hover at his tasarpan Despite having and these masa the sand times I felt my legs tremble as we walked remembered a time when Mike and I had been closed back to the craft by purple tite - egged martians , we logo all the way , Nothing bothed - low " I'm not liking this Mike . " I said anxiously . Something doesn't seem right.

7. Mission Gorg "We've landed" Mike shouted, as I felt the final few bumps of our spacecraft on ground. Whoops and cheers flooded the gravity-less air- our missicn wasa success! had done what no astronauts had done before -we had found planet Goeg Peering out of the misted window of the rocket, I tried to make cut what I could see of this new and unfamiliar territory. Icoud make out a few shapes and distant moands, maybe hills "Ain't this great Mike exclaimed, slapping me on the back "Het the pays at home will be green with envy" "I bet," I replied, smiling back an his freckled face. irra known what I know now, l'd have restarted that engine and flown us straight back to Earth as fast as I could Stepping out cnto the rocky surface of the planet, the firsa thing I noticed was the smell an odd smell, like rotting eggs yet metailic at the same time The hairs in my nowtrils twitched and I could see Mike wrinkling his nose at the same odd stench. (Mike and 1 always did the first missions together, it was a ritual we had stack to after all these years) Stones crumbled under my feet and I could see through my helmet that they were a stranpe yellow, lake burnt custand. Two moces hung in the preen-tinged sky like giant eyes watching us walk. In the distance I cuid see the mounds clearly now; two colossal hills that seemed to tower over the entire planet. "No sign of oxygen." I stated. My air monitor' had remained silent with no sign of life to excite it "Sure is quiet," Mike whispered He was right, it was quiet. Too quiet. An eerie silence enveloped us and I saw Mike's hand hover at his tasar gun. Despite having done these misons a theusand times. I fe my legs treible as we walked. I remembered a time when Mike and I had been chased back to the craft by purple thre-legged martians, we langhed al the way, Nothing bothered u-until now "I'm not liking this Mike," I said anxiously, "Something doen't seem right."

8. "We've landed!" Mike shouted, as I felt the final few bumps of our spacecraft on the ground. Whoops and cheers flooded the gravity-kess air - our mission was a success! We had done what no astronasts had done before - we had found planet Gorg. Poering out of the misted window of the rocket, I tried to make out what I could see of this new and unfamiliar territory. I could make cut a few shapes and distant mounds, maybe hills? "Ain't this great" Mike exclaimed, slapping me on the back "Het the guys at home will be green with envy!" "I bet," I replied, samiling back at his freckled face. irra known what I know now, l'd have restaned that engine and Bown us straight back to Earth as fast as I could! Stepping out onto the rocky surface of the planet, the firs thing I noticed was the semell: an odd smell, like rotting eggs yet metallic at the same time. The hairs in my antrils twitched and I could se Mike wrinkling his nose at the same od stench. (Mike and I always did the first missions together, it was a ritual we had stack to after all these years). Stones crumbled under my feet and I could see through my helmet that they were a strange yellow, like bareA custard. Two moons hung in the preen tinged sky like giant eyes watching us walk. In the distance I could see the mounds clearly now, two colossal hills that seemed to tower over the entire planet. "No sign of oxygen," I staned. My 'air monitor' had remained silent with no sign of life to excite it. "Sure is quiet," Mike wbispered. He was right, it was quiet. Too quiet. An eerie silence enveloped us and 1 saw Mike's hand hover at his tasar gun. Despite having done these missions a thousand times, I felt my legs tremble as we walked. I remembered a time when Mike and E had been chased back to the craft by purple three-legged martians;, we laughed all the way, Nothing bothered us-until now. "I'm not liking this Mike." I said anxiously, "Something doesn't scem right."