
A Summon From The King

Upon his return, Xerxes was met by Michael and Xura outside the guild hall. Michael explained that the king of the Delmont kingdom was very pleased that the beast had been dealt with and wished to reward the party responsible in person. He then went on to hand Xerxes a badge that would prove that he is now a register manipulator, and now had the ability to join a guild. He asked Xerxes if there was any guilds he was interested in ,but Xerxes insisted that he start his own guild. Then Michael told Xerxes that when he returned to Destra from his trip to the capital all of the paperwork would be ready for a new guild to be formed with Xerxes as the guild leader. Xura and Xerxes then headed on their way to the capital that was located northwest of Destra. What Xerxes didn't know was that Duke Francis was very aggravated at the party's success, and had set a trap that was waiting for them on the path to the capital. His entire army of two thousand knights and an additional five hundred manipulators, which include the duke's top personal manipulator that lay in wait. On top of the army the duke himself would be in attendance to make sure that the job is done.

As Xerxes and Xura began there trip to the capital Xerxes couldn't help but ask Xura some questions. "Xura did a God make you into a paladin?". "Why do you want to know so badly Xerxes? Are you afraid that I am more powerful than you now?". She said in a joking manner. "Hahaha no I am not, but I have found out some information about myself which makes me believe that you had been given your power to stop me". Xura now has a worried look says, "what makes you think that?". "Well if I am correct then you know what I am, and you know what I am supposed to do". "You are a demon. The last of the demon race, and yes I was given this power to stop you". Xura said now staring at him as they continued to walk. "Why would you tell me that Xura? It would be much easier for you to kill me if I didn't know". "Well that's because the God of Light told me that I had to kill you if you were to attempt to revive the demon race". She said with honesty in her eyes. "Well then what if I told you that is exactly what I plan to do?". Xerxes said facing forward. "Then I would have to stop you. The demon race nearly wiped out the humans a thousand years ago Xerxes. If they were to be revived it would surely mean the end of my race". "Then why not kill me now? I am in fact a demon". "The truth is I need you Xerxes. See three years ago my sister disappeared. I believe it had something to do with the duke, but I don't have the power to face him. With you by my side i have more than enough power to get to him and demand that he tell me about my sister". "Ahh I see I am essential to your plans for now, but after the duke is dealt with then you no longer have a need for me". Xura now getting upset and slightly angry with Xerxes. "Don't say that Xerxes. I wouldn't just kill you. You are the only person that I can trust, even if you are a demon". "Fine Xura I trust you. How about we speed this trip along?". "Sounds good to me". {Ability Boost}, {Speed Of Light}.

The two were now almost teleporting toward the horizon. Xura falling behind the ungodly speed of Xerxes as he merely jogged in front of her. As Xura's mana depleted the pair stopped to rest as the sun faded beyond the trees. "Xura I will make a deal with you". "What kind of deal Xerxes?". "If you can convince more people to believe that I'm a God I will not revive the demon race, but if the people do not believe then I don't have a choice. If I am going to cleanse the world of sin then I need to become even more powerful". "You've got a deal Xerxes. I will do my best to help increase your power, if you promise to make me your first guild mate". Xura said as she laid down for the night. "Fine Xura you've got a deal".