
The Duke’s Downfall

After waking this next morning Xerxes and Xura headed down the road. Xerxes was once again looking at the beauty of the world itself, which brought back memories of his childhood. He hated that the people in this world were the way they were. It truly was a beautiful place, but mankind left a bitter taste in his mouth. He remembered the pointless murders of his mother and father, the greed of the duke, and the foolish knights that did whatever he commanded of them without thought for anything other than to please the man. He remembered the majesty of the snow topped mountain, and also the corrupt paladin who dared to take Xura's life like a coward. The only thing he knew to be as pure as the world itself was her. She was the only one who has been beside him without fear. The only one who hasn't judged him because of his appearance, and the only human who recognizes him as a God.

"Xura" Xerxes said dawning his usual emotionless face. "I want to thank you for all that you've done". Xura not quite sure what he means asks, "thank me for what Xerxes?". "For your support and belief in me. As a token of my gratitude I will subdue Francis and allow you to question him about your sister, the next time we cross paths, before I cleanse that greedy bastard". Xerxes said not knowing just how soon those paths would cross. Xura with a smile tells Xerxes that she appreciates everything he has done for her as well. "Xura do you find it strange that we have not passed anyone since we left the capital?". "Now that you say something it is rather odd, and there was nobody outside in the village was passed by earlier". The two kept walking at a normal pace, until they came over a hill and the sight before their eyes stopped them. A large army was blocking the road. "Xerxes there must be over two thousand knights over there". Xura said as her eyes widened. "Yes and it looks as if it is the duke's men". Then his signature smile came to his face. "Hey remember that promise from last night?". "Of course I do. Why do you ask?". "Look behind the wall of knights Xura and tell me what you see". Xerxes still giving off his evil grin. "It's Francis. He's here. What an idiot". Xerxes let out a laugh and reinforced Xura's statement, "how right you are Xura. An idiot indeed. The moron has signed his own death warrant". "Xerxes listen I have a plan". Xerxes heard out Xura's plan and was more than pleased with the scheme she had come up with. It was against his thoughts, but if he wanted his name to spread far and wide he had to do exactly as she had planned.

Without saying a word towards the army, Xerxes lifted his open palm directed at a lake located just beside the army. {Meteor Strike} a large dark hole opened in the air above the lake, and out of the hole came a massive meteor. It crashed into the middle of the lake, killing all the life forms inside it, and turned all of the water into steam. At the sight of the devastation over two thirds of the Knight fell to the ground. The rest of them urinated on themselves and were in complete shock. However the manipulators did not seem to be affected quite like the knights. They still seemed to be standing ready for battle. Xerxes mana explodes out of his body as he yells out, "I am Xerxes, God of Destruction. Any who do not wish to die may flee if they wish, but they must first proclaim that I am who I say I am". As expected all of the knights fell to a knee. All as one their voices with the sound of rolling thunder proclaimed, "All hail Xerxes the God of Destruction". Xerxes knew them to be saying it truthfully as his aura once more as he felts his mana burst up higher than it ever has. He felt his power rise up. "Xerxes your aura is now a darker shade of red and seems to be three times as large". Xura said as she herself was now preparing to take on the manipulators who seemed to be loyal to Francis. "All who have made the proclamation may now leave this battle field". Xerxes said as he began walking toward the army, the ground cracking and shaking as if a small earthquake was happening with each step. Now half of the five hundred manipulators were in fear of this monster that was walking in their direction, "indeed you are the God of Destruction", they said as their knees quivered in fright. "Leave with your live you fools who dare to face me". Xerxes said to the ones who recognized his power. Now stopped within range of the dukes two hundred and fifty manipulators, "as for the rest of you, prepare to die". Xerxes said as Francis had finally stepped out and shown his face.

"Kill that fake". Francis said to what was left of his once formidable force. The mages began a torrent of attack, aimed at Xerxes, but what they didn't know was Xura was coming at them from their right flank. {Ability Boost}. Xerxes twitched his left foot and shifted to the left side of the square formation of manipulators. {Iron Maiden} with that his scythes dug out of his back ripping through his flesh and was now in his signature stance, with the blades on the ground behind him. Before they knew what was happening the mages were pummeled from each flank. Xerxes ripping them apart ten by ten as his appearance faded in and out of them. {Chain Lightning}! Xura now entering the battle paralyzing five mages. {Summon Gods Sword}! Boom! A bolt flashed from the sky and she was now slicing her way to meet Xerxes amongst there ranks. Blood covered everything. The mages were dropping like flys. Any attacks that they were able to throw at the two were easily blocked of dodged. It only took a few minutes and the mages were nothing more than lifeless bodies scattered across the ground each ones garments soaked from blood, those who weren't killed by the two died from heart attacks from the sheer terror of Xerxes power. The only two left was Duke Francis and his head mage.

"You've seen the slaughter and you still choose to stand against me". Xerxes said to the hooded mage blocking his path, as Francis frantically ran to his carriage. "Get me out of here now". Francis said with horror in his throat, but the carriage wasn't moving. "Go you idiot, get me out of here", he said as he looked out to see why he wasn't headed full speed away from Xerxes. Francis was at a loss for words. The horses had been decapitated. "Yeah you won't be going anywhere". Xerxes said after letting out a terrifying laugh. "Stay behind me your excellency". "Where is Sarah?". Xura shouted unable to wait any longer. When the dukes head mage heard that she slowly lowered her hood.