
The Eye Of Truth

"If you will not bow of your own accord I will make you", said the commander as he grabbed Xerxes should in an effort to push him to the floor. He tried with all his might, but Xerxes didn't budge. Xerxes flashed behind him, the commander spun around and thrusted his sword at Xerxes chest. With his left hand Xerxes grabbed the blade and with his right he had lifted the head knight by the throat. "How foolish are you to attack after I told you I was a God?". Xerxes asked rhetorically. King Fredrick's voice now came from the throne, "we here in Delmont worship the Gods, and we know each of them by name. Xerxes is not a Gods name. So what are you the God of?". Xerxes gave the commander a grin and said, "Destruction", as he squeezed the blade in his left hand. The sword shattered, and Xerxes threw the knight to the ground. The king once more speaks up. "I apologize, but we have never heard of that God, however here in the castle is a direct servant of the God of Truth. If you would allow him to evaluate you he can quickly tell if you are what you claim, as he can see the truth from anyone that he looks at". "Fine then bring him in and let him see", Xerxes said. "You go call for the Cardinal". The king said pointing to the closest knight.

A few moments later an older man dressed in robes, which bared the symbols of the Gods, walked into the throne room and bowed before the king. "Gaze upon this man and tell me if he is truly the God of Destruction". The king ordered the cardinal. "As you command your majesty". The old man faced Xerxes, {Eye Of Truth}. The cardinals eye changed from brown to completely white. "Your highness leave this place. This is not a mere man". The old man said to the king with a slight tremble in his voice and his jaw falling as low as his bones would allow. "What is it cardinal? What do you see?". "This isn't a man at all. He is a demon, and yes he does indeed have power that only the Gods can rival. If he wants to he could flatten this entire city without breaking much of a sweat". Everyone in the building went quiet after the cardinals words. "Listen king, I have no intention of bringing any harm to those who do not deserve it. I'm only here by your request". "Name your reward. Anything you want, name it and it will be yours". The king states apologetically. "All that I request is any books in your archives that will enlighten me on my race, and also that your cardinal spread the word of the God of Destruction. I wish to be know by all of the people in Delmont". The king surprised that this was all that Xerxes wanted quickly gave the order to fulfill his request. The cardinal made his way to the archives and came back with a book that was covered in dust. He handed the book to Xerxes and asked him what his symbol was, so he could add it to the temple of the Gods. As Xerxes turned to leave he pointed with this thumb over his shoulder to the crossed scythes on his back.

Xerxes left the capital and headed back to Destra, but back in the throne room something else was transpiring. "Your majesty we can not allow that monster to live. I saw it in him. He will revive the demon race, and bring chaos to this entire kingdom". The cardinal said with terror in his eyes. "I know cardinal, but how can we fight against the power of a God?". "Any who proclaim him must be put to death. With each follower his power will only increase. We have to eradicate his name, and then fight him with the full force of our military might". "At his current state how much power did you see cardinal?". "His current power level was at fifty thousand, and for some reason it was rising. As if at this very moment people are beginning to recognize that he is a God". "Fifty thousand! That is insane. Call for every apostle this kingdom has. We will be needing them to bring down that devil, make certain that you get them all, we must move with haste cardinal". "Of course your highness I will spread the word far and wide to every corner of the kingdom. Save for Destra that is". "We must not fail cardinal. The demon race must not be revived".