
Sarah’s Reunion

While Xerxes was with the king, Xura had brought Sarah back home. As she entered her home the girls mother was brought to tears as she laid her eyes on Sarah. Xura carries her up the stairs and laid her into her old bed. Their mother entered the room as Sarah's eyes began to open. "Sarah I can't believe you're home". She said as she fell to Sarah's bedside grasping her hand. "Is there anything I can get you Sarah?". "Yes mother I need some time to speak with Xura, and I am extremely hungry". Sarah said quietly. "Fine dear I will head down and make you some soup. Just call for me when you are ready to eat". The girls mother left the room and headed back down the stairs. "Xura I need to talk to you". Sarah said looking fearful. "The Serpent's Fang will be coming for me as soon as they find out that I've abandoned them". Don't worry Sarah I will protect you". "Xura you don't understand. They are a part of the Delmont underground. They have the power to kill anyone in this city". "I wouldn't say that. Xerxes is a force of nature Sarah. He is a God with devastating power". Xura exclaimed certain that Xerxes was the most powerful person alive. "You may be right Xura he is powerful, but he can't protect everyone. He can't be everywhere at once. So I'm begging you, when they come looking for me hand me over without a fight". "No! There is no way I'm letting those scumbags have you again". Xura now getting angry at Sarah's request. "Xura find a place for mom and Jack. They will die if the serpents come, that is the least you can do is protect them". "Sarah if we fight together we could hold them off. A lot has happened since you have been gone. I am the apostle of the God of Light". "You are Gods Paladin?". "That's right, and I won't let you be taken, even if you are a dark manipulator". She said with a smile. "Fine Xura just promise that you will take mom and Jack somewhere safe". "I promise you I will find somewhere for them to go. I'm positive that Xerxes will allow me to use some of the money he acquired to move my family". "He must be something special if you place trust in him Xura. I doubt there is anyone else outside of the family that get that from you. What kind of man is he?". "Well technically he is a demon. He is unrelenting. When he sets his mind on a goal he will do whatever it takes to make it come to fruition. So if he were to set him mind to the serpents they will surely be eradicated". "Haha he may very well be powerful, but I highly doubt that anyone has that much power Xura. That organization runs deep, and the top guys, known as the six fangs, power is at roughly twenty five thousand. With thousands of underlings. The master King Cobra is said to be of unmeasurable power himself". "And like I said Sarah, Xerxes could wipe them out. Wait and see. When he returns make a request to join him. Once he takes a quest go out and witness his power for yourself. With his power plus my new power level of eight thousand we will surely be the force that puts a dent in the serpents ranks". As Xura walked out of the room she called for their mother to look after Sarah while she went to the guild hall.

Xura met with master Michael in his office and informed him that she would be filling out the paperwork for Xerxes new guild. Michael gave Xura all of the forms, which she had read over and signed, putting Xerxes as the leader and herself as the first guild mate. She left the guild name blank and told Michael that she would tell Xerxes to swing by to name the guild when he had returned from Delmont. She held onto the money as to not cause any suspicion as to where the money had come from. With her duties complete she headed out to shop for her sister some new clothes and for herself some food.

After her shopping was done she headed back to the house to meet back with Sarah, but upon her arrival there were to people in dark black robes just outside of her house. On the back of the robes were bronze snakes. Xura asked, "who are you?". "We are subordinates of the serpents fang. We are here to slaughter this family, and torture the one named Sarah". "Don't think it will be so easy. {Summon God Sword}".The two cloaked figures began a brawl with Xura, who was doing well against the pair of assassins. She had both of them cornered after a few minutes of trading blows. "Well fought Xura the Gods Paladin. We had no idea that you would be this formidable, so we will take our leave now, but be assured that we will return". {Shadow Step}. With that the pair vanished.

"Well fought indeed Xura you truly are inspiring". A voice said from the roof of her house. Xura jumped backwards with her sword still drawn. She looked up to the roof. "Xerxes you're back".