
She looked around the table, curiously. Wondering what other powers they possessed. Shit. If they had so much power, they could easily take over the world and force humans to be their slaves. So why didn't they? She suddenly turned to look up at the man at the head of the table, realizing how important he was. She had greatly underestimated his power.

Caleb frowned as he watched the grim expression on her face. "Don't worry. They would never hurt you," he said trying to appease her.

Rose looked up at him and nodded. "I know," she said confidently. She knew because she was sure they were terrified of him. If they dared to hurt her in any way, something told her they knew they would be dead.

The room was filled with silence after that, and Rose was beginning to get uncomfortable as she ate. She looked around the room and noticed everyone was eating quietly with their heads down, everyone except Caleb and Katherine.

"It's alright if they want to show me their powers," she said as she looked up at him. "I'm really not scared. I'm actually a bit curious about them now that I know it's not just a myth."

Caleb smiled gently at her, happy that she was willing to accept them as they were. "Very well," he said. "I will make sure to put some time aside so they can show off," he said as he looked around, noticing the proud and boastful grins on his men's faces.

Rose nodded and smiled as she finally felt the atmosphere around her lighten. "Are you going to show me your powers too?" she asked him, recalling he had avoided her question earlier. At once, the whole room grew cold again and she looked around at the stunned faces around the table.

Caleb looked down at her and saw her innocent smile slowly vanish as she looked around. He still had doubts about showing her so soon. He hated talking about his powers. He was always reminded of how much of a monster he was… had been.

He wasn't like that anymore. He had changed. Thanks to her, he had finally seen his errors and had tried to rectify his mistakes. If she hadn't come into his life, he was sure he wouldn't be here right now. His anger and his need for revenge back then had driven him to commit horrible acts, things he was ashamed of.

"Master doesn't like talking about that," the vampire next Rose whispered as he leaned over to her.

Rose frowned. She suddenly realized that everyone referred to Caleb differently. Master, boss, sir… did the way they referred to him reflect his relationship towards each individual? She thought.

"I will show you when the time is right," Caleb finally answered as he came out of his trance. He looked down at her confused expression.

"Alright," she said as she frowned up at him. She suddenly remembered his story, and the thought occurred to her that maybe he didn't want to experience the past and that's why he didn't like to talk about it. She decided not to ask again until he was ready to share with her.

"So what else are you capable of?" she asked as she looked around the table. Her eyes landed on Katherine who sat across from her, a smug grin on her lips. Rose wondered if Katherine's power was really that amazing for her to be acting to conceited. "What is your power?" she asked Katherine directly.

Everyone turned to look at Katherine nervously as they knew she didn't like Rose, wondering if she was going to answer their future queen.

"Have you forgotten already?" Katherine asked, mockingly.

Rose frowned and she finally remembered what Katherine had done to her in the library. But, she thought that every vampire had the ability to compel anyone with their eyes. So how was Katherine's power so great? "Doesn't every vampire have the power you posses?" she asked curiously.

Katherine's smile fell at the human's question. She narrowed her eyes at her. "You know nothing about us!" she spat at Rose.

"Kat!" Caleb warned as he felt the hostility radiating off of Katherine. "Like you said, she doesn't know much about us. So instead of getting mad at her question, why don't you explain clearly."

Katherine frowned, displeased with Caleb's order. "Vampires only have the ability to compel humans," she said as she looked at Rose. "I can compel anyone I want," she finally smiled again as she talked to the human.

Rose was surprised and she looked at Caleb. Somehow, that didn't seem fair. That they had the power to compel humans to do their wishes, but not other vampires. "So you can make humans do whatever you want as long as they look into your eyes?" she asked looking back at Katherine.

Katherine smiled arrogantly once again. "I'm a little different than most vampires. I don't have to look into anyone's eyes to make them do what I want," she said with a chuckle. She looked at the guy sitting next to Rose.

The vampire's eyes widened and he shook his head. "Kat don't you dare!" he said as he watched the mischievous grin on her face.

Katherine ignored the man's words. "I command you to bang your head on the table once," she ordered.

Rose watched as the man next to her suddenly banged his head on the table and groaned. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Kat!" the man groaned as he rubbed his forehead. The vampire looked over at Caleb pleadingly.

"Master…" he said, like a child asking for help from a father as he was being bullied by another sibling.

Caleb simply chuckled and looked over at Rose. "Kat has an amazing ability," he told her.

Rose nodded as she turned to look at Katherine who was still smiling arrogantly. "That's very convenient," she said. "If you're capable of doing that, you could easily force your Master to give you his throne right?"

Katherine's smile fell as she glared at Rose. "Not only do I not want his throne, but I would never consider betraying him. What you're saying is enough to have me killed!" she yelled in anger. "Besides brother Caleb is immune to my powers. He is immune to any power," she finally said as she looked up at Caleb with admiration.

Everyone noticed that Katherine's way of referring to Caleb had suddenly changed. 'Brother Caleb?'

Rose smiled, knowing what Katherine was doing. She was letting her know how close her relationship was to her future husband. She chuckled. "That's amazing. It's comforting knowing that no one can make my future husband bend to their will. I don't have to worry about anyone turning him against me, and making him hurt me."

Katherine caught the accusation in Rose's tone and she turned to glare at her as anger radiated through her body. Who did she think she was to be accusing her of such a thing? Not only did she mention her taking the throne, but now she was saying she could manipulate Caleb? Her eyes narrowed at the human, who looked back at her with a smile, and it only irritated Katherine further. She would have to teach the human a lesson, even if she was her future queen!