Establishing Strength

Throne Room

In the Throne room at this moment Legolas Felix is sitting on the throne Below him various ministers and generals sat in discussion. From time to time an ass licking person would intentionally say " Well why dont we ask His Majesty Felix "

This would be followed by a few people agreeing while others paid no attention. One should know only a king or Emperor would be called His Majesty while everyone else aside from the Queen or Empress would be His/Her Highness. For these people to do this along with Felix sitting on the throne showed his ambition to be King.


At this moment the door was kicked open as a team of soldiers walked in with bruises on their faces. After 50 gaurds came in they separated into two rows of 25. A long leg woman with purple hair and purple eyes came in and said nervously.

Sara: His Highness Prince Legolas Ryu The Future King is coming! All Rise and kneel for His Highness!

The Ministers and Generals became stunned. Some hesitated and some snorted in disdain while Felix had an angry expression. Just as he was about to roar in anger a sound of footsteps and eating could be heard. Ryu walked in with a rope in one hand and a large drumstick in the other.

He had used his crush fruit ability alot on the way here. The first time he used it he nearly fell to the floor in exhaustion. He's had Sara go to the Kitchen several times on the way here. However what made him happy is that his ability to use the fruit slowly improved along with his strength.

Although it wasn't a huge leap it was enough. Standing in the room eating on a drumstick Ryus eyes scanned the room. Beside him a man tied in rope with a stick in his ass wept quietly. Seeing this everyone was a little perplexed. After Ryu finished he burped loudly and then said

Ryu: Legolas Felix what the hell are you doing on this Kings throne.

The voice although childish has a sense of dominance that can't be rejected. Hearing this Felix became even more angry as he stood up and pointed at Ryu

Felix: You brat who are you speaking to like that. I am still your uncle and a prince that is above you. So show some res

Ryu: Shut the fuck up.


However Ryu didn't wait for them as he continued to speak as he took out a medallion and a rolled up paper.

Ryu: As of this moment Legolas Phillip is no more. With his final will and testament I Prince Ryu his one and only son shall inherit the throne despite age. Also because Legolas Felix stole over half the treasures of the kings treasure vault. He and his descendants are hereby stripped of their rights as royalty. Unless the money in the treasury is filled by tomorrow Morning Felix shall be imprisoned and forced into hard work for the rest of his life. If it is found that anyone has not only received but kept the treasures from the vault they shall face the same consequences of Legolas Felix. The Commoner. Signed and fingerprinted by King Legolas Phillip.

The room was quiet with the words of Ryu. However Ryu didn't stop as he looked at the guards behind him and said.

Ryu: What are you standing there for. Beat this commoner for sitting on this kings throne. Throw him out of the castle with nothing but the clothes on his back and stick up his ass. Also let the entire Kingdom know of the things that I have just said. As of this moment I am no longer Prince Ryu but King Legolas Ryu.

Felix: Wait. Wait Ryu, no nephew my dear nephew I am your uncle. Your blood I helped raise you.

Ryu: One mountain can't have two tigers.

Minister: Your Highness is this necessary. Prince Felix has contributed gre.... Aaaaaa what have you done to me. Help Help help me

Using the crush fruit ability he turned that minister into multiple small versions of himself. The ministers and Generals tensed up. The gaurds trembled as they remembered the pain they just suffered do to this ability. Ryu looked at the other ministers and Generals and said

Ryu: Anyone else want to speak on behalf of this criminal.

No one spoke as they looked down. Seeing this Felix became even more scared.

Ryu: What are you all waiting for didn't I just give you an order. Or do I need to teach you all another valuable lesson on life.

All the Gaurds: No your Highness. I mean Your Majesty.

The Gaurds rushed at Felix with great motivation and began to beat Felix. Ryu sat on the throne looking at the ministers and Generals. A ball of white light on his hands made the atmosphere slightly heavy. Ryu looks at the minister who was still in peices and said

Ryu: As of this moment this man is stripped of his rights as a minister. Toss him out along with commoner Felix.

Looking at the other Ministers and Generals who showed looks of relief Ryu sneered as he said

Ryu: You shouldn't be happy so soon. As of this moment your jobs are hereby temporarily unavailable. In one months time I shall announce to the Kingdom the new structure of both the political and army jobs. At that time it will be up to you if you can keep your status. You are all dismissed.

The Ministers and Generals showed shocked expressions. However they were too scared to say anything and after bowing they hurried out of the castle. Ryu sneered as he looked at them. Looking towards Sara and the 50 gaurds he said

Ryu: Sara get the chef's to prepare a feast. Half of you are to scout out the Kingdom. Bring all of the kids 10 and below. Tell them if they are willing the new king has a job for them. Also get some weights. from the weakest to the heaviest the more the better. Also get me a stack of bounty posters and map of the surrounding waters. And paper tons of paper.

After two hours all the orders Ryu gave were complete. At this moment he was standing in front of a group of poor kids 4-10 years old. Looking at them he said

Ryu: How many of you are want to stop living on the streets. Have a nice warm bed to sleep in and food to eat raise your hand.

All the kids raised their hands with drool as they looked at the food behind him. Ryu smiled as he said

Ryu: Out that door is a field with five trials. One test your speed, another tests stamina, strength, accuracy, and brain. The one who ranks first in either of these test gets that privilege for themselves and their siblings. Those who dont will have other opportunities to acquire the same benefit. Do you understand?

They all nodded. However he still saw a few who didn't quite get it. So he explained it further for them and after they all understood they went into the field. Ryu looked at the over a hundred kids and said.

Ryu: For the first test. We'll test strength. These weights start at five and add five pounds with each different one. Whoever can lift the most amount of weight for the longest time wins. Line up in a straight line and then we'll begin.

3 hours later

At this moment a group of kids looked on in silence. Each with different emotions as some looked on in hate, anger, sadness and some cried. Beside Ryu five kids of different size and ages stood with excitement. The oldest out of the five is the 9 year old Laxus who passed the strength test and shall be his Zoan fruit user.

The next one 8 year old Alex passed the Accuracy test and shall be his sniper with the shadow fruit. The seven year old Grey passed the brains portion and shall be the user of wood fruit. The 6 year old Loki passed the stamina test and will get the earth fruit. The five year old Sven passed the speed test and shall get the Lightning fruit.

These five shall be his version of the five elder stars. Looking at them he said

Ryu: From this moment on you are the Kingdom of Atlantis Five Sages. I shall find each of you a Devil Fruit to improve your strength explosively. At that time you will all receive new powers and spread the glory of Atlantis.

Looking at the others he smiled and said.

Ryu: You will all have your own opportunity to gain strength although you won't become a member of the five sages you shall receive your own title and power based on your improvement. Now LET'S EAT.


Ryu smiled as he nodded. " Indeed kids are the best choice to start with. Adults would just try to seek benefit and cheat. Now onto the next step."