After the feast Ryu had everyone go to their rooms. Ryu also went to his room. Looking around he could see stacks of paper. Grabbing one he immediately started to train in the root seal. After all he wouldn't simply trust anyone even kids.
This world has the World Government watching over it. The best way to keep things hidden is to ensure no one speaks on it. The Root seal would help that and with his Uzumaki bloodline it shouldn't be too hard. After trying and trying he finally succeeded in creating a quarter of it. Just as he wanted to continue Sara's voice sounded
Sara: Your Majesty it's time for you to sleep.
Ryu looked up and out the window and could see it was deep in the night. Yawning he walked to the bed as Sara tucked him in.
Ryu: Sara did the gaurds release the news on my uncle like I asked.
Sara: Yes your Majesty.
Ryu nodded as he closed his eyes seemingly off to sleep. Once Sara closed the door the room entered silence. After a few minutes Ryus eyes shot open as he looked around. After seeing nothing his eyes condensed seemingly focused on something.
The next moment a chain slowly came out of his palm. Looking at the chain that was a foot long Ryu smiled as sweat soaked his body. As the chain receded he closed his eyes and instantly fell asleep.
While Ryu was sleeping Felix was at one of the ministers houses who support him. They are currently in a room discussing ways to deal with Ryu.
Felix: That bastard brat. If I knew he was so cunning I would've poisoned him aswell.
Minister: Its to late to think about that we need a way to detour Ryu. We need a powerful ally to help us deal with him. What about your son?
Felix: Too far away. He's currently sailing with a group of merchants to sell some things. Besides we've only got until morning to deal with him. I know some soldiers who are absolutely loyal to me. We can deal with him and his little 50 man easily.
Minister: But what about his Devil Fruit ability how do we counter that.
Felix: Humph that trash fruit he ate. As far as I can see it has no killing power. It simply divides things into smaller pieces. It's nothing to fear. But to be on the safe side we can hire a pirate to deal with him.
Minister: As expected of His Majesty. Able to think of such a brilliant plan.
The minister instantly began to do his best ass kissing. Felix smiled in triumphant as he said.
Felix: it's natural. How can I lose to a bastard brat. He simply caught me off gaurd earlier that's all. Also notify everyone of my plan and tell them to come and support.
Ministers: And if they don't?
Felix: Humph if they dont then don't blame me for being ruthless.
Next Morning
After Sara woke him up he had a big breakfast along with the five sages. As for the other kids they got oatmeal. After that Ryu had all of them start to exercise properly. As for the guards he didn't bother with them at the moment. And only made arrangements for security.
Gaurd: Your Majesty it's bad. Felix along with various nobels and army members are marching towards the castle.
Hearing this Ryu had no expression as he said.
Ryu: So he finally showed up huh. Well I was hoping for more time to gain more stamina and control of my fruit but I guess getting rid of problems quicker is better than waiting. Alright all of you continue to train. Gaurds with me.
Ryu walked to the entrance of the castle with the 50 guards of the castle. Standing above stairs he could see Felix leading a large group of people his way. However Ryu didn't care for them at all as he stepped to edge of the steps holding a microphone snail and said
Ryu: So I see you're not going to abide by my orders. Since that is the case everyone with you are hereby criminals. To all the citizens who are not apart of this I ask you to step to the side to avoid casualties.
Felix: Everyone calm down my nephew has possibly been controlled by some Devil Fruit user. I ask the citizens to also move to the side. As an uncle I must ensure my nephew's safety in this sad time.
Ryu merely glanced at this guy before looking at the big guy in the center. Ryu could tell the guy wasnt simple but he had confidence in his fruit ability and knowledge. Looking at his Uncle again he said
Ryu: Since this is your decision I King Legolas Ryu hereby sentence you to labor work on the grounds of robbing the treasury. For planning and staging a rebellion against the crown I King Legolas Ryu hereby sentence you.
Ryu paused as his hand glowed brightly. Raising it slightly and pointing to the right side with the rebels Ryu said
Ryu: TO DEATH!!!
Felix and the rest sneered as they looked at the place where the others stood. However once they did their expressions changed greatly. They looked on in fear as they started to tremble and sweat profusely. Looking back at Ryu in fear they saw him smiling as he said playfully.
Ryu: Could it be you assumed that my devil fruit can't kill people and thus became overconfident and felt you still had a chance to seize the throne.
Ryu spoke with a playful smile as he looked towards Felix in disdain. Seeing and hearing all this the faces of the rebels present paled even more. Especially Felix who was going crazy wondering how a five year old could plan such a situation so smoothly.
Those citizens who are watching on the sidelines looked on in confusion. After all although the news of what happened in the palace spread. It was from word of mouth so there are definitely some deviation. Ryu seeing them all kneel down and beg he planned to show no remorse but he sent a threat and then ignored them as he said.
Ryu: If you move you die. Kneel there wait for your punishment. Could all the tailors and blacksmith present step forward.
After a few seconds ten people knelt in front of Ryu. Ryu nodded and said
Ryu: From this moment on you tailors shall merge together. I have some plans for you for later. As for workers you'll receive them in a moment. The same is true of you blacksmith. The only difference is that you can choose who you accept to hire or help you. I will send some plans for you all to discuss later on. Can I count on you at that time
All Together: Yes Your Majesty.
Ryu: Now onto you all. As of this moment. The former ministers and Generals are stripped of their positions. Also their families shall be stripped of their lands and treasures. The woman above 18 shall work inside the Tailor shops. The man above 18 shall work inside the blacksmith as manual labor. The rest shall enter the palace as maids, gaurds or farmers.
General: Your Majesty this servant has paid his entire life in guarding against pirates. I implore your Majesty to be merciful.
The other Ministers and Generals also begged for mercy. Ryus expression became cold as he said.
Ryu: Merciful. Why I think I am being merciful. After all according to the laws of the kingdom anyone who aspires to stage a coup against the King is guilty of treason. The crime of treason is death to the person and his entire family. Should I just go to each house round up everyone and kill them. Is that the mercy you want me to give? If so I can indeed do it.
The sounds of begging stopped as they all paled in sadness. Some looked at the motionless Felix with hate and anger. They immediately put the blame on him and wished to tear his limbs off. Ryu ignored them as he said
Ryu: As of this moment Felix shall kneel before the steps of the Palace and wait for execution. As for you soldiers. I wont kill you if you tell me the ones who lead you to do this. If not then I'll kill you all and find others to replace you.
Those gaurds immediately pointed out the ones who convinced them to do this. Ryu had them sent to prison aswell. Looking at the crowd he noticed that guy had disappeared at some point. Not caring much he said
Ryu: Tomorrow is the day when the funeral of my deceased father shall be held. In one months time I shall introduce some new reforms, regulations and positions. These things will have equal opportunity for all. You guards are to go back to your duty. 10 of you are to monitor and supervise them. As for pirates as long as they dont cause ruckus dont care about them. However if they do your main job is to evacuate Citizens from the area and report it to me and I'll come immediately.
Guard: Yes Your Majesty.
Ryu: Good. Also dont forget to inform their families of what has transpired. If they resist kill. Send the money and treasures to the treasury. They can stay at the place for tonight and give them enough for food and clothes for around a month. Sara give me some paper. Everyone is dismissed and can continue on with your day.