Not Worried

Sengoku gave orders to those Marines to hurry. Looking at Ryu he said

Sengoku: You'll be labeled a pirate from today onward. Your citizens may no longer accept you

Ryu: Pirate. Nah I'm a King. As for my citizens they may just throw a party in my honor. What do you guys think? How much should my first bounty be.

Soldier1: 100 million

Soldier2: that's too low Roger is worth over a billion obviously his Majesty is better.

Soldiers3: So what's Roger's bounty

The Soldiers immediately began to bicker about the amount much to Sengokus shock. Ryu looked on in amusement.

Ryu: You put the marines and WG on too high of a pedestal. My people are filled with those who loathe you both. And that Magma guy is gonna make it worse. Lucky for you my fruit restrains him and his fruit. But sadly now he's facing Kaido and I'm no longer there to keep them in check.

Sengoku was greatly influenced by these words. But by the end he looked at the Island filled with smoke and devastation. Kaido recked havoc and Sakazuki simply didn't bother to care about the usage of his fruit.

Ryu: Not everyone sees the marines as a beacon of hope to tame the turbulent sea. However sometimes you're the cause or reason for this turbulence.

Roger: Wahahahaha Well said Ryu well said.

The sound of Roger's voice came from the snail.

Garp/Shiki: Roger you bastard actually tricked us into fighting each other.

Roger: I dont know what you're talking about.

Garp/Shiki: You're clearly lying

Rayleigh: you've become stronger kid. I saw a little of your fight.

Ryu: Yea if I had met Kaido at sea or at another time I'd love to continue fighting with him. Sadly it's too much commotion and I'm simply going treasure hunting.

Rayleigh: Oh treasure Hunting. What treasure?

Roger: Treasures. hehehe Ryu let me come with you to find these treasures. It could be dangerous you've got a Kingdom to run after all.

Ryu: Yea right. You're just looking to get a share. But I dont mind. I still need to make a few stops along the way though. As for what treasure it's the city of gold that the guy Cricket found

Scopper: Isn't that just a tale from a book?

Ryu: No the city of gold exists. You just have to be willing to risk your life to get it.

Scopper: oh how so

Ryu: Hehehe Diving beneath the calm belt.

Everything became quiet as the air became still. Until

Roger: Wahahahaha that sounds like fun.

Ryu: So do you need any help over there. Uh no never mind do you still have that paper I gave you

Scopper: You mean that thing with all the weird symbols.

Ryu: Don't tell me you guys used it for toilet paper

Scopper: Don't look down on us you brat. I have it right here. Now what.

Ryu: Well place it on the ship and then hold onto to the ship.

Roger and Rayleigh on the other hand pushed both Garp and Shiki back. Landed on the ship put a hand on the ship.

Scopper: Anytime kid

Ryu jumped into the air next to Megaloceros and did a few hand seals before he slammed both palms down. Garp and Shiki watched as Rogers ship erupted in a puff of smoke. When the smoke disappeared The entire ship was gone and so was Roger.

On the other side Sengoku watched as a huge ball of smoke erupted and covered even Ryu. When the smoke disappeared he saw Roger's ship aswell as his crew. This directly shocked him as Ryu said

Ryu: Well let's go I've got 1 more devil fruit to pick up Before setting off towards paradise. After that I'll grab two more before setting off towards the treasure is that fine with you.

Roger: It's fine. Besides I just came from paradise not long ago.

Ryu: Hmm. I say Roger I know you guys are virgins but there is no reason to be gay pedophiles.

Scopper: Shut it kid these are our apprentice pirates.

Ryu: Yeah right. Hey you two if they kidnapped you blink twice. There's a strong marine over there I'm sure he'll help you.

Sengoku who'd been shocked at the dialogue of Roger, his crew and Ryu came out. He also looked at the kids to see if they needed help. However his lips twitched as all he saw was a firmness to not even blink.

Roger: Wahahahaha see you bastard these are our apprentices.

Ryu: Well no matter let's go the Wood Fruit is on an Island close to Paradise anyway.

Rayleigh: Wood Fruit. You know its exact location.

Ryu: Yea I know the exact location of all the fruits I'm looking for.

Rayleigh: How many are you looking for.

Ryu: Well there was seven but now its five. We got the Portal fruit a few days ago and I just got the Clank fruit. When we get the next three fruits it'll be two left. One of the fruits is with the treasure so that will leave one.

Roger: Alright let's go. I'm really interested in what treasure can make you leave your kingdom.

Scopper: Captain you've never heard of noland the liar.

Ryu: Wait hold on. Throw the rope over and start sailing to the next destination. Sengoku are your man off of that ship.

Sengokus expression condensed but then he sighed and said.

Sengoku: They're off

Ryu: Good. Then for your sake I hope they haven't taken any of those papers or arrows otherwise. Explode


Sengoku sighed as he was quite glad to have those guys not touch those things. He watched as the two ships sailed away. One pulling the other along. Looking to the city he saw Kaido and his crew escaping with Captain John and his crew. As for the reason he could see Garp going ashore and obviously those two didn't want to face him.


Roger: So what's this liar Noland thing.

Scopper: Noland is an adventurer who visited a lot of islands. Apparently he went to an island where there was a city of gold with a golden bell. He went back and told his king. After the king came with him to see such a sight. They found nothing. for lying to the King Noland was sentenced to death. Up to his death he maintained the notion that the city of gold is real and that it must have sunk to the bottom of the sea. The island where it was supposed to be is now an island called Jaya

Ryu: It is indeed real but it's not in the sea but In the sky.

Roger: Jaya? Have we been there before Rayleigh?

Rayleigh: No. By the way is Sven gonna be ok. Barrett is strong in terms of strength

Ryu: Strength? Superior strength doesn't always determine the outcome of victory. Besides Sven isn't weak either he's just calculating.

Just as he said there was a crash. When the dust settled it revealed the figure of a knocked out Barrett. Seeing this Roger and crew laughed.

Rayleigh: Its only been a year. How did you kids get so strong.

Ryu: Come to my Kingdoms tournament in a little less than a year and I'll show you.

Roger: Strength Tournament? What's that?

Roger seemed intrigued by the theme.

Ryu: It's a tournament to determine the positions of the Kingdom. Basically who will become my Ministers and Generals. Instead of going based on smarts I'm going on strength. The positions that can be fought for are the Ten Saints, 8 Commanders and the division captain positions. I already have my 5 sages.

Rayleigh: What's the ten saints and 8 commanders?

Ryu: Well to start with the Sages are basically Saints only way stronger. Once a Sage leaves it means that something or someone is going to be completely destroyed. The Ten saints are the faces that the world always sees. They'll be In charge of sailing out of Atlantis to places around the world to trade or drop of material from Atlantis to another country. Defend foreign enemy attacks from reaching Atlantis. The 8 commanders will be the gaurds and overseers of each Island of Atlantis. The Captains will be their subordinates who direct each district of that Island.

Scopper: Islands? What Islands? you only have the one.

Ryu: I plan to get more. I plan on looking for the gravity fruit at some point in time. If I can't find it then I plan to kill Shiki for his fruit. Move five islands and connect them to Atlantis.

Rayleigh: You plan to turn those districts to their own separate islands and have Athens occupy the center and expand the housing.

Ryu: Precisely.

Scopper: Even if you do that whose going to move in them

Roger: People looking for a safe place to stay. A place where pirates don't attack aswell as where they don't need to fear the celestial dragons or other things.

Ryu: That's right.

Rayleigh: This will make the WG extremely paranoid and eventually take action against you. Even if you are in an alliance with the Giants they wont care

Ryu: Its too late for them to even know what's going on.

Rayleigh: What do you mean?

Ryu: Why do you think I'm doing this trip. Like really doing this trip.

Rayleigh thought for a moment before his eye's brightened.

Rayleigh: You want to break into a higher realm.

Ryu: Not just me. Sara and the five Sages. Besides those four guys are strong especially Laxus. Alex has the More More Fruit and Loki has the Earth Logia fruit. There's also the Metal fruit person. My kingdom is safe as long as they dont send Garp, Kong, Sengoku, Zephyr or anyone on that level. And even if they send them they'll have to send them alone. But even then I'm not worried.

Rayleigh: Why not

Ryu smiled