Next Day


Ryu: Calm down Sven. It's not something we need to care about. Let them speak their lies. Soon we'll be the one's they come paying money to.

Roger: Wahahahaha Congrats on your first bounty Ryu.

Ryu: Its a little low though.

Scopper: They never give anyone a high bounty for the first one. Unless of course you do something to a celestial dragon. But this one is still the highest I've seen.

Sara: Ryu its Grey. Atlantis is in turmoil right now.

Ryu took the snail phone and asked

Ryu: What happened Grey is it WG Agents.

Grey: No it's not that it's just.

Then Ryu and everyone heard it. The people are furious with the newspaper. They want to go to war with the World Government. Hearing all this Roger's crew looked shocked at the support and faith that the people of Atlantis had for Ryu.

Sven, Sara and the people on Megaloceros understood the anger they had. For they too wanted to rush towards Marejoia and fight it out with them. As for Roger and Ryu

Ryu/Roger: Hahahahaha/Wahahahaha

Grey: Your Majesty they wont listen to me in this situation. Can you speak with them.

It got quiet on the side of Athens. Grey had long put the speakers on. The citizens looked at the phone worm in Greys hand intensely.

Ryu: You all know the WG has the Marines, Ciphor-Pole and a host of franchise countries under them. Knowing all this do you still wish to fight with the WG.

Citizens: YES!!!

Ryu: Hahahahahaha. Very well then from this moment on any WG, Marine or anyone of the franchise countries shall be considered our enemies. If they appear In Atlantis waters.they should be sunk. If they appear on Atlantis lands they shall be sat up on a cross for all to see. Also. Tonight we'll celebrate with a Banquet. My first Bounty is 100 million beli


2 Months Later

In the Palace on Fishman Island a group of people sat chatted and laughed. These groups of people are The current King of Fishman and his son Neptune, The Roger Pirates, Ryu, the People of Atlantis and Lastly the WhiteBeard Pirates.

During these two months the marines oddly only attacked once. As for Atlantis several Ciphor-Pole ships are ruined and the people are either on a cross or became fish food. The marines attacked once sending two Rear Admirals.

However after being defeated by those four guys they haven't come again. It's said that Kaido, Shiki and Big Mom have started doing some dangerous things. Thus Garp and Sengoku have been dispatched in the new world to monitor them.

The reason it took so long to make it this far is partly do to Ryu deviating. Not only did he grab the Wood fruit he grabbed several Zoan fruits from pirates along the way. Although not powerful they would still help Atlantis build a strong force. He had Grey Reverse summon them so he could not only give him his fruit but show the people their future rewards.

And these fruits ignited the youth of Athens to work much harder. Which is what Ryu was looking forward to. As for this current situation Roger said he wanted to visit his friend. It's just that WhiteBeard had already been here for a day waiting for his log pose to set so they met each other.

Ryu had invited WhiteBeard to come to Atlantis at the time of the tournament aswell as the king and Neptune. He even suggested that the king put Roger's and WhiteBeards flag on the island to detour other pirates. Ryu even gave some weapons such as spears, shields and a few arrow Cannons. After that they started a banquet to celebrate even though Roger and WhiteBeard wanted to fight.

2 weeks Later

Ryu and company are sailing towards Jaya. Ryu has just gotten the Slow fruit and and Paper Fruit. He didn't eat the slow fruit yet as he didn't want to be reminded of the taste.

Sven: They're following us Ryu.

Ryu: Doesn't matter let them follow. Not like they can do anything.

Indeed Ryu has not only been practicing with random pirates but he's also been fighting with Rayleigh to understand how to make his Haki flow. Sometimes he would fight with Roger in hope of fusing his Conquerors Haki with his gauntlets aswell. The flow part hes pretty much got but the Conquerors part is a little hard to do.

Sven has been fighting with Barret and has already suppressed him fully. Now all they needed was the pressure to advance past those limits. Sara has been fighting with random pirates to improve her own devil fruit after all shes only had it for a few months.

2 weeks Later

Out at sea in the middle of raging waves two ships sat still.

Ryu: It seems we got lucky to catch the knock up stream. Otherwise we'd have to wait longer in order to reach sky Island.

Roger: Yea but we would've had time to prepare if a certain someone didn't wanna go to the calm belt to get a devil fruit.

Ryu: Hey I just figured I'd rather get it and hurry home instead of taking detours after this trip. Besides I found you a good doctor didn't I.

Roger: Oh you plan to go back home after this. Are you sailing or using that summoning thing.

Ryu: I'll sail to the new world before doing the Reverse summoning. I'm hoping that they have a good lineup for us after we come back down.

Roger: Wahahahaha so you also hope for that too huh.

Ryu: I need to fully Solidify my strength and let them know that Atlantis is off limits.

Roger: Here it comes.

Just as he spoke the two ships shot into the air. They then road the knock up stream straight into the clouds

In the distance the marines seeing this immediately reported the situation.

Navy Headquarters

Inside the Marshals office the atmosphere is depressing. The reason is the pirates are becoming more rampant. Also an emerging Kingdom is proving to be difficult to even infiltrate.The spies they send can't get close and can't even sneak in.

Kong: What do you all think

Garp: I think we should leave them alone. That is the WGs problem not ours.

Sakazuki: And what about the damage their king and Kingdom did to our soldiers.

Garp: You caused most of it in the first encounter so shut up before I make you.


Sengoku: Is it on their orders or your decision.

Kong: Theirs. I myself dont care if a country wishes to rely on it's own strength. They dont want to see a Kingdom like Atlantis appear in full bloom. They don't want other Kingdoms to have this mentality so as to keep their Heavenly tribute and status as rulers.

Garp: I'm not going to help you deal with that Kingdom. Dragon you can refuse if you want

Dragon didn't say anything as he seemed to be in thought.

Kong: I wasn't gonna ask you anything Garp. I'm sending the four of them along with Vice Admiral Comil.

Tsuru: Is that enough though?

Kong: What do you mean?

Sengoku: The King Legolas Ryu seems to be able to summon things with tags and also blow them up with tags. The explosion is powerful even better than cannon fire.

Tsuru: The major point is the summoning power. If this thing can be used across long distances and by others.

Zephyr: Then if need be not only can Ryu be summoned but even Roger

Garp: Bwahahahahaha those old guys fucked themselves this time. It's too late for them to do anything. Even if one of them was to go out that kid seems to be confident to repel them. Bwahahahaha

No on said anything as they too came to the same decision. Regardless of anything Kong reported the situation to the five old stars. However just as he and the five old stars are communicating a Marine rushed in without knocking. Kong was angry but still asked

Kong: What is it?

Marine: Sorry Sir. But WhiteBeard, The Golden Lion and Lonely Red have all appeared on one of the franchise countries and are fighting. Half the Island is nearly gone and Shiki has five small islands floating in the sky above.

Five Elders: Trouble comes from everywhere. Kong you set out with others Ciphor-Pole will assist you. As for Atlantis do it your way.

Kong: Alright.


Kong: Garp, Sengoku, Tsuru, Comil etc with me. The country is close to red earth. Zephyr I'm leaving Marine Ford in your hands. Dragon, Sakazuki, Kuzan and Borsalino shall go to Atlantis. If things seem hopeless or they summon those guys back then retreat.

All except Garp: YES!

1 Week Later

2 Ships sailed towards Atlantis but suddenly stopped. A figure jumped off one of them and the sea turned to ice. Three other figures jumped off the two ships and began to walk with the man who turned the sea to ice. After that four figures flew out the palace.

Each one stepped on the air and began to moonwalk towards the Islands shore. The citizens below seeing them cheered as the Soldiers sat up the defenses. Just as the four landed outside the Island and on the ice. A red transparent light curtain erupted and surrounded the entire Island. Those four also began to walk towards the other four