Sages Vs Marines

Same Time At Birka Ancestral Ruins

Ryu, Sven, Sara, some Soldiers, Roger, Rayleigh, Scopper, Crokus, Shanks, Buggy, the rest of the crew, Ganfall, Shandian chief and Birkan King. After going through various traps and powerful mechanisms they arrived at the center of some ruins. Inside was a table. On the table is a small chest, and a few rolled up scrolls.

Ryu: Well we made it Sven. Your Devil fruit the strongest Logia. The Lightning Fruit.

Ryu then grabbed the chest and opened it. Inside a blue fruit with spark lIke symbols. He grabbed it and tossed it to Sven. Sven caught it and immediately took a bite. After a show of disgust he returned back to normal and looked at Ryu seemingly waiting for something.

Ryu: Hmm what's up?

Sven blushed a little and said while scratching his head

Sven: Well whenever the others got their fruits you always gave suggestions on how to use it. Aswell as what to watch out for to maximize the fruits power.

Hearing this Ryu understood and thought for a second before saying.

Ryu: Well you should be able to Incorporate the fruit with your Observation Haki. You should also try to keep your body as is and use the lightning to temper your cells to give you a tougher body and greater reflexes. Creating a sort of Thunder cloak armor. You should also train to damage rubber since well rubber is immune to lightning. You don't wanna be put in a situation where a weak person with the rubber fruit smacks you around.

Sven nodded especially at the last part. Roger walked past along with others to look at the scrolls wondering if he could find a few more of those stones. Ryu also walked over but only found the language of birkans.

However it wasnt much information. It just talked about the moon or rather vearth It also has a pamphlet to create a ship. Roger looked towards Ryu who was also looking at the ship plans and said

Roger: Hey Ryu can I get some of those dials.

Ryu: You want to go the moon?

Roger: Doesn't it sound fun?

Ryu: Yea it does. But even if i gave you the dials you wouldn't be able to go. You still need a large enough battery of electricity to get you there. Right Roger.

Ryu looked at Sven with an evil smile. Roger noticed the meaning and also looked at Sven with a fox like smile. Svens face twitched as he felt his future become bleak. He felt a hand on his shoulder turning it was Rayleigh who said with small smile.

Rayleigh: work hard.

Sven nearly coughed blood. " Is that how you comfort someone "

Ryu: I'll have my ship builders get on this immediately. Sara call them and have them prepare for transfer.

Sara: Alright.

Sara pulled out a snail phone and began to call Grey. After a few rings the phone picked up only it wasn't Grey but Oscar.

Oscar: Madame Sara is there anything you need

Everyone looked over especially the Soldiers and those on Roger's ship. After all they know Greys voice and this one was completely different. Only Ryu smiled as he said

Ryu: So who are they fighting that will cause all four of them to set out.

Oscar: They are fighting Marines Dragon, Sakazuki, Kuzan and Borsalino.

Rayleigh: That's a good opponent for them.

Roger: Garps Son huh

Ryu: No it's not good opponents at all. As far as I know Sakazuki doesn't know how to use armament Haki and only can use observation halo a little. The same should be for the others.

Rayleigh: Not everyone can be like you little monsters.

Ryu: Hehehe. Oscar I'll be sending over somethings in a while so prepare the Reverse summoning in a private place. I've gotten everything I need for this trip so I'll be making the trip home

Oscar: Oh yes right away your Majesty.


Birka King: May we join you when you go to the vearth.

The Shandian chief and Ganfall nodded.

Ryu: Sure. Besides based off these paintings it seems you all are related anyway. Or rather share a common ancestor.

Rayleigh: This passage mentions space pirates. That could be the reason your ancestors left to come here.

Birka King: Possibly.

Everyone talked a little more before Roger suggested a banquet. Ryu agreed although he didn't drink he never turned down food. He traded tons of seeds of different kinds of fruits and vegetables for dials of all kinds.


While Ryu was enjoying himself Grey, Laxus, Alex and Loki are fighting, Sakazuki, Dragon, Borsalino and Kuzan respectively. Far from the Island Grey fought Sakazuki. He used the ability of Clank fruit to Clank together tungsten steel into a pair of gauntlets, boots and thin armor around his torso.

In the air behind Grey a few sheets of steel floated. He used these to create opportunities to deliver successive attacks on Sakazuki.

Sakazuki: Hell Hound

Grey met the attack as he said

Grey: Its quite sad really. You guys are so confident and yet you all only have Observation Haki. Aside from Dragon you three really aren't much to look at. No wonder the WG doesn't care about the marines raising you up. Already so old and can't even use armament proficiently. No wonder you're only a rear Admiral.

Sakazuki: Shut Up you bastard. Great Eruption

Grey didn't even meet the attack head on as he used shave and sent a Haki infused kick to Sakazukis stomach. Sakazuki still in attacking motion could only take it.

Sakazuki: Iron Body


Sakazuki: Ugh

Sakazuki was sent flying and Grey didn't bother waiting as he rushed towards him using a sheet of steel to fly on.

High In the Sky two dragons flying, roaring and sending attacks at one another. One dragon is white all over with a long slim body and four small claws. The other is smaller with two legs and hands, a pair of blue wings and strong body

The white dragon is Monkey D Dragon. The blue one is Laxus. The two opened their mouths as wind formed in Dragons and water formed in Laxus. The two shot it out as they collided creating a great impact. This fight was the most eye catching for the citizens of Atlantis.

The two dragons floated in the air as they stared each other down before they slowly floated down. Reverting to their original appearance. Haki formed on their fist as they knew fighting like that wouldn't get them anywhere. Neither dragon nor Laxus are talkative and both just began to fight it out.

Over with Alex and Borsalino the situation is quite bad for Borsalino. He has three bullet wounds on his body. One in each shoulder and one In his forearm. The reason is that this battle is one of speed and Observation Haki. Two of the things these two specialize in.

However Borsalino is a disadvantage as he doesn't have great application on Armament Haki. His Observation Haki is very good and his fruit makes it so he can escape any situation. Sadly he's facing Alex who has the More More fruit and who is a Sniper.

Not only can Alex increase his own speed but he can also increase the speed of the bullet. To make things worse Alex's speed is more versatile than Borsalinos as the glint fruit needs time for the user to move and can only move in a straight line. All things that Alex is slowly taking advantage of.

This is causing Borsalino no small amount of discomfort and displeasure. This is causing his Observation Haki to be hard to use while his opponent is thriving. Not only that Borsalino thinks that Alex's Observation Haki is slowly improving as the fight goes on which makes him start to panic.

Now the two are simply standing still as Borsalino is trying to calm his emotions while still being vigilant. As for the battle between Loki and Kuzan. Its similar to the battle between Grey and Sakazuki. Completely one sided. Loki didn't bother using the earth fruit to attack much as Kuzan would just freeze it.

So he opted to create a hammer of Earth and incase it with Armament Haki. He simply outpowered Kuzan as Kuzan tried to turn the fight into a long distance one. Sadly this failed as even then he couldn't make anything to destroy the earth walls Loki made. As he observed the situation of the other battles.

He frowned even more as his, Sakazukis and Borsalinos situation are exactly the same. As for Dragon he's in a stalemate and who knows when that might end. Looking at the other two he could see the will to give up in Borsalino.

As for Sakazuki he seemed to refuse to want to give up despite being beaten. Kuzan didn't know what to do in this situation. His justice told him to leave but orders are orders. Besides he wasn't the leader of this operation Dragon is. So long as Dragon didn't give the order they couldn't leave. Thus they had to suffer.