Ryu Vs Zephyr

Next Day

Inside Marine Ford Fleet Admiral Kongs office the mood is rather joyous. The reason is that Although Shiki escaped and WhiteBeard simply left. They managed to arrest and send Lonely Red into Impel Down. Sadly that Kingdom suffered heavily and will take time to redevelop. However Joys never last long.




Kong: Come in.

A Marine came in with a pale face and sweat pouring down his face. Seeing this be it Kong, Sengoku, Garp, Zephyr or Tsuru they all tensed up.

Kong: What is it?

Marine: M.....Mar....Marshall Sir. News has come back from Atlantis. At this time Rear Admirals Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Borsalino are in critical condition. Vice Admiral Dragon is also heavily injured and needs quick medical treatment. Both Rear Admiral Sakazuki and Kuzan have all their ribs broken, along with punctures from those bones in various places. Rear Admiral Borsalino is riddled with bullets wounds and has one that nearly got his heart. Vice Admiral Dragon also has various injuries and gun shot wounds. From fractured hands, arms and even a leg. They are being taken care of by doctors on the ships but need immediate professional help.


Kong: Was it Roger and Ryu

Garp: Its not Roger's style to do such a thing to weaklings. Unless provoked. If it was only Sakazuki then maybe. But not the other three.

Sengoku: I agree with Garp on this one. It may have just been Ryu. He's proficient in Haki and so is the other one with him. They may have been summoned.

Marine: No sir. According to the look outs it was four youths with the word Sage on their backs.

Tsuru: Didnt you say that youth on Ryus ship also had Sage on his back.

Sengoku: Yes but to think there could be six such young people with that sort of strength its amazing.

Kong: Sigh. We know to little about this Kingdom to even plan a strategy properly.




Kong: What is it now. Come in

Another Marine came in and said

Marine2: Sir Legolas Ryu and Gold Roger have been sighted.

Kong: Where?

Marine2: Water Seven sir. They each turned in a substantial amount of gold for cash.

Kong: How much?

Marine2: Well Roger turned in 20 billion worth of gold while Ryu turned in 50 billion worth of gold.

Everyone in the rooms eyes widened at the large amount. Then

Garp: Bwahahahahaha they really found it. The city of Gold really exists. I wonder what those guys in Lvneel are going to think about this.

Kong: Did you get a picture of them bringing the gold in.

Marine2: Yes we did. And Legolas Ryu asked us to deliver a message to Nolands descendants.

Kong: And what's that?

Marine2: That the descendants of Kalgara Friend of Noland are waiting for the descendants of Noland to Visit to once again Ring the Golden Bell. If not he'd just go there himself to deliver the news.

Garp: Bwahahahahaha I'm leaving.

Kong: Where the Hell are you going.

Garp: To Lvneel to deliver the good news before those bastards start spouting lies on a kid.

Sengoku: You're lying you're going to fight Roger again.

Garp: I'm going to do a good deed as a Marine Sengoku. If I so happen to meet Roger along the way then that's just a coincidence. Either way I'll tell that guys descendants the truth of the matter.

With that he left with a smile seemingly not at all worried about his son who was just announced to be in a very injured state.

Sengoku: Lying Bastard. Does he not even care about his own son.

Zephyr: He does that's why he's leaving to pent some anger.

Tsuru: Whose going with him?

Kong reported the situation to the five elders. After receiving the information they became a little jealous. After all that's a full 70 billion beli. That's not a small sum at all. However they would report the news as truthfully as they wanted to.

Next Day

Rayleigh: Well they told a part of the truth.

Ryu: Yeah, which part?

Rayleigh: They said we found the city of gold and ransacked it. They said Roger took 50 billion beli and you took 80 billion. They even glorified Noland as a role model. Saying that the King at that time was to quick to judge. Sadly they couldn't interfere with the franchise countries ways.

Ryu: So they pushed the blame to us and the royalty of Lvneel. How funny.

Roger: That's not all. They also listed your name, called Atlantis a Pirate Kingdom and told its location. It even mentions the deeds of your four sages. Calling them four of the five devils.

Ryu: Hahahahaha they want to use others to their advantage. Sadly it's too late for that. They missed their chance to take me out.

Roger: Well my ships fixed let's set off. I want to see if that last Island can help me decipher those texts.

Ryu: Alright. Let's set off. We've got a tournament to prepare for anyway. It's been like what five almost six months.

Sara: Yes we've made excellent time.

Ryu: Mm when everything is in order I'll travel the sea with a nose of adventure instead of purely going straight for the things I sat out for.

Roger: Wahahahaha that's the way it should be

1 week later

At this moment two ships sailed on the sea and in front of them two ships sat in wait at an Island with no human life. The two ships are Megaloceros and the Oro Jackson. In front of them are two marine ships with Garp, Sengoku and former General Zephyr.

Roger: Wahahahaha well it seems you get a chance to solidify yourself Ryu.

Rayleigh: Mmh they actually sent Zephyr to deal with you.

Ryu: What if hes here for Scopper and they send someone else for me.

Roger: Wahahahaha. Even though they know Scopper is that strong they usually send only Garp and Sengoku.

Rayleigh: Do you know why?

Ryu: No

Scopper: Because I'm in charge of making sure Oro Jackson and the crew has no damage while these two have fun most of the time.

Ryu: That's smart. You need someone strong to protect your friends incase they try to send a powerful person to bypass you two. I'll remember it.

Sven: Your Majesty can I fight him.

Ryu: If it was Sengoku I would let you. But Zephyr is a man worthy of immense respect. I'll fight himself without using any of my fruit powers. I want to see how far I can go without them.

Rayleigh: That's good to do. Sven you can try your luck with Sengoku. If you need my help I'll step In to assist you.

Sven: Thanks uncle Rayleigh.

Roger/Ryu: Hehehehe

Rayleigh: What's so funny?

Roger/Ryu: He called you uncle.

The next moment they all became serious as they grew closer to the marine ships. Roger whipped out his sword as he leaped from the ship.

Garp/Roger: Roger/Garp

Ryu looked at the clash and was only a little surprised. He assumed it but it was still unexpected for Garp to have Conquerors Haki.

Zephyr: You don't have time to look at others kid.

Ryu: By the end of this fight. This kids gonna be the winner

Zephyr: Arrogant

Sengoku: So is it like old times Rayleigh or something new.

Sven came over with his staff and said

Sven: I'll be your opponent for real this time.

Sengoku: Is that so. Then I look forward to knocking you down peg.

Sven: You might not even get the chance.

Scopper: Do you think they can do it?

Rayleigh: Ryu can Surely do it. As for without using his devil fruit it's hard to say. He wants to solidify himself without the use of his Devil fruit which is going to test his willpower aggressively. He also wants to defeat Zephyr to get past that last hump and truly solidify himself as a powerhouse.

Scopper: His chances:

Rayleigh: Ask me that again in 5 days

Scopper: Fair enough. And what about Sven.

Rayleigh: Well he's faught with Bullet and has steadily surpassed him. When he got his fruit his power sky rocketed especially his Observation Haki. He might last up to 3 days at the least against Sengoku. If he's as talented as I think he could go to 4

Scopper: Monsters! Took a year and a half for these brats to gain the same strength as us it's amazing. I feel sorta sorry for Shiki.

Rayleigh: Mmh this brat has set his sights on his fruit. I'm surprised he doesn't go after the fruits of those three. But then again that's only if his Reverse summoning doesn't work on an Island.

Scopper: Well he did say he has no intention of going to a full on war against the Marines or the WG. If he killed those three that would definitely cause the Marines to fight it out with him regardless of the consequences.

Rayleigh: Good point. And those old guys would also retaliate to save face. After this the sea will become really turbulent. I wonder how many strong people will fall by provoking them. Redfield is locked away in Impel Down. Captain was upset he wouldn't get to fight him again.

Scopper: Yea although an asshole he was pretty cool.

These two turned around and joined their crew and the soldiers of Atlantis in playing games. This battle would take a few days. Only Sara looked on in worry and helplessness. The words of Ryu rang in her ear as she held up a bounty poster and a picture. The bounty was of Big Mom and picture of Vice Admiral Tsuru. Her eyes became firm as she crinkled them. Rayleigh who watched secretly smiled and nodded in approval.