Pirate Kings Funeral

Two Weeks Later, Dragon Palace

With Sven's return Ryu called WhiteBeard and Odin. He had promised to take them to the moon, Sky Island and Birka. WhiteBeard didn't want to leave the MobyDick So they took the same route Ryu and Roger took.

Neptune: Thanks again Ryu for letting me join you and having someone protect Fish man Island.

Ryu: It's not a problem. Besides Cindy also wanted to see Fishman Island. How is the training going?

Neptune: It's going great. Before my father passed he already started the shadow project. I'm just inheriting his hard work from your suggestion.

WhiteBeard: What's this shadow project?

Ryu: It's a group of specially trained individuals that protect the island in the shadows. Unknown to everyone accept the king. I gave the idea a while ago to make sure no mermaids or Fishman are taken secretly. This will also improve the overall strength of Fishman.

WhiteBeard nodded as he drunk his Sake. The three continued to talk until the coating was done. After another week or so of traveling they finally arrived at Jaya Island. After restocking supplies WhiteBeard took the knock up stream while Ryu, Sven and Laxus took the flying ship through the clouds.

After making it to Sky Island Ganfall, Shandian Chief and Birkan King welcomed them much to Ryus surprise. He had informed Ganfall that he was coming but why would the three of them come meet him. And with such serious expressions made Ryu wonder what the situation was.

GanFall: Ryu it's good that you've come I was planning to call you but when you said you were coming I simply waited.

Ryu: It must be serious. Has a strong Pirate managed to come here or something?

Birkan King: It's nothing like that. It's that WG you told us about. They left two days ago.

Shandian Chief: They want us to join the WG as a franchise country.

Sven: That's not serious at all.

Laxus/Odin/WhiteBeard: Agreed

Ryu: Yes it's not that serious on the surface

Neptune: I have to agree with Ryu on this one. You're similar to my Fishman Island in a way.

GanFall: Oh I apologize for being rude to you all. I'm the Leader of Sky Island Ganfall. This is the Shandian Chief Sol and Birkan King King Fumo.

After introductions WhiteBeard left with his crew to tour the island with Sven and Laxus. Odin and Neptune decided to stay after all they could gain an ally as well as trade discounts for the country. Although Odin stepped down he still maintained the thoughts of a King.

Ryu: The reason it's not that simple is everything that comes with being a Franchise country. Honestly I don't mind if you do I only want you to have a few strongman amongst you to protect the islands.

Birkan King: We know about the heavenly tribute along with free supplies and the four year meeting. But what else is there.

Ryu: For instance tourist. The WG will certainly find a way for people to gain access to this place safely. After all they can't expect a celestial dragon to come here through the knock up stream. Once travel is solved the next and most important are the Celestial dragons themselves. They will no doubt want you as slaves after all you're a rare race.

Neptune and Odin nodded. Many of their kind have become slaves and it makes them angry that they can't change the situation. While the three winged people showed hesitation.

Ryu: Also pirates will also have access to the island. Not pirates like Roger or WhiteBeard but real pirates. You'll need strength to combat them when the Marines are to late to arrive. Then there are Human traffickers. The WG will certainly send some of them to kidnap some of you for the celestial dragons enjoyment. After all taking slaves can't always be done publicly. It'll cause to much dissatisfaction. There is a solution though.

GanFall: Please tell us

Ryu: You establish an alliance with these two. Of course Odin is retired so you'll have to establish it with his son. You can also hang either my or WhiteBeards flag. Of course both would also be good. From what I know Fishman Island doesn't participate in the reverie. With them their they can help you with that push. You can still post my flag it'll just be better for human relations if you banner with the WG. After all they control the minds of the world

Odin I like this Idea. Although elbaf will not join the WG we certainly don't mind an alliance with you all.

Neptune: I also agree to it.

Odin: This also reminded me of something. Ryu the Long Leg King and Long Arm King also wish to meet with you. They hope that they can also establish some trading with you

Ryu: I don't mind. We'll discuss this later let's go eat.

Week Later

WhiteBeard: So this is the ancient city on the moon. Amazing

Marco: This is awesome Yoi.

Ryu: When we came here we thought the same thing. To our amazement space pirates tried digging through the moon to find this place.

Odin: So this is where your Ancestors lived before coming to earth?

Birkan King: Yes. We found some ancient Inscriptions on the walls. They came to earth due to the moon's lack of resources.

WhiteBeard: So those little winged people are created by your ancestors.

GanFall: Sadly we don't know the production method or how to properly look after them.

Ryu: I could have my kingdoms scientist look into it. There's also two other people who could help. However one is caged by the WG and the other is a bit stupid in the head. Oh there's a third one but he's a true lunatic.

WhiteBeard: Vegapunk and that guy Judge

Ryu nodded as he looked at this place in amazement.

Ryu: Makes you wonder what type of development those in the past had accomplished.

Neptune: And Why there's nothing left to show for it but ancient ruins.

Seven Months Later

Inside the Tower Of Power Roger, WhiteBeard and Ryu sat and drank.

Ryu: You sure you don't want me to seal your body. I'm sure that world could help you. The medical field is much better than this one.

Roger: No but thanks for the offer. I wish to go through with this till the end.

WhiteBeard: To do all this to help fulfill a prophecy that may not come true. You're crazy. And you to think you come from another world entirely.

Roger: Wahahaha. Sometimes crazy is good Newgate.

Ryu: I could seal your soul after your death. After all I do plan to take your body away and bury you on Fight Island next to Shiki.

Roger: That could work. I also wish to see the world you spoke of.

Ryu looked at WhiteBeard who said

WhiteBeard: I'm nowhere near dead so don't bother asking. As for going to that world I don't mind but my children will have to come with me.

Ryu rolled his eyes as he said

Ryu: Fine with me. According to Leah the Tower Of Power will act as a portal between each world so anytime you wanna come back you can

Roger: Sounds nice. Oh Ryu I've gotta favor to ask you

Ryu: Oh what is it?

One Month Later, LogueTown

A crowd so large filled the street on either side as a three man walked in the middle. Two wore green clothes and looked unremarkable. The man in the middle walked with pride as he made his way forward. One wouldn't even think that he was walking to his execution. This man is Roger.

After getting to the scaffold and sitting down Roger asked for the cuffs to be taken off. However the two refused. Just before the execution commensed a man in the crowd yelled.

Man: Hey Pirate King. What did you do with your treasure. The One Piece.

Executioner: Shut up

Roger: HeheheWahahaha you want my treasure

Executioner: Hey that's enough.

Roger: You can have it. I left everything this world has to offer in one place.

Executioner: Execute

Roger: Go find it.

With his last words, a smile on his face and two executioner swords in his heart. Roger set off an explosion like no other has done before. The crowd erupted into cheers. And it was at this moment a portal opened behind Roger. A terrifying pressure descended on LogueTown from that portal.

Three man are the first to walk out of that portal. One man with long shaggy black hair and black circle glasses. Another with blonde like hair and circle glasses. In the middle of them a young man with blood red hair and pointy ears stood.

These three are obviously Gaban, Rayleigh and Ryu. Ryu unwrapped the large scroll on his back as he did a few hand seals. The next moment the body and soul of Roger was pulled inside the scroll. Ryu furled the scroll back up as he looked out into the crowd. Seeing the future strongman of the future Ryu showed no emotion as he left.

Atlantis, Fight Island

At this moment Atlantis is quiet as Ryu gave an order that Atlantis is burying one of its elders. Anyone who disturbs this event that is not a child will be punished. Ryu proceeded to extract the soul from Rogers body and placed it into a separate scroll. Rayleigh then placed the Pirate King cloak on Roger.

Gaban opened the gold casket as he and Rayleigh put Roger inside. A pink haired woman with a slight bulge smiled as she stroked the cheek of Roger. She then proceeded to put the sword of Roger into the mound infront.

This woman is Portgas D Rouge. The wife of Roger. Behind her are the Roger pirates aside from Shanks, Buggy and Bullet. Next to them are the WhiteBeard pirates, Oden, Toki, Hiyori, Momonosuke, The Nine Scabbards, Ryu, Sara, the Sages, Saints and Commanders.

Ryu: This isn't good bye only see you later.