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One Year Later

At this moment inside a forest a muscular man with greying hair stood. He wore a hawaiian shirt, shorts and flip-flops. This man is Monkey D Garp Marine Hero. He stood still as he seemed to be waiting for something. The next moment a portal opened as Ryu a sleeping baby came out.

Ryu: Yo old man it's been a while how you been.

Garp: Good and I imagine you've also been doing good. Especially with so many customers pouring in.

Ryu: Hey it's not my fault I'm the one who benefits from an increase in pirates. As far as I know you Marines have also recruited a lot of good seeds.

Garp: Humph. So this is his son?

Ryu: Yeah.

Garp: What about Rouge?

Ryu: Shes fine. She's well sleeping at the moment.

Garp: That bastard Roger. He could've just left him with you.

Ryu: He thought about it but in the end he decided to leave him with you. He wanted his son to grow into a strongman through hardship on the seas.

Garp:.... What's his name?

Ryu: Gol D Ace. See you around old man. You're welcome to come to Atlantis at anytime.

Ryu then left through the portal. Garp turned around as he disappeared into the forest. This meeting of two of the worlds strongest man will remain secret that only a few know of. Back in Atlantis Ryu sat in a seat at the circle table as he asked.

Ryu: How's the situation in Ohara?

Grey: Stable. The people I placed there have seen no suspicious people of late. However with what they are studying it shouldn't take long before the WG catches wind of it.

Ryu: What about Wano?

Grey remained silent as he clenched the paper.

Ryu: That bad huh. What exactly is happening?

Grey: Oden has been dancing naked in places in Wano. That guy Orochi and Kaido seem to be plotting something. As for what it is I don't know exactly.

Ryu: I'll go to Wano soon to speak with Oden. I should bring WhiteBeard along when I go. After all it's his former crew mate. Anything else of note

Alex: There is one interesting thing

Ryu: Oh what is it?

Alex: A guy who calls himself Joker keeps trying to make contact with us through the Underworld.

Ryu: Joker?

Ryu was surprised as he knew that the Joker was Doflamingo.

Alex: Yeah apparently the guy wants to help us sell and distribute our products through the Underworld.

Ryu: He wants to become the middle man. This sort of position is always unstable. Do you know who he is and where he is currently?

Loki: His real name is a pirate by the name of Doflamingo. He's currently in Paradise.

Ryu: Let him know that so long as he makes it to the new world he can be the middle man. Anything else.

Sven: Tom was charged with assisting Roger in his rise to become pirate king.

Ryu: They just want the plans for pluton

Loki: The ancient weapon

Ryu: Yeah. Have someone monitor Tom. If they see a chance to save him secretly do it. If not then forget it. After this Oden thing is taken care of I'll seal us up as well. As for anything else leave it to the Saints and Ace Division to take care of. As of this moment we are all foregoing all responsibility of Atlantis for the next 19 years.

Two Weeks Later, Wano Country

At this time Oden is walking home. He just came from dancing in a district of Wano. Seeing the home in the distance he smiled as he saw his wife, kids and loyal retainers outside. However he then saw several familiar figures and one he didn't that caused his smile to become even wider.

Oden: Heyyyy Whitey-chan, Ryu, Sara and Izzo. It's good to see you guys again.

Ryu who was laying in the embrace of Sara looked at a Oden and smiled slightly. He wasn't sure of what to say to this optimistic guy.

WhiteBeard: Gurarara you're as lively as ever.

Izzo: Lord it's good to see you again

Sara: Good to see you again Oden

Susan: It's a pleasure to see you once again Elder Oden.

Ryu: I say Oden after how many times you've visited entertainment Island one would think you'd know how to dance by now.

Oden: Hahahaha you saw that huh?

WhiteBeard: What's this all about anyways?

Oden: Let's go inside first.

After explaining what went on the night he went to kill Orochi. WhiteBeard smiled as he understood that Oden sacrificed his reputation and honor to protect the citizens of his country. Ryu thought would he be able to do such a thing if he was put in such a situation.

In the end he knew he wouldn't. He would fight it out with Kaido and Orochi till the very end. Sara and Susan are shocked as Izzo clenched his fist and said

Izzo: Oden-Sama you can't believe what those two are telling you. Who knows what they may be planning secretly.

Ryu: I have to agree with Izzo. As a king I may make the same decision as you if necessary. However on the other hand Kaido is a pirate seeking to create a great war. Right now what he needs most is time to develop. And if I was a pirate regardless of dreams Wano would be my number one place to set up my base. Isolated from the world and WG with a lot of strong man and good economy. I can amass an army and no one would be the wiser.

WhiteBeard: Do you want any help? Or do you wish to go through it alone.

Oden: I wish to go through with the promise. Although it may be foolish of me I wish to believe that they will honor the deal. After all so far all this time they have honored the agreement to not kidnap and sell those in Wano.

Ryu looked at Oden and didn't know what to say. This choice was kinda expected but still hearing it is a bit shocking. To celebrate the reunion of friends they held a banquet. When night fell WhiteBeard, Ryu,Sara,Susan and Izzo left through a portal. WhiteBeard turned and said

WhiteBeard: No matter what happens you'll always have a home aboard my ship.

After they left and in the dead of the night a man drew a small bird that seemingly came to life. After he handed the bird a folded paper the bird flew away. Later inside of Orochis castle his scream could be heard far and wide.

Orochi: Hurry. Quickly. Call Kaido!!

After getting in contact with Kaido and passing on the information from Kanjuro. Kaido had a serious expression. After all this wasn't just anyone who showed up in Wano. It was WhiteBeard and Ryu. He had fought Ryu previously and was always on the losing end. After that he held a high level meeting with all important personal in Atlantis.

Sages, Saints, Commanders, Sherry, Rachel, Ryan, Olivia, Oscar, Toby the head of construction, Vivian the head Palace maid and all 105 Of Ace Division. After everyone was seated Ryu said

Ryu: As of this moment me Sara and the Sages shall officially be handing Atlantis to you all. Susan will be in charge of making sure everyone does what they need to be doing. Ronnie and Rode will take over Alex and Loki's Underworld dealings. Linda and Clyde will take on Svens sea trade dealings. Cindy will take over Grey's information network and Josephine will Oversee Laxus duties Atlantis protection from spies and those who wish to do harm to it. Other than that everyones roles and Jobs will remain the same. Those of you in Ace Division will answer to Susan. Any questions.

Clyde: Is your Majesty planning to travel the world and that's why this is happening.

Everyone else thought the same. After all unlike Sara, the Sages, Roger and WhiteBeard. No one else knew Ryu was from a different world. Ryu planned to see how this world would play out in the future and didn't wanna be to old. So he came up with the solution of sealing himself up for a few years.

Ryu: No we will be sealing ourselves inside the Tower Of Power for the next 19 years. I won't lie to you but I also won't speak the entire truth to you. The main reason is to preserve my age as well as have something to do with what Roger found on Laugh Tale. However once I wake up I will inform you all of something and you will decide on your own at that time.

Everyone was slightly confused by the somewhat vague answer. But it seemed his Majesty has his own plans for the future. As for what they are they don't know and would wait for him to reveal them himself. After the meeting Ryu held a banquet for the entire Island. Although the citizens didn't know what the celebration was they still welcomed it with great enthusiasm.